De-braced yesterday, questions about pain and polishing

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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De-braced yesterday, questions about pain and polishing

#1 Post by Treehugger »

Hi Everyone,

I was de-braced yesterday after having my braces on since 10/07. I have a couple of questions.

Has anyone else had tooth pain (sensitivity to cold and generally achey) after having their braces removed?

I have a clear upper retainer that I'm supposed to wear 16 hours a day (haven't been told for how long yet) and I am getting headaches when I wear it. Has anyone else experienced this?

Also, when my teeth are dry I can see the striation marks from the polishing bur (he didn't use discs which I found odd, especially since I was a dental assistant for several years). I'm assuming I should go back and have him touch that up?

Also, I didn't want to get my braces off because I could see things that needed to be changed and they told me that a tooth positioner retainer can make small changes. Is this accurate or were they just trying to hurry my treatment along so they can get the next patient in there?

Sorry for the varied questions and I really appreciate any insight anyone can give me, thanks!


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#2 Post by MrMetalMouth1029 »

Congrats on getting debraced! When I was debraced last month, I noticed a little sensitivity on my top teeth from where they scraped the bracket glue off. Just yesterday, I noticed the sensitivity is gone, so I guess it was temporary.

I wear clear retainers, upper and lower. I alternate every 12 hours. No headaches, but if I go too long without wearing the retainers, my top teeth in particular make for a tight squeeze when I put them back on. Be careful with your retainers! I ate an early dinner yesterday between classes and I forgot I wrapped my retainer in a paper towel (I leave my retainer on the bathroom counter). I threw the paper towel away, retainer enclosed, and left campus. Just as I was 10 minutes from campus, I had to turn around because something didn't seem right and I remembered I threw my retainer away. Thank goodness one of my colleagues and my professor were still on campus--my orthodontist would've been ticked off!

Sorry that's all I can help you with...I hope you enjoy life post-braces. Popcorn never tasted so good!
Braced (upper and lower): 10/29/08
Debraced: 3/17/10
Now sportin' a permanent bottom retainer
Alternate clear retainers every 12 hours


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Location: Southeastern Wisconsin

#3 Post by Treehugger »

Thanks for the advice on the retainer, I will try to be careful with mine! I have been using the fluoride rinse the ortho prescribed with braces and that seems to be slowly helping with the sensitivity. (He told me to use it post-braces.) Still having the headaches though, I am concerned that the type of retainer I have is affecting my bite (since I can't close all the way) and giving me headaches. I'm going to call them Monday to ask about it.


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#4 Post by Che1sea »


And yes, my teeth were really sensitive and my gums were sore after I got my braces off.

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#5 Post by starzz »

My teeth became sensitive the day I got my braces off. I was not expecting that -- felt like I had an adjustment! Something about the pressure of the clear retainer especially on top. I was tending to clench a lot with both top and bottom clear retainers.

Since I got the Hawley on top 3 days ago, the sensitivity is decreasing. While my ortho said all my retainers fit well, I think the Hawley fits better. The Hawley hurt the first day I got it, but it was good by the next day.

As for retainers moving teeth, I know Hawleys can be adjusted to make small movements.
Braced for 2 years, 11 months, 2 weeks and 5 days (the 2nd time ‘round)
Hawley on top, Essix on bottom

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#6 Post by alimommy1 »

Some people seem to have trouble with the clear retainers because they can interfere with your bite. I know that's something that would bother me! When I replaced my hawley it was really tight, but my ortho is doing some movements with it, so it will probably be that way for awhile until he is done. It's actually more comfortable with it in, my teeth almost feel 'itchy' if I leave it out more than a day. I'm supposed to be wearing it all the time, or at least 16 hours... so maybe that's why. It doesn't have the extra active components added to it yet so after that I probably need to wear it seriously ALL THE TIME. I want the relapsed tooth to move back to where it was asap.

I don't think ANY retainer should be causing headaches and tooth/jaw pain, so if you think those are related to your retainers, maybe you should talk to your ortho about having a different type of retainer. There's always a little bit of initial discomfort with any new appliance, but it shouldn't last.

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