7 months in braces and now i am in pain
Moderator: bbsadmin
7 months in braces and now i am in pain
I am in so much pain right now. Ever since I got the power chain on my molars things have been going so bad! I get these daily headaches that go down to my glands under my jaw. And up into my joints, and gives me ear pain. Is this normal? And what can I do to help with the pain? Will this pain go away when i get my surgery
- Posts: 72
- Joined: Wed May 27, 2009 10:15 am
- Location: Gainesville, FL
I've had the same issues with jaw/ear pain and headaches wearing elastics and powerchains. Unfortunately it is par for the course for the most part. I try to just relax my jaw as much as possible and take ibuprofen. Eventually it should calm down some. The first week or so after I've gotten something new added has been pretty rough, but it will get better. I don't know what to tell you surgery-wise, I've never dealt with that, but if you're really concerned you should talk to your ortho about it. Hope you start feeling better! Stay positive 

Time spent in braces: 16 months
Retainers: Top/bottom bonded and top/bottom Essix at night

Retainers: Top/bottom bonded and top/bottom Essix at night

- Posts: 92
- Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:11 pm
Glad to know I'm not alone! Srsly, b/w the elastics on my upper molar and the power chains I'm on a diet of chili, yogurt and applesauce! I've been taking motrin and it helps but srsly...OUCH! I haven't had pain like this since the spacers.
Here's to speedy healing and less pain (til the next adjustment at least!)
Here's to speedy healing and less pain (til the next adjustment at least!)
- Posts: 126
- Joined: Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:09 pm
Re: 7 months in braces and now i am in pain
I've not had my braces much longer than you, but I too have a powerchain on all my top teeth except the two backmost molars. Lemme tell you--I am not a female, so the powerchain for me was the equivalent of giving birth, LOL! I think I'm a rather strong man, but I was close to tears the day after mine got put on. Fortunately, the pain subsides after a few days. For me, it took about 5 days before my mouth was comfortable with them. Even Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs was too much for me to eat those few days. Maybe painkillers will help? Just be sure to watch what you eat. I wish you the best!changes09 wrote:I am in so much pain right now. Ever since I got the power chain on my molars things have been going so bad! I get these daily headaches that go down to my glands under my jaw. And up into my joints, and gives me ear pain. Is this normal? And what can I do to help with the pain? Will this pain go away when i get my surgery