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I'm not sure if I am just being careless or my tooth are just moving but I find my end wires are constantly popping out. In some instances I am able to get them back into the tiny little hole but most often not they just stab the sides of my cheeks.
When I was wearing NiTi wires and I was closing gaps between my teeth, my wires seemed to pop out more than I would have liked or they would slip so that one end of the wire extended way past the tube.
This is usually more of a problem with very light nickel titanium archwires. It can also occur more frequently if there is a missing tooth before the terminally bracketed tooth.
Tell your doc as there are some tricks -- for example, placing a small amount of adhesive on the end of the wire to keep it from coming back through the molar tube. BTW, that trick also works greeat if you have a lor of leveling to do and the end wires keep coming out and sticking you d/t tooth movement.
I did have my wire pop out into like a c shape. It was still in my brackets but it just like bent or something. I don't know how to explain it haha. I just pushed it back down and it was ok though.
My wires seem too far into the holes to pop out, which is good. A few times they've poked out the opposite end and that HURTS like needles...I found a tiny pair of snips that I use to clip them down myself. (I know its bad but I can't handle those wire ends!)
I have had my braces for about a month and a half and just had an adjustment 4 days ago. Today I noticed that the wire wasn't all the way in just like Jambo said, kind of a c shape. I pushed on it and it popped right back into place. I was trying to figure out what I ate or did that made it come out
Mine used to pop out all the time, to the point where I would go in and get it fixed and then the next day it was out again!
I made the mistake of just leaving it out until my next appointment - 6-8 weeks time and this meant that I could not get my wire changed because my back molar was no longer lined up with my other teeth.
So go get it fixed! Annoying but necessary!
I had this a few times when I was in the lighter wires. Once or twice I got it in myself, the others I went to the ortho and once my dentist (who is at the same practice where my ortho works part time) did it.
My ortho told me it was a sign that I was eating too hard foods and that I should be careful as when I was in the harder wires they wouldn't pop out but it would put more strain on the bracket and that would pop off instead.
I ate a nut when I was travelling in South America and my bracket did indeed pop off and I had an emergency visit to a local dentist which was a nightmare so be careful!!
Yes this used to happen to me a lot. I've got two bottom teeth without brackets (so they can rotate and get more space etc.) and when I bite down with harder food it takes the wire out. I've become quite good at popping it back in again! Ortho never notices...
ive had this happen for the second time now, the first time i went in and they reinserted it for me, they said if it happens again come in and they will clip the wire until i go to a heavy one.. well it just happened again, if i leave it out until my next appointment is this going to mess up my treatment??