the genioplasty horror stories are freaking me out
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the genioplasty horror stories are freaking me out
I know i know i know i shouldnt read all of the posts but i have a week to surgery and have to make a decision about genioplasty.....i am having double jaw surgery and the surgeon said the genio would be the icing on the cake....that it is totally up to me and that it will still look good without out it but that my chin will still look flat!
so i am trying to keep an open mind and read both sides on here and i have to say the people on that say they hated their chin and had it reversed is freaking me out!!!!!
this is such a huge decision...i dont want to do it and hate my new face like some of the people on here and i dont want to not do it and wish i had!!!!
so i am trying to keep an open mind and read both sides on here and i have to say the people on that say they hated their chin and had it reversed is freaking me out!!!!!
this is such a huge decision...i dont want to do it and hate my new face like some of the people on here and i dont want to not do it and wish i had!!!!
Relax, talk to your surgeon
Hi Candycin,
I am having the same procedure as you on Monday. I saw my surgeon on Wednesday for the last appointment and he told me he would do the genioplasty as well (I was not sure at that point). He told me how much he will move forward my chin, and showed me pictures. While it's very strange to see your new face, especially from the side (your don't see yourself like that in the mirror), I think it will look much more harmonious.
Talk to your surgeon, it will probably not be a dramatic change, just a nice improvement of your profile.
I am "technically" all ready for monday morning, just have to take deep breath over the week end not relax as much as possible.
Do the same, try to relax, do not read horror stories (people will post mostly when they are unhappy so it doesn't necessary reflect the reality.
Trust your surgeon, I am sure he will do a great job.
I am having the same procedure as you on Monday. I saw my surgeon on Wednesday for the last appointment and he told me he would do the genioplasty as well (I was not sure at that point). He told me how much he will move forward my chin, and showed me pictures. While it's very strange to see your new face, especially from the side (your don't see yourself like that in the mirror), I think it will look much more harmonious.
Talk to your surgeon, it will probably not be a dramatic change, just a nice improvement of your profile.
I am "technically" all ready for monday morning, just have to take deep breath over the week end not relax as much as possible.
Do the same, try to relax, do not read horror stories (people will post mostly when they are unhappy so it doesn't necessary reflect the reality.
Trust your surgeon, I am sure he will do a great job.
4th round of braces...
2nd jaw surgery on Nov. 23
2nd jaw surgery on Nov. 23
- fromjersey
- Posts: 306
- Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:51 pm
- Location: San Diego
I think it's sad that people have to discourage others like this, especially without even posting photos. I had my sliding genioplasty at age 78 and I am 100% happy with it. That was 3 years ago. I continue to believe that most patients are satisfied wiwth their genioplasties and the complainers are a small minority. How about trying to let the satisfied people influence you? Search online and you will find many, many examples of before and after photos. And when somebody talks about a reversal, ask them to show evidence (photos) of what they don't like.
I'm a girl and happy I had mine done. It makes my profile look much better, but also my lower jaw and chin were so severely recessed, I think it would not have looked right if I hadn't had it done. Do a search for my posts w/pics and you'll see what I mean.
If you trust your what he suggests.
Wishing you all the best on your surgery!
If you trust your what he suggests.
Wishing you all the best on your surgery!
October 8, 2008 Lefort1(6mm impaction), BSSO, Genioplasty, Turbinectomies, Partial septoplasty, gum recontoring

for some reason i cant find your pics through the search engine.....
this is such a big decision and my surgeon who i trust completly has told me that it is up to me but that my chin will still have a flat apperance but that my face will still look so much better if i dont do the genio and just do the double jaw....
can someone tell me how to find Ozzysmom's pics
this is such a big decision and my surgeon who i trust completly has told me that it is up to me but that my chin will still have a flat apperance but that my face will still look so much better if i dont do the genio and just do the double jaw....
can someone tell me how to find Ozzysmom's pics
Here ya go: viewtopic.php?p=317441&highlight=#317441
October 8, 2008 Lefort1(6mm impaction), BSSO, Genioplasty, Turbinectomies, Partial septoplasty, gum recontoring

For what it's worth, my advice to you is to read and be informed about every possible outcome - negative and positive. It is a fact of life that not everyone on this board has had good outcomes to surgery - whatever that surgery has involved and whatever the reason for their dissatisfaction.
The one thing you can be sure of is that EVERYONE who enters this surgery desires a good outcome - no one in their right mind wants to be amongst those who are not happy with their outcome, but EVERYONE is entitled to express their views and relate their experiences.
There's no point going blindly into surgery having only read the positive stories, because in order to make an informed decision you need to know what can go wrong - there are risks with any surgery and specific risks with these surgeries. It is going to take some time for you see the positive outcomes from your surgery, so you must be completely sure you have done all of the research you can prior to it.
Much beter to be anxious beforehand but be confident that you've explored every possibility and risk, than be anxious afterwards because you haven't properly thought things through. You should discuss your worries with your surgeon - and ask him how many of his patients have not been happy with the surgery he is proposing.
I feel for you as it is a very hard decision to make - but it is only you can make that decision and you need to have thought it through very very carefully.
I wish you a wonderfully successful outcome and peace of mind as you go to surgery.
God bless xx
The one thing you can be sure of is that EVERYONE who enters this surgery desires a good outcome - no one in their right mind wants to be amongst those who are not happy with their outcome, but EVERYONE is entitled to express their views and relate their experiences.
There's no point going blindly into surgery having only read the positive stories, because in order to make an informed decision you need to know what can go wrong - there are risks with any surgery and specific risks with these surgeries. It is going to take some time for you see the positive outcomes from your surgery, so you must be completely sure you have done all of the research you can prior to it.
Much beter to be anxious beforehand but be confident that you've explored every possibility and risk, than be anxious afterwards because you haven't properly thought things through. You should discuss your worries with your surgeon - and ask him how many of his patients have not been happy with the surgery he is proposing.
I feel for you as it is a very hard decision to make - but it is only you can make that decision and you need to have thought it through very very carefully.
I wish you a wonderfully successful outcome and peace of mind as you go to surgery.
God bless xx
thats what i think too!!! you have to read the bad and the good so that you can make a decision based on all the facts, less then a week to go to make up my mind about the whole thing, i know in the end whatever i decide to do anything will be better then what my profile is right now. i cant wait to have less headaches, apparently i have trained my lower jaw to sit forward to be able to chew properly so my jaw is always been strained, causing daily headaches. thanks to everyone on all your comments it does help being able to talk to people that have been through all this,no one else really gets it
- fromjersey
- Posts: 306
- Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:51 pm
- Location: San Diego
True, there are definitely some real (evidence-based) negative outcomes. But there are also people with body image problems and I don't think they should be added in with scientific, measurable, quantifiable negative results. I don't believe that giving people with body image problems equal consideration makes much sense.
Yes, we should all be considerate and sympathetic and loving, but that is far from equating complaints , mostlywithout photos or x-rays to back up their statements, with real failures.
Many of us are overjoyed and totally satisfied with results. I think we can be rigorous and demanding scientifically and still care about each other.
Yes, we should all be considerate and sympathetic and loving, but that is far from equating complaints , mostlywithout photos or x-rays to back up their statements, with real failures.
Many of us are overjoyed and totally satisfied with results. I think we can be rigorous and demanding scientifically and still care about each other.
after seeing some sind profile pics and pics with my jaw moved forward i have decided against the sliding genioplasty...i am doing all of this for function not cosmetic and have realized that my surgeon repeatedly has told me that it isnt neccessary but would be the BEST look for my face....of corse he wants the best, i want the headaches to stop and my bite be normal, thanks for all your comments and support