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#1 Post by UGH!NOTAGAIN »

my wisdom teeth r coming out tomorrow!!
local anesthetic only! what am i gonna feel?

any tips for the recovery??

i got my first adjustment on wednesday, they said i got a stronger wire but it doesnt feel any different than my first one..
ima try to post pics as soon as i get time

my teeth have moved so much! im ready to get them off! lol 8)

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#2 Post by berry »

Well I've never had my wisdom teeth out, but I've had the tooth beside it taken out with only local anesthetic.

The injections are unpleasant but they are soon over and you won't feel a thing when the dentist removes the teeth. I don't know how it will be for you, if they are impacted or anything, but for me all I felt was a bit of pressure on the jaw, nothing to worry about.

Just keep eating soft foods afterwards, and don't spit, rinse or suck through a straw for the first day or so. The dentist usually gives you some instructions for aftercare anyway.

Good luck with that and your braces :)

Steph in Sac
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#3 Post by Steph in Sac »

Are they out of the gum or still in? I had one removed that was out--so it was basically just like getting a tooth pulled. I did that with just novicaine and he had it out before the assistant could even get her gloves on and get settled. I cracked up because it was one of the easiest dental procedures I'd ever done and I put it off for years. I have one remaining and it's impacted in the gum. That guy's gonna stay put. ;o)

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#4 Post by LuckyStrike »

I had a wisdom teeth pulled out with local anesthetic aswell. It was semi-impacted. It didn't take longer than four or five minutes. Didn't hurt at all, I couldn't believe it was that simple. The following days weren't as untolerable as everyone told me they'd be; the pain wasn't really that bad, my face didn't swell (and I didn't apply any ice either, though I'm not saying your case will be the same). It was just a few months ago and I can hardly remember it, really, which means it wasn't a horrible experience or anything like people say it is. It's comparable to braces I guess; hard to chew for two or three days, small occasional pain in the area the tooth was, it's no biggie. You'll have to go back to remove the stitches one week later, but you won't feel a thing. I know I didn't feel a thing, either getting or removing the stitches.

Good luck.

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#5 Post by sdilley »

I had 3 out at one time (about 10 years ago.) The main thing I learned is to listen to the guy you paid to take your teeth out. Listen to the instructions he gives. And stay ahead of any pain. Take a pain pill when you get home (with warm water, it helps it to get into your system quicker) Good luck!!!

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