Over 50 and TMJ

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Over 50 and TMJ

#1 Post by Saysee »

I'd love to hear from "braced" people who are over 50 or who have TMJ. I spent a year with a full-time mouth splint, then had surgery to reposition my TMJ discs, then another year with the mouth splint waiting for the joints to heal. About three weeks ago I got full metal jacket braces.

I've been reading the Metal Mouth forums and love the tips and advice (and commiseration).

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#2 Post by mikesmile »

Hi Saysee :D

Congratulations on getting braced (& all metal no less)! I noticed a couple of your posts and just wanted to say 'hi'. I'm a 53 year old father of four, who has decided to pursue ortho treatment again. The first time was in my late twenties. I have mild TMJ issues (clenching & grinding) but have never received any specific treatment for it. I'm hoping to start treatment and have my braces on by late jan. / early feb. It's so great meeting other people here who are over 50 and taking this step. It's helped with my attitude & decision to do this. I also liked what you mentioned in a post about our generation being the first one to keep their teeth. That's so true!
A lot more of us have better dental care than previous generations, so why not extend that into orthodontics as well. :wink: Good Luck with everything!

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#3 Post by brendap27 »


I guess technically I shouldn't respond to you (I'm only 45, about to turn 46!), but wanted to say hi because I'm in treatment for a TMJ disorder myself. I just posted my whole story (TMJD and Myofascial Pain) so I won't repeat it. I am pretty much pain free for the first time in years and I feel like going through this treatment was the best decision I ever made.

I didn't have surgery, but I wore a splint for about a year and just got my braces on December a couple of days after Christmas.

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#4 Post by LARRYBOY56 »

It really makes me feel better to know there are so many 50+ members of the metal mouth forum.

Soon to be braced (just after my 54th birthday). Had mild TMJ issues, but didn't get good treatment. Have had the jaw pain and now going to treat the misaligned jaw and bite issues and get my front teeth meeting again. Have a little more work to do to get my teeth ready for the orthodondist, but should be sporting the new metal within a month or so.

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#5 Post by meltreat »

I'm 44 and was braced last week. I feel self-conscious, but the braces are suppossed to help my TMJ and move my front teeth up so my bite improves. I guess there are a few of us older adults taking the plunge.

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