Scared Little School Girl
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Hi jensceana
About the picture taking.....That's right - look for the flower or butterfly setting on your digital camera. I just found mine yesterday, in fact, and took my first decent braces shots. I'll be posting some new ones shortly. I've always been impressed by some of the pics people submit here of their teeth.
Congrats about getting hit on (& looking younger than you are). I think my braces make me look younger too!
Don't pay any heed to those idiots who tell you you're too old for braces. Such a small minded point of view...what do they recommend, then?
Sorry to hear about your hubby's b.p. Mine spikes up sometimes, but only in response to stress. When I'm relaxed, it's quite normal. My wife's a nurse and she's always warning me that hypertension can lead to strokes. Keep him relaxed.....
Glad to hear that you're enjoying your new braces. Hope you're adjusting quickly to the new hardware. Can't wait to see some more photos. Later...

Estimate 12- 14 Months

About the picture taking.....That's right - look for the flower or butterfly setting on your digital camera. I just found mine yesterday, in fact, and took my first decent braces shots. I'll be posting some new ones shortly. I've always been impressed by some of the pics people submit here of their teeth.

Congrats about getting hit on (& looking younger than you are). I think my braces make me look younger too!

Sorry to hear about your hubby's b.p. Mine spikes up sometimes, but only in response to stress. When I'm relaxed, it's quite normal. My wife's a nurse and she's always warning me that hypertension can lead to strokes. Keep him relaxed.....
Glad to hear that you're enjoying your new braces. Hope you're adjusting quickly to the new hardware. Can't wait to see some more photos. Later...

Estimate 12- 14 Months
- jensceana73
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Well, I made it...a full week...and my teeth haven't fallen out. YEE HAW.
(Guess my dream was just that...a dream) So...lets recap what I've learned over the last week....
a. my lips can stretch MUCH farther than I ever expected...EVER
b. my back teeth no longer meat. bye bye bacon.
c. my oral routine...takes..FOREVER I brush..5 x's a day. WTH.
d. I spend more time with my toothbrush..than with my husband
e. my super dry..ALL the time...why is this????
f. my tongue, now has something new to play with
g. I really, quite don't know how to smile,...big,small,all teeth,no teeth?
h. I should probably start buying stock in chap stick
i. the kids think I'm a dork (like I wasn't before, please)
j. don't eat scrambled'll be picking them out for ever
k. a liquid diet really DOES work...5lbs as of this morning
l. i know absolutely NOTHING about taking pictures up close..NOTHING
m. i find myself staring at my teeth CONSTANTLY..why is this?
Anyway, those are just a few of the things I have learned over this last week. I'm sure there is more to come.
Thanks to mikesmile and i love my teeth for the advise on using my camera. I'm still not doing very good. Better, but not as good as some of these pics on see on here. It'll come with practice I guess.
My son had 2 baby teeth pulled yesterday. So while I was at the dentist's office I was showing off my braces to everyone and anyone who would even look my way. Even small children and elderly people.
My son informed me that next time....his dad will be taking him, cause I'm just too "weird". "Someone we know might see us"..lololololol. Paybacks a &itch, ain't it???!!!! (all those time's you screamed your head off out in public as a small child, now I'm paying you back)
Eating is getting a little better. Teeth still don't touch in the back and are just a little sensitive, so there's NO WAY I'll be eating anything tough anytime soon.
My husband won't give me any "tongue" when he kisses me...tells me I need to get a "bit" more practice (weeks) in with these things, so I'm feeling deprived in more ways than just food!!
Anyway, going to Chicago next weekend to visit with family. Hope things get good enough so that I can at least enjoy some of those fabulous Italian Restaurants. YUMMIE
Toodles for now peeps

a. my lips can stretch MUCH farther than I ever expected...EVER

b. my back teeth no longer meat. bye bye bacon.
c. my oral routine...takes..FOREVER I brush..5 x's a day. WTH.
d. I spend more time with my toothbrush..than with my husband

e. my super dry..ALL the time...why is this????
f. my tongue, now has something new to play with

g. I really, quite don't know how to smile,...big,small,all teeth,no teeth?
h. I should probably start buying stock in chap stick
i. the kids think I'm a dork (like I wasn't before, please)
j. don't eat scrambled'll be picking them out for ever
k. a liquid diet really DOES work...5lbs as of this morning

l. i know absolutely NOTHING about taking pictures up close..NOTHING
m. i find myself staring at my teeth CONSTANTLY..why is this?

