Operation on 22nd July - anything I can do to prepare?

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Operation on 22nd July - anything I can do to prepare?

#1 Post by raychno21 »

Hey Guys,
I have got my operation date in about 3 weeks, really excited but really nervous. Haven't been given much information about what I am having done. I know I am having my lower jaw moved forward to correct an underbite. I was wondering if I can do anything to prepare for the operation?

I am also really worried about waking up in pain. I had my tonsils out recently and woke up in extreme agony and they wouldn't give me pain relief for ages so really worried that is going to happen with my jaw :s I don't mind discomfort but when you wake up in a strange room in agony it is horrible!

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#2 Post by James0099 »

Hey, you are having it done 2 days after I will be having it done. I'm getting it on the 20th, I am nervous as well. This is my first real surgery done.

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Joined: Sat Apr 10, 2010 4:31 pm

#3 Post by moonpie »

I'm having mine in a week and experiencing a strange combination of nerves/elation. If it helps any, I just had a phone interview with the pre-admissions people at the hospital where I am having my surgery (my surgery is out of town, so they did a phone interview instead of having me drive all the way to the hospital for the pre-admissions appointment).

The nice nurse told me over the phone that I should not wake up in pain. She said that they would be monitoring me for pain immediately and I should just let them know if I ever get past my discomfort threshold. I'm really sorry to hear about the pain you experienced after having your tonsils removed. I suggest you tell the staff about this experience. Hopefully they will be extra sensitive about managing your pain (and let's hope there's not much to manage). The thought of waking up in a strange room in a haze scares me too. I just keep reminding myself that that part is temporary and eventually I'll be home in my pajamas, squirting milkshakes into my mouth. :) Good luck to you guys!

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