Lewicks brace story

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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#16 Post by leahmb »

Hey Lewick!

The changes in your upper teeth are so inspiring!!! I just got my top braces put on a week yesterday and I have a very similar canine that you started with only its just on my left side, I am really self concious in the braces right now having that tooth even MORE noticable haha but seeing how fast yours moved into placed just makes me even more excited to see what the next couple weeks hold for me! about how long in did you find they were falling into place?? I have my first adjustment on May 27th so its still a pretty long ways away but i am finding that the time sure does fly! So congrats on starting your journey and having such awesome progress already!

Thanks for sharing your story :D


Braced April 8th 2010

Sentence - 12-15 months

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#17 Post by Lewick »

Thanks alot Leah :D Well to be completely honest, i'd had people telling me that they could see my teeth straightening up quite early on but I didnt believe them until I took pictures at about 5 weeks. I suppose when its your own mouth you don't really notice the changes!
Congrats on getting your braces put on. How are you finding it? I'm sure your starting to get used to them :) and your right, the time really does fly by!

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#18 Post by leahmb »

That is so awesome!!! if my tooth could fall into place at the 5 week mark like yours ... ill be the happiest girl!!! i think i would feel alot more comfortable in my braces after that tooth is in its new home! I have adjusted quite well to the braces, i had minimal pain with the braces so far and i was never really limited on what i could eat (well after the extraction sites began to heal of course haha ) but im used to them being under my lips, mind you i dont have the bottoms on yet so i'm sure the comfort will dimish once those babies are on! oh well i'm just excited to start seing visible results (like yours) im sure i will start to smile so much more!!! this forum is so helpful! its great being able to talk to people in similar situations makes you feel so much better about yourself!! haha

Braced April 8th 2010

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#19 Post by yj207 »

Your teeth are moving fast! Is that an expander on the top? Are they trying to widen your arch? Good luck on your braces journey!
Braced for 23 months 1 week and 3 days!
I had 4 extractions and all my wisdom teeth removed.
I decided to get removal retainers so it will be easier to floss.

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#20 Post by Lewick »

Thats great that you've got used to them so quick and that there hasnt been too much pain for you to deal with. It does make the whole process a lot easier knowing that theres some movement taking place. I'm sure you'll start seeing your teeth move a lot earlier than you expect :)
It sure is a great forum, I realise i'm alot younger than most of the people here but I don't know anyone else whose going through braces right now and I only ever knew 3 people who had braces in high school :shock: It sure is nice coming on here and talking to people in the same boat and seeing their progress! :D

Thanks yj207. According to my treatment plan its a palatal button, to stop my upper teeth from moving forward during treatment. Its attached to the rings on my upper top molars by a thin piece of metal.

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#21 Post by Lewick »

I don't have anything interesting to update with to be completely honest. Whilst eating is still a bit of a pain (mostly with actually biting food) I havent been having any terrible pain in my teeth, if i do it'll be more of a dull ache and will only last a few hours. Its still a month until my next adjustment, but I thought that since i've now had my braces on for 9 months I'd do a little 'now and then'. I'm amazed by how much my teeth have moved in such a short space of time!

So this is when I first got my braces put on (19th February)


And I took these about 15 minutes ago


Thats all for now really, I don't think my teeth look amazing yet by any means but i'm excited to see what the next 22 months have in store if this is whats happened in just over 2 months! :)

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#22 Post by Lewick »

since i've now had my braces on for 9 months
I wish it had been 9 months, I meant 9 weeks haha. Sorry! :oops:

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2nd Adjustment

#23 Post by Lewick »

Well this morning I went for my second adjustment! It's amazing how i've gradually been getting less and less scared before my dentist appointments. Well it went just as my last adjustment.. my ortho took off my ligs, pulled out the wire, clipped a few things, threaded new wire in.. and then - POWERCHAINS on my uppers, going from my 'fangs' to my molars. I'm excited because it means that the spaces left from having teeth extracted will be closing up a bit quicker.
Right now though i'm in absolute agony... painkillers havent even worked. It didn't hurt at all throughout my adjustment, then came the tight feeling and now its just painful :(
Anyway, picture time..

Image Image Image

Also, i've taken one of my smile from the right side to show off my powerchain..


Also, if you look closely between the extraction gap on my lowers theres a piece of elastic going around the wire. And also that gap between my fang and the tooth infront of it was definately not there this morning!

So there's my little update, i'm gonna go find a way to make the pain in my mouth subside. Hope everyones journeys are going well!

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#24 Post by cosmo »

:D congrats! your teeth are looking terrific.
I can't believe you've only had them on for three months. I love the colors too. If your teeth could have an emotion i'd sayt heya re super duper happy!

Today is my one mark and the first time i see a difference on my uppers my front tooth looks like yours did and I am exicted because by your 9 week mark yours were so straight.



My Brace Story:
http://archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.p ... highlight=
1st Adjustment: 6/12/10-wire .014, top n bottom

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#25 Post by Blake24 »

Hey Lewick,

I have been following your story. Wow! What tremendous movement on your uppers and lowers. I believe your smile will be incredible when this whole "ordeal" is through haha.


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#26 Post by Lewick »

Thanks cosmo and blake for your replies, its nice hearing kind comments from people who are going through the same thing as myself :)

I'm amazed by how much the powerchains have moved my teeth in just 24 hours, but my mouth isn't half hurting. All i've managed to eat today is a cup-a-soup, so i'm hungry aswell as everything else aha. Oh well, we're having nice weather here in Britain so i'm off to go enjoy that and hopefully forget about my mouth! Hope everyone has a good weekend.


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#27 Post by cosmo »

ugh! i hate that soup diet. I love losing the weight but i hate when people around me are eating burgers or ribs and I can't.

You've made great progress in such a short amount of time heck if my teeth moved as fast yours I wouldn't mind soups at all but unfortunately I am barely starting to notice a change.


My Brace Story:
http://archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.p ... highlight=
1st Adjustment: 6/12/10-wire .014, top n bottom

follow my blog @ http://www.honneyinthesun.com

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#28 Post by Lewick »

I love soups, but only when I actually want to eat one, not when I have to because my teeth hurt haha. Luckily the pain has subsided now :)
Don't worry about it, your teeth are moving even if it isnt visible yet. There'll be one morning and you'll look at your teeth and think 'wow'. The only movement i'm seeing right now is gaps appearing because of the powerchains :( haha.

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#29 Post by cosmo »

maybe i should get power chains for my snaggle tooth :(


My Brace Story:
http://archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.p ... highlight=
1st Adjustment: 6/12/10-wire .014, top n bottom

follow my blog @ http://www.honneyinthesun.com

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#30 Post by Margie »

I got my first powerchain at my last adjustment (almost 4 weeks ago) and I have to say I was surprised at how quickly it moved my teeth.

Your teeth are looking good!

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