Anyway, those are just a few of the things I have learned over this last week. I'm sure there is more to come.
Thanks to mikesmile and i love my teeth for the advise on using my camera. I'm still not doing very good. Better, but not as good as some of these pics on see on here. It'll come with practice I guess.

My son had 2 baby teeth pulled yesterday. So while I was at the dentist's office I was showing off my braces to everyone and anyone who would even look my way. Even small children and elderly people.

My son informed me that next time....his dad will be taking him, cause I'm just too "weird". "Someone we know might see us"..lololololol. Paybacks a &itch, ain't it???!!!! (all those time's you screamed your head off out in public as a small child, now I'm paying you back)
Eating is getting a little better. Teeth still don't touch in the back and are just a little sensitive, so there's NO WAY I'll be eating anything tough anytime soon.

Anyway, going to Chicago next weekend to visit with family. Hope things get good enough so that I can at least enjoy some of those fabulous Italian Restaurants. YUMMIE

Toodles for now peeps

- Posts: 100
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- Location: Cody-Boardman, Ohio
- jensceana73
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K....I want a friggin bacon cheeseburger..and I want one..NOW.
I'm two seconds from stickin one in the blender...and getting it one way or the other.
Not much going on other than that. I think about food constantly. I see people eating something that I really want, but yet know I can't chew and I feel like tackling them and ramming what their about to eat....down my throat. No chewing, no tasting. Just shoving it in my pie-hole.
I have a back tooth that since getting braced...hurts like a ma-va!!!!
Don't know why. Just does. Between the bumping of the front teeth, and the not touching of the back...I feel like someone with NO I'm just "gumming" my food.
I find it very interesting that for years..I always felt so self conscious of my smile. Sometimes not wanting to smile, sometimes, covering it up, and now...I smile all the time, like I'm on some kind of high dose pain killer, when in all reality, IT'S THE SAME DAMN SMILE!!!! What's up with that????
My husband claims he's worse off than me.
Ya, Ok...WHAT..EVER. Do you get to eat meat? Yep. Do you only have to spend 2 min on your teeth at night? Yep. Does your mouth get so dry it could grow a small cactus in it? Nope. Worse off than me??? I...think...NOT. Did you get to eat an egg role tonight at dinner?? Yep. Did I? NOPE. YOU ARE NOT WORSE OFF THAN ME!!!!!
Water-pick? Is this really worth buying? Pros's...con's.. anybody with any great advise....please advise. In fact...I've become soooo in love with my teeth, that if someone out there has a product that they absolutely just love to death...please do tell. Since my husbands claims I've become an expert at making love to my teeth, why not use all the "props" I can possibly find.

Not much going on other than that. I think about food constantly. I see people eating something that I really want, but yet know I can't chew and I feel like tackling them and ramming what their about to eat....down my throat. No chewing, no tasting. Just shoving it in my pie-hole.

I have a back tooth that since getting braced...hurts like a ma-va!!!!

I find it very interesting that for years..I always felt so self conscious of my smile. Sometimes not wanting to smile, sometimes, covering it up, and now...I smile all the time, like I'm on some kind of high dose pain killer, when in all reality, IT'S THE SAME DAMN SMILE!!!! What's up with that????

My husband claims he's worse off than me.

Water-pick? Is this really worth buying? Pros's...con's.. anybody with any great advise....please advise. In fact...I've become soooo in love with my teeth, that if someone out there has a product that they absolutely just love to death...please do tell. Since my husbands claims I've become an expert at making love to my teeth, why not use all the "props" I can possibly find.

