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I'm a 24-year-old "pre-newbie," just begining this journey with my first consult in two days.
I'm sure I'll post all my teeth-rific details soon, but since I'm just starting out, I was wondering what you would do differently given the opportunity -- anything from going for more consults, to choosing a different plan, wearing an appliance like the dentist said, not eating that darn tomato soup, the famed "wire incident" (I'm sure everyone has one!) etc.
I would have had my extractions done earlier. I made my ortho try and do my treatment without the extractions even though I knew that I should have gotten them!
2 Years 4 months 3 weeks and 4 days in full metal braces!
Thanks everyone --- feel free to keep the advice coming, I really appreciate it!
I'm going for my first consultation tomorrow -- from what I understand, it's going to be basic, and then we'll go over a specific treatment plan in a number of weeks. That said, is there anything specific that I should be asking about tomorrow? So new to this, but I'm trying to learn! Thank you!
Didn't think of this until I read a topic on here today... I would have asked my ortho about changes in facial aesthetics. I've noticed slight changes in my upper lip, cheeks, and length of my face.
I got metal damon brackets on the bottom and clear ceramic on the top. In retrospect, I would've gotten clear on bottom too. Not for the asthetic value, but having the damon brackets can be very painful at adjustments. When my ortho changes the clear wire by just popping off the bands, I feel hardly nothing. But when they have to put serious pressure on my teeth trying to open stuck doors on the damon brackets, my bottom teeth experience shooting pains during and after adjustments, and hardly nothing on the top teeth.
I'm a 24-year-old "pre-newbie," just begining this journey with my first consult in two days.
I'm sure I'll post all my teeth-rific details soon, but since I'm just starting out, I was wondering what you would do differently given the opportunity -- anything from going for more consults, to choosing a different plan, wearing an appliance like the dentist said, not eating that darn tomato soup, the famed "wire incident" (I'm sure everyone has one!) etc.
Thanks guys! Don't stop smiling!
I would have gotten my braces a decade ago. I waited way too long to get something I've always wanted. I could have gotten them 2 decades ago, to be honest.
I also would have gotten my braces a lot sooner than I do. The majority of my 20's was spent hating my smile. I finally wised up at 34 and just went for it. Should have done it earlier. My teeth would have been straight in my wedding photos
I also would have gotten my braces a lot sooner than I did. The majority of my 20's was spent hating my smile. I finally wised up at 34 and just went for it. Should have done it earlier. My teeth would have been straight in my wedding photos