February 2010 Buddies

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#46 Post by Jac »

traintraxx, good luck for Thursday, i'll be thinking of you :)

Jac xxx

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#47 Post by bb »

tick tock tick tock...

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#48 Post by Audra »

7 days - I'm so jealous. Mine would have been 5 days from now and I find myself still counting down, then getting kind of ticked off. It'll be an 8 week wait from this Friday. I'm trying to be patient.

Hope things go well for you!


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#49 Post by cheekysara »

Hay BB I think we will both be in at the same time then :) I go in on the 23rd but thi is a pre op, however I am led to believe I will be in there over night, maybe this is so I do not change my mind and run for the hills. The 24th should be the actual day of surgery. How are you feeling?

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#50 Post by Davide »

Best wishes to Traintraxx for today's surgery. I hope you have a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.
Let us hear from you as soon as you feel like writing on Archwired.




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#51 Post by Audra »

Good luck today Traintraxx. Come back and let us know how you are doing when you feel up to it.


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#52 Post by cheekysara »

Hiya hope all goes well in your op today traintraxx, let us know how u get on x

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#53 Post by cheekysara »

I am not going into work tomorrow or Monday, both days are half days anyway and I think everyone is getting sick of my over cleanliness. Everyone is coughing and sneezing all over the place and one girl has a sore throat so I do not want to take any chances. It is not doing my nerves any good. I sound like a moany old woman I know "my nerves", lol. No one at work seems to understand that this is a major surgery!

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#54 Post by bb »

thinking of you traintraxx!!

I had my pre-op with the anaesthesiologist yesterday- no big deal. He just wanted to know if I had any big health problems that he should be made aware of. He told me that there is often more bleeding with upper jaw surgery and asked if I would be ok with a transfusion - if by some chance it's required and of course I said yes.
He said that they'll lower my blood pressure during the operation to lessen the bleeding.

I've got a kazillion things to do before the surgery so I'm quite anxious - thinking about things to do - with work, my kids' school, and stuff for my recovery.
It's hard to sleep these days with so much on my mind.

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#55 Post by Davide »

Hey bb,
didn't your surgeon ask you to donate your own blood for your upcoming surgery?
My surgeon required me to donate 2 units of my blood in case I will need a transfusion during surgery. I thought this was a standard procedure for bimax surgeries.




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#56 Post by cheekysara »

My surgeon has not asked me to donate any blood.

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#57 Post by Audra »

I'm having bimax and blood transfusion was not mentioned at all.


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#58 Post by bb »

He changed my surgery from mandibular to bimax 1 1/2 weeks prior to surgery so maybe there wasn't time?? He didn't mention it to me.

I guess I would have donated if I had been asked and if I had the time...
I'm trying to think positive about the whole surgery/recover thing so while there may be a little niggle of worry in the corner of my mind about the blood, I won't dwell on it.

I'm slightly anemic, so if I'm lucky I'll get some nice iron-rich blood!!

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On the other side of the traxx

#59 Post by traintraxx »

Hi Everyone,

Thanks so much for thinking of me. I started to tear up seeing the messages wishing me luck! I'm so grateful for all the love and support on this board.

I'm at day 3 post op and it's been a rough ride. I've already lost five pounds and the antibiotics are reaking havoc on my intestines. I'm drooling constantly and congested. I had one bad choking fit. Not sleeping great but not in pain, just completely and utterly uncomfortable. I wasn't prepared for how tough you have to be mentally to do this... it's a jedi mind trick.

I had upper impaction and genio on Thursday. Friday morning I cried when I saw my X-rays... no more open bite and straight jaws! Tears of joy and relief that it was over.

Going to the doctor tomorrow to have my chin bandages removed.

I think these have been the longest three days of my life...

Love to you all!

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#60 Post by bb »

You're on the other side, and it's a great side to be on- leading up to the end of braces and the rest of your life!
Sorry to hear about your difficulties, I hope they all quickly disappear - the Force is with you!! lol!! And so are our thoughts :-)

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