- jensceana73
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Thanks Ken, for your vote FOR the waterpik. I'm just amazed at how much stuff I can pick out of my braces after I have brushed...floss...rinse with mouth wash
...pick...brush...rinse...and I STILL manage to find a straggler in those babies.
Oh ya, and I just noticed that in my last post, I mentioned "husbands", NO I do not have more than one....although

Oh ya, and I just noticed that in my last post, I mentioned "husbands", NO I do not have more than one....although

- jensceana73
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OK, just it normal or "OK" to wake up and have a bracket cutting the hehoo out of my cheek in a spot it never was doing that before at?
Cause all of a sudden, top back brackets are cutting the heck out of my cheek. Is something getting ready to fall off????!!!
Today's my hubby's birthday
...guess I'll just make myself feel a little better by over doing it on the ice cream. Boo Ya!!! Happy 46th...ahh I mean 21st! 

Today's my hubby's birthday

- Posts: 100
- Joined: Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:19 am
- Location: Cody-Boardman, Ohio
- jensceana73
- Posts: 289
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Howdy all
Been an interesting few days. Wait...every day's interesting now that I have braces. There's always a "moment" to tell all about. My left upper back cheek is killing me on the inside. I don't know why, but for about a week now rubbing like crazy on my back molar bracket.
I'm finding that I'm having a harder time saying my f's. And getting mad at the kids, and talking fast and angry....not an option anymore, cause spit goes a flyin like crazy...and all it makes them laugh.
(disclaimer here. I'm always talking about the younger kids...but we do also have an 18yr old...16yr old..and 11yr old..all boys. 18 and 16 are husbands...11yr old mine..2 younger ones.. ours..all living under one house) Ok...Ok...I know, we're the Brady bunch. Anyway...they just laugh at me now when I start getting hot under the collar...cause I look..and a dork.
It dawned on me the other day, that by the time I'm done wearing braces...we're gonna be down 2 kids. freaky.
Not seeing any movement as of yet. At least none that I can tell of. I know there must be a little something going on here and there...cause I can floss the last 3 days in places that I couldn't get floss in before. Soooo that's good I guess.
I was in Chicago the last couple days..and went to the Sears tower, which is not called the Sears tower now, but I can't remember the name at the moment. Anyway, we had to go through a metal detector..and when it was my turn, I was TOTALLY freaking out
that my braces were going to make it go off....but...I was wrong, it didn't and I was totally relieved.
Of course then I was stressed about having to go in that elevator up a million floors to the top. Yep, I'm a big fat scaredy cat....totally.
But, I did see a fellow metal mouth taking pictures of herself with Lake Michigan in the background...I almost went up to her and just "smiled" so she knew a fellow fraternity sister was in the "house"
Toodles for now peeps

Been an interesting few days. Wait...every day's interesting now that I have braces. There's always a "moment" to tell all about. My left upper back cheek is killing me on the inside. I don't know why, but for about a week now rubbing like crazy on my back molar bracket.

I'm finding that I'm having a harder time saying my f's. And getting mad at the kids, and talking fast and angry....not an option anymore, cause spit goes a flyin like crazy...and all it makes them laugh.

It dawned on me the other day, that by the time I'm done wearing braces...we're gonna be down 2 kids. freaky.
Not seeing any movement as of yet. At least none that I can tell of. I know there must be a little something going on here and there...cause I can floss the last 3 days in places that I couldn't get floss in before. Soooo that's good I guess.

I was in Chicago the last couple days..and went to the Sears tower, which is not called the Sears tower now, but I can't remember the name at the moment. Anyway, we had to go through a metal detector..and when it was my turn, I was TOTALLY freaking out

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- jensceana73
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OK, so I've been looking at all these totally awesome pics of people who are seeing movement and I'm thinking to myself...WTF!!!
My damn teeth are so freak-in crooked I should have seen something the first dang day. I mean, come on...every other body part I have seems to be on the move.
(mostly south)..why can't my teeth. Move that is.
So I decided to take some pictures and compare them to the first day that I got my braces put on. Because just looking in the mirror, all I'm my sexy ol self.
And wouldn't ya know it...holy mother of tooth fairy land....BRAKER BRAKER...WE'VE GOT MOVEMENT!!!!
You can barely tell. You have to look super duper close. Compare the wire mostly. It's not as crooked as day one. That and my top canine/ eye tooth, one on each side, doesn't face so much to the front now.
Very strange that just looking in the mirror it all looks the same as 20 days ago. WOW...if I'm this excited over such minuscule movement, what the hell am I gonna be like when you can really see something. I'll probably pop a vain or something. 

