Bracing at 40

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Bracing at 40

#1 Post by mommadawg »

Hello Everyone, I am 40 years old and getting braced for the 3rd time. I have had 2 unsuccessful bracings when I was younger. The last attempt ended when I was 16 years old.

This time I am not going through the process alone. My youngest daughter (16 years old) was braced on April 15, 2010. My oldest daughter (24 years old) is getting her wisdom teeth pulled the end of May and getting braced in June. We are making it a real family affair. LOL.

My girls are getting braced to improve their appearance. Although I am looking forward to improving my smile, I am getting braced to ease my TMJD symptoms. Several Orthos have told me that surgery is the preferrable solution. Recently my dentist (after a 2nd failed attempt at utilizing splint) suggested I speak to an Orthodontist. After my consult (including several x-rays, photos, etc.), my ortho & DDS agreed that braces would be a good option for me.

So, I got my spacers yesterday. I already swallowed one and have to go back this afternoon to get it replaced. I get braced on the 19th, when my youngest goes back for her first adjustment. Even though I have been through this before, so much has changed!!! I am so nervous, but excited a the same time. I am looking forward to finally getting some relief from my jaw pain. I will try to post before pics soon!!!

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#2 Post by mommadawg »

Update - I got my spacer replaced yesterday. I haven't had any pain, but these things are driving me nuts. Ok, as parent of three, I am already nuts. :crazy: But, these are making it worse!!! It feels like I need to floss, and I keep wanting to pick the "stuff" out of my teeth. Even after I brush, the spacers make it feel like I didn't get them clean because of the "stuff" still stuck in them. Does that make sense? Ok maybe I'm a little bit OCD. :roll:

It seems that the closer things get the more I am stressing. Sometimes I wish I had this over already and other times I wish I had never started. What am I, a 40 y/o mother of 3 doing getting braces at my age? Maybe its too late for me to do this. I read about some people my age having gum recession and bone deteriation because of the braces. What if I do this and it only makes matters worse?

Ok - I'm done. That was my pitty-party for today. Glad everyone could be here for that. Did anyone else have anxiety and nervousness as brace day got closer??

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#3 Post by suzyscientist »

Much easier said than done: but don't panic! You are doing the right thing. It's completely normal to feel stressed about it.

I never had braces before and I had no idea what to expect - my ortho was really nice and explained everything to me before, but it didn't stop me staying up all night stressing about it! I was so worried. What if it hurt? What if I looked stupid? What if my colleagues laughed at me? What if my boyfriend thought I was ugly? What if it went wrong? All the time I was sat in the waiting room I had my hands clenched and I dug my nails into my palms... that was the most painful thing of all!

I almost chickened out so many times but now I'm really glad I did it. I can't recommend a way to get through the stress - I am not a good example because I got so panicked! But now I'm very, very glad that I have braces. Just try and stay strong. You can do this!


P.S. I felt EXACTLY the same about the spacers! I even took some floss, mouthwash and some interdental brushes with me when I got braced and asked to go and clean the gaps out. The ortho let me and it was SO satisfying!


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#4 Post by mommadawg »

Thanks for the tip Suzy. I will be sure to take my "kit" with me so I can floss when I get the spacers out!!

Any other tips/hints would be greatly appreciated.

I ordered one of the flossing tools and some of the silicone wax. It is supposed to be stronger than the wax you get at the pharmacy. My daughter wanted some anyway so I just ordered a double supply. She flosses without the tool, but I am a little more obsessive about my flossing than she is.......

Thanks again!!

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#5 Post by suzyscientist »

You're welcome!

Honestly, the best thing I've done since starting this orthodontic sentence is finding these message boards, they've been an absolute lifesaver. The best hints and tips I got at the start were mostly from reading posts here! So when I went along to get my braces I took 2 paracetamol before I went, and then just kept a low dose for a few days whenever it felt sore, and I really didn't have much trouble at all. You already know about the wax so I think you're all set!

It's great that you and your daughter can take this journey together, you're very lucky!

Good luck with your brace day! Let me know how you get on :)



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I am 44 and was braced on the 20th for TMJ.

#6 Post by meltreat »

It is great that you have the children to go through this with. How are you doing now that the braces are on?

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#7 Post by mommadawg »

I am doing great with the whole braces thing!! My daughter and I have found a new "friendship" in our brace bond.

I have had no real pain. I did have some problems with the back brackets scraping my tounge, but I have been able to eat soft foods pretty well after only 6 days.

I do have one problem that I will be discussing with my ortho tomorrow when I go to have my back teeth braced. Although I always snore some, I now snore horribly. We have had a cold/flu going around my house that may have added to some of my problems. But.....this is rediculous. I feel terrible. If something can't be done about it, I may have to move to the guest room so that hubby can get some sleep.

Has anyone else had this problem?? Any help you guys can offer would be greatly appreciated!!

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