Hey everyone,
I am planning to call the ortho on Monday, but am worried now...so I thought I'd ask for anyone else's experiences. I know that the teeth will tend to be loose as they move, but one of my molars that my expander is attached to is very loose. It doesn't move side to side, but where my teeth hit, I am able to move it up and down. And it seems like it's moving a lot - I can see the freakin thing moving!! It has been doing this for about a week, but I thought it was just normal. Now I am worried my dang tooth is broken at the roots or something. I am just hoping that when they adjusted my expander that it just didn't rip apart what holds my poor little tooth in.
Has anyone else experienced something like this? Thanks!
loose molar
Moderator: bbsadmin
I don't have an expander on, but towards the beginning of when I had braces put on one of my premolars would go up and down. I went in and they said that that was normal and it did tighten up eventually. It is not fun to see a tooth move like that! I would go in to get it checked out to make sure that it is not too much movement and especially since it is on the expander. Just to let you know that it can happen normally too!