So I decided to take some pictures and compare them to the first day that I got my braces put on. Because just looking in the mirror, all I'm my sexy ol self.

You can barely tell. You have to look super duper close. Compare the wire mostly. It's not as crooked as day one. That and my top canine/ eye tooth, one on each side, doesn't face so much to the front now.

- Posts: 245
- Joined: Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:24 pm
Yay I told you something had to of been moving. :]]]
And if you have some problem areas put wax on it. It works wonders and is still my best friend if my molar band acts up. Ill also need it in the future when I get the rest of my teeth braced.
And if you have some problem areas put wax on it. It works wonders and is still my best friend if my molar band acts up. Ill also need it in the future when I get the rest of my teeth braced.

Braced- March 30th 2010.
Estimated time- 18-21 months with cooperation from impacted canine.
- jensceana73
- Posts: 289
- Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:11 pm
- Location: cow country
- Contact:, I was laying in bed last night and thought to just isn't the same since I got these puppies on. I don't enjoy it the same way. I feel like I'm always thinking about chewing before, during and after...I chew.
I'll probably weigh 800lbs when I get done having these on, cause I'll stuff my face with anything and everything I possible can. Not to mention....I'll be moaning out loud.
Anyway so this morning I was eating an olive...yes, an olive and what do you know....a back bracket came off. Mother flippen corn hole!!!
There I am, just a chewin along, thinking about it....and all of a sudden, bam..I chopped down on something rather, um...well...metaly and hard. I thought, "'s been awhile since I've had an olive, but I do believe this wasn't my past experience" I spit it all out, and there, laying all by it's lonesome (minus the chewed up olive bits) was a back bracket. After a few curse words, I called my ortho...oh wait that's right....THEY DON'T WORK ON FRIDAYS!!!!!!! WTH!
So, I'll have a lovely filled weekend, just me, myself...and this lonely bracket who is no longer wanting to be a part of history. My history. Here I always thought my mouth was so much fun...but..evidently, not fun enough for this little guy. He wanted out. So...I flushed him. Bye Bye sucker!!! Who's laughin thought the view was "sesame" before....get a load of what's to come.
Anyway, now I've got a sad tooth who's left out of all the excitement, a wire who is sticking straight out like a horny teenage boy
, and me...wondering what the next few days will bring and how I should go about..."protecting" myself. Any advise would be pretty damn spiffy right about now.
Toddles for now peeps

Anyway so this morning I was eating an olive...yes, an olive and what do you know....a back bracket came off. Mother flippen corn hole!!!

So, I'll have a lovely filled weekend, just me, myself...and this lonely bracket who is no longer wanting to be a part of history. My history. Here I always thought my mouth was so much fun...but..evidently, not fun enough for this little guy. He wanted out. So...I flushed him. Bye Bye sucker!!! Who's laughin thought the view was "sesame" before....get a load of what's to come.

Anyway, now I've got a sad tooth who's left out of all the excitement, a wire who is sticking straight out like a horny teenage boy

Toddles for now peeps

- jensceana73
- Posts: 289
- Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:11 pm
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I'd suggest you cover the wire end in wax, IF you can get it stay on. If that doesn't work, sugar-free chewing gum can sometimes be a lifesaver. Worse comes to worse, bend the wire with a spoon to save ravaging your cheek.
I'll guess that the ortho will suggest that should it happen again, to SAVE the bracket, and not have it walk the murky plank into a sewery death. Who knows...good luck!!
I'll guess that the ortho will suggest that should it happen again, to SAVE the bracket, and not have it walk the murky plank into a sewery death. Who knows...good luck!!
2/2/09: metal braces T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B