Chelsea's Story.

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#166 Post by cheyeaitsxchelsea »

Okay sorry its been a hectic last couple of days. Ive been so busy being out till 4am. Sorry mom and dad! XD

Okay so at 9:30 I go to the dentist and they sit me down and my dentist is like so whats the problem? And I explained the staining parts and how I knew it couldnt be a cavity etc. He explained that my decalcification had made my enamel weak and that some of it chipped away. He said he could fix the hole by covering it with some filling type material and told me its nothing serious and that it is NOT a cavity and that the tooth was just really soft because of the enamel. He said he could take out all of the decalcification and make it all one even smooth color but I have to wait until after my braces are done. And I was sooo happy because that tooth was white white white compared to the others. He then looked at my teeth and was like wow, your teeth moved really fast. How long do you have to have them on. and I said 18-21 months but it all depends on my canine and he said "I think youll have them off in 11-14 months, and I just smiled. He said things straightened out really quickly and he said hes always liked my Ortho's work. And my dentist is pretty young Id say late 20's early 30's so hes very relatable. And they numbed me and put the filling on and wow does it look sooooo much better!

I have an adjustment on the 11th of May. Im excited to get a new wire and get these teeth moving some more. ANDDD to get all of my teeth bracketed. Im still waiting for the authorization from my insurance company to schdule my exposure and wisdom teeth surgery. They need to hurry up, because I think my exposure surgery is why theyre waiting to bracket the rest. Im not sure.

I havent really noticed any changes in my bite, or spacing or anything. I want these gaps to go away especially on the left lateral incisor.

What color ligs should I get next time? I LOVE the aqua but I think its too noticeable on my teeth now. Im thinking about the deep purple they have, or pink (im sooo not a pink person) or this seafoam green, or even yellow or white or gray. XD

Heres some pictures. (I just ate easy mac soooo excuse the mess)



Braced- March 30th 2010.

Estimated time- 18-21 months with cooperation from impacted canine.

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#167 Post by cosmo »

geeze! you're lucky your teeth have really improved. Do you feel self conscious to smile? You shouldn't be theya re looking fab. I am so exited you might have these babies off sooner than expected woohoo!


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#168 Post by cheyeaitsxchelsea »

Im not sure if I feel self-conscious. Before braces, I smiled but it wasnt huge and cheeky, it was restricted. But I remember making the best of my old smile because at that time braces seemed impossible, and to be honest I still dont think I have them and that its happening. Braces was always something that I wanted. I remember looking in the mirror and thinking I would be so pretty if my teeth were straight. Because a smile really does increase face value. Like Britney Spears, if she didnt have that gorgeous smile would she still be as gorgeous? (assuming were talking early 2000's Britney).

When I first got braces on, I didnt want to smile or anything, and I remember going out with my friends and meeting up with this GORGEOUS AMAZINGLY CUTE GUY who I could not touch or flirt with because I have a boyfriend but yeah, I was so self-concious. and they were playing guitar for us and my cousin who is dating my bestie was like come on Chelsea laugh you know its funny! And I just didnt want the cute gorgeous boy to see my braces.

To answer your question, I am a little self-concious still. but not much. I dont like the gap in my front teeth, but I like movement. Im also starting to hate how visible the blue ligs are even though I love them. So Im pretty sure I might get white or gray even clear ligs. I think Ill be 100 percent okay with my brace face when I get my canine down. Im not sure how Im going to react when I get all my teeth braced.

Braced- March 30th 2010.

Estimated time- 18-21 months with cooperation from impacted canine.

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#169 Post by alibracket »

Hey. Read your story all the time. Your teeth are moving so quickly. I swear it seems like just yesterday you were still contemplating getting them. Lol anyway thanks for keeping us posted on your progress. I love all the pics!

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#170 Post by cheyeaitsxchelsea »

Thank you :]

Braced- March 30th 2010.

Estimated time- 18-21 months with cooperation from impacted canine.

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#171 Post by cosmo »

Well the gap doesn't even look bad and i like hoe your teeth are aligning so quickly. You have a cute smile with braces and you chould inbrace it. I can't wait till we get these babies off. I totally understand what you mean about laughing I cover my mouth now with the braces and i never did before when I am around new people I just want my tooth to come down then I won't mind so much. :)


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#172 Post by cheyeaitsxchelsea »

Your tooth will come down really fast. Trust me. And I mean Im used to them now, but I dont know I kinda miss having no metal in my mouth. But I know Im going to love them when theyre off. Its worth it, and Im so glad I have them. I catch myself smiling huge in front of my family and such but around new people like always I tend to cover up a bit.

Braced- March 30th 2010.

Estimated time- 18-21 months with cooperation from impacted canine.

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#173 Post by Bekah »

Wow! Your teeth have moved fast! They look great! Thank you for commenting on my story!

I will definitely keep up with how you are progressing through your treatment!
2 Years 4 months 3 weeks and 4 days in full metal braces!


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#174 Post by cheyeaitsxchelsea »

Ive noticed that my top arch's midline is pretty mich dead one regardless of the gap. And that my bottom arch's midline is wayyyy off. Like to the left I believe. And my left lateral incisor feels like its on the move. Now if only it will come out of the gum some more and practically move overnight then I will be so happy!

I have my first adjustment on the 11th. What should I expect? Im hoping they brace all the rest of my teeth then, but Im not sure when that will happen. Im also waiting for my insurance to preapprove my exposure and wisdom teeth removal. I called them yesterday and the office said they sent the pre-approval out on the 22nd of April. Urrfff. Im not sure how long it takes to get approved. I just know my Ortho wanted to get it exposed as soon as possible and I dont think thats going to happen in the time frame he wanted. I know he only braced 8 teeth to get rid of the upper front teeth crowding, and then the lowers crowding.

Have a good day everyone. Hope yall dont get rained out like we have lately!

Braced- March 30th 2010.

Estimated time- 18-21 months with cooperation from impacted canine.

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#175 Post by cosmo »

woohoo!! I am so glad you got braces and I can't wait till ones we have straight teeh in braces. I hope you get approved soon so you can keep moving forward :)


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Hey, hey!

#176 Post by HeyBuckey! »

Wow! You teeth moved so fast I almost missed it! :D I mean your teeth are moving really, really, really fast! You're brave too! I'm hanging on for dear life to my wisdom teeth. Thanks for checking out my thread, you are keeping me very entertained so I gotta stay posted on your story! :)
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Upper row braced 9/23/2009
Lower row braced 10/5/2009
Molar banded 11/16/2009
Final Eval/Braces Removal 4/10/2012
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#177 Post by cosmo »

Okay you have to tell me what on earth they put on your teeth that you saw changes so quickly???

I have had my top braces for two weeks and i have noticed zip, zero, nada!!
I know they are not going to move over night but your tetth moved ever so quickly, why not mine? I am going tomorrow to get my bottoms put on and will be fully raced, i just don't get it.


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#178 Post by llehsal »

Wow....amazing progress!!!

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#179 Post by shinyRiver »

Looking good! Your teeth are moving amazingly fast! There's gonna be PLENTY of space for that canine to come in, no problem! And try not to worry so much about your midline- it's like a rubiks cube. You have to mess things around a little bet before you get things straight!

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#180 Post by cmone »

Looking good chica!
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