b's braces story

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

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Posts: 136
Joined: Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:21 pm

#31 Post by b »

2nd day update..
I feel a lot better already. Its still super awkward, and I cant bite all the way down, but its getting easier already.

Here is my smile.. No change since last adjustment I dont think..

Side view open...

Side view closed... You can see now how it works. It stops my bottom jaw from going back.

Here is what my new bite looks like. It will look nicer once both sides can touch, and my bottom teeth are straight...

I wish I had pictures of my bite before. My top teeth completely covered my bottom teeth, and I had a bad over bite. I am so happy with the way things are going so far.
Next adjustment March 18th!
Spacers in Aug. '09
MARA without elbows on Aug/09
Braces on Nov. 20/09
Elbows for MARA in Feb. 25/10
Braces off August 26, 2010!
Essix Retainers

my story: http://archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=33571

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Joined: Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:14 pm


#32 Post by kbonnifet »

Just curious, as I too just recently got a Mara (one month ago), are you able to smile normally with your device in?? I cannot open my mouth that wide, my cheeks get caught on the bottom arms and I am not sure if I need to call the dr or if this is normal... Thanks!

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#33 Post by b »

Hmm.. well I got the MARA put in without the top elbows first. I cant really remember if I couldn't smile properly, but I do remember those bottom arms making big holes in my cheeks at first, and it really hurt my cheeks to smile because they stuck out so far.. so I guess my cheeks did get a little stuck on them. Do you have your braces yet? When is your next appointment? I would ask your ortho, but chances are you still need more time to get used to it. I remember it taking a while to get used to mine.
Spacers in Aug. '09
MARA without elbows on Aug/09
Braces on Nov. 20/09
Elbows for MARA in Feb. 25/10
Braces off August 26, 2010!
Essix Retainers

my story: http://archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=33571

Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:14 pm

#34 Post by kbonnifet »

I have my top braces on already but not the bottoms - it doesn't just hurt to smile, I CANNOT smile at all! Everybody tells me I look mad all the time. It has been painful though, I couldn't eat for 2 weeks and am just now able to eat soft foods - before my cheeks were getting torn open every time I opened my mouth and then I finally went in and asked the ortho to see if anything was poking out. Sure enough there were - I am just hoping this gets better soon. I can see that it is improving my bite but don't want to go a full year without being able to smile. I appreciate looking at all of your pics too - that is great that you documented it all, wish I would've thought to do that!

Why did they put your Mara in without the arms at first?

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#35 Post by b »

Because I got it before I got braces. He said If we put the elbows in before I get the braces, It would cause my front teeth to jet out.
I am guessing he put it in before the braces so I would get used to it before I got the elbows and the braces? I am glad he did that, because I dont find the elbows uncomfortable at all, it was only awkward for a few days. I cant imagine getting all of it at once! I am sure things will get better for you. With braces you have to remember that you eventually do get used to everything. I am just lucky that I got it peice by peice.
Spacers in Aug. '09
MARA without elbows on Aug/09
Braces on Nov. 20/09
Elbows for MARA in Feb. 25/10
Braces off August 26, 2010!
Essix Retainers

my story: http://archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=33571

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#36 Post by cheyeaitsxchelsea »

I see that your molars dont line up at the moment, and it looks uncomfy. Before braces and everything were your molars in the correct position?

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#37 Post by b »

I was actually getting concerned about that too. They used to line up before I got the elbows for the MARA. I don't really notice it though, because my molars didn't touch since I got the first part of the MARA which has metal caps on my one of my top and bottom molars. I also have molar buildups still. I am going to ask my ortho at the next appt. I actually didnt notice it until I took these pictures.
Spacers in Aug. '09
MARA without elbows on Aug/09
Braces on Nov. 20/09
Elbows for MARA in Feb. 25/10
Braces off August 26, 2010!
Essix Retainers

my story: http://archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=33571

Posts: 136
Joined: Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:21 pm

#38 Post by b »

Just got back from fourth adjustment.
Nothing new at all! He looked at me a few seconds, told me bite down a couple times, then said "leave everything the same" and took off. I wish that he would ask me if I had any questions or concerns. I am to shy to say anything when I know he is really busy.

It felt really weird to have the elbows for the MARA off. My jaw still sat in the same place when I was biting down, but if I moved it back it felt.. wrong.. If that makes sense. I guess that means it is working!
Spacers in Aug. '09
MARA without elbows on Aug/09
Braces on Nov. 20/09
Elbows for MARA in Feb. 25/10
Braces off August 26, 2010!
Essix Retainers

my story: http://archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=33571

Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:56 pm

#39 Post by iloveharrypotter1003 »

Hey, I'm 17 years old and I have about a 4mm overbite. I had my uppers placed March 2009 and my lowers placed August 2009. I'm now at the stage where I'm getting my bite corrected. The orthodontist is going to try a forsus spring, but he said it might not work and jaw surgery may be the only option. I am very reluctant to undergo such a massive surgery, and I was wondering if you could tell me about this MARA appliance. How does it work? Also, I've had my braces on for a year already, can I still have the appliance placed? Thank you. (sorry for the long message)

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#40 Post by mikesmile »

Hi b :)
Nothing new at all! He looked at me a few seconds, told me bite down a couple times, then said "leave everything the same" and took off. I wish that he would ask me if I had any questions or concerns. I am to shy to say anything when I know he is really busy.
I know just how you feel. We're paying a lot of money for a very customized service (and enduring plenty of discomfort). Although the orthos see many patients during the course of a month, it's frustrating to feel rushed (and our feelings possibly overlooked) when we go in for an adjustment. We wait weeks in between visits and it would be nice to be given a chance to ask a question or two each time we finally get to see the doctor.

Anyway b, your teeth do look great and it appears that you're making good progress...

Estimate 12-14 Months

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