This is for all the young ladies that are dissatisfied because they are young and their parents have made or are going to make them get braces :
Oh honey, smile for all your worth. Appreciate the opportunity that you have been given and just hang in there ! I have never had braces. In fact, I never saw a dentist till I was
16. That dentist caused me to have a terrible mistrust of dentists in general. ( As I was "resting" my head in the chair and he was doing an "examination", after telling me to close my eyes and relax - only to open my eyes a little later and seeing him standing there with a HUGE syringe with a long needle about three inches from my mouth ) I never went to another dentist until I was in my
30's and again had a very bad experience. ( Not numbed enough for a tooth extraction - which he pulled anyway. )
I am now 53, Yesterday I was eating a piece of pizza and shattered two molars ( 13 and 14 ). I called a dentist in town that had high praises from people that I know that go to him. He had me in the office within 20 minutes. Did a temporary fill ( Will be having 2 root canals done tomorrow. ) But today, I was in the office for debridement ( teeth cleaning above the gum line and next month I will be going again to do the areas under the gum line - thankfully under sedation - for two days in a row since they can only do half of the face at a time. It was also suggested today that I consider having braces placed. Needless to say -
poor dental health, partially due to my parents and mostly due to me has placed me in a position of needing excessive and what could have been avoidable dental work. When I was in high school - I wanted to have braces - It was the cool kids and the popular kids that wore braces. ) I was popular - but Darn it - I wanted braces. At that time I wasn't concerned about the benefits. But, alas, mom & pops wouldn't consider it because of the expense. I read on another forum here about how someone elses parents didn't need to feel that they nor their children needed to see a dentist unless there was an emergency in which they chose a dentist out of the yellow pages and went only to solve the immediate problem - only to never return unless there was another emergency situation.
Please, please, please - adjust your own attitue about braces. After reading some of the messages here, I am given hope and inspiration. I am mentally back in high school and am finally going to get the braces that I wanted waaaayyyyyy back then. ( Probably around December - January ) But more importantly - My teeth will be in good health - which in the long run can prevent further health problems. I have been suffering migraine headaches and other pains in the neck, shoulders and back for approximately the last 10 years. While looking up info about braces, I followed to a link about TMJ. I had out of around 50 signs and symptoms 46 of them. I downloaded that article and highlighted all of the symptoms that I was experiencing and showed it to my dentist today. ( Make sure that the dentist can diagnose TMJ - otherwise see an otolaryngologist ) He too feels that I am suffering from TMJ and wil be doing a panoramic x -ray just to make an accurate diagnosis. Thank God!!!! I have suffered daily headaches for the last 10 years, with severe sickening migraines about 2-3 times a month. The TMJ was apparently cause by you guessed it - misaligned teeth / jaw. So, eating that pizza and shattering some teeth was actually a blessing to me. I have no one to assist me financially - and will end up needing to pay approx 11 - 12 thousand dollars before all is said and done. But, for my health - I am more than willing.
Sweetheart - I understand it's a pain in the a$$ now - but, please learn from my story. You are only going to go through this for two or so short years of your life - but you will earn a lifetime of benefits. I have also read posts about older folks like me being

embarassed about needing / showing their braces - not me - I will be the one with the biggest

. Not because of an old high school fantasy - but because I chose to do something very important for myself.
When you look back on your high school/college and especially your wedding photos - you will be looking at the most beautiful bride in the world - YOU. Good Luck and please hang in there. Angelflutter