I got the 'Radiance' clear brackets on top with the clear ligs, and metal on the bottom. The day I got braced, I thought I was getting spacers untill she asked me 'are you ready for it'? Uhm ready for what?!!! I appears I didn't need spacers, but it was probably better that I didn't have time to worry about it. I didn't have a lot of pain, just a couple days.
The reactions were not bad at all! I am not as self consious as I thought I would be. I guess I should take it as a compliment that people think I am 17 now.
What bothers me is the people who act VERY suprised, telling me I don't need braces, 'why do want that', 'I can tell they are a little crooked but it isn't bad at all'. Anybody else had those reactions? I am just glad those reactions didn't hold me back from doing this. Its the best choice I've ever made. Only 20 months to go.