crooked smile HELP!!
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crooked smile HELP!!
so i am getting my braces of in mid august and I recently noticed something. When I smile my smile slants down the left big time. Like it is so uneven it looks like crap. No matter how much i try to straighten it, it wont straighten. Now i looked at my pics before i got braces (taken by the ortho) and even though my teeth look really bad my smile is symmetrical. Im guessing that somehow treatment did something to cause this? What do you suggest I do here? I have no appointments left so I would have to go in on my own time to talk to my ortho but I don't know if he can fix this. Anybody have something similar happen?
- Posts: 1680
- Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:36 pm
- Location: Tucson, AZ
There have been a couple of people that have this same complaint, so it might not just be in your head. But if you post a pic, the rest of us can tell you if its actually different or not. Also, bring it up to your ortho, for the money we spend they should do all they can to fix any of our "issues" whether they're real or not. You just have to decide if its worth staying in braces longer.
I couldn't really tell from ur pix. Do you mean ur teeth slant or ur mouth or both? I've got an issue w/ my smile slanting too and it use to be symmetrical prior to tx. I looked up slanted smiles in the search section here and saw a few posts from other people but they were complaining about it early in tx. and I'm getting toward the end of tx. Like u, my ortho hasn't said much except that it's getting better. U can always call the ortho and ask about it or bring it up at the next appt. Here's a pix of my bite. Is yours similar?
I see what your talking about.
In the image it seems as if the midline is ever so slightly shifted to the right of the picture (your left). I can't actually "see" your midline so its possible the midline could be still straight but its because in the process of orthodontics your midline may change during the course, and your muscles attempt to compensate by continuing to smile straight even though the bite will not fit as it did before.
In short, because you say your smile was straight before braces, what you are experiencing now is most probably a temporary thing. The muscles in your face have to do a lot of adapting to teeth moving, and not all your teeth are going to move in uniform direction at the same time, so your jaws have to move around a bit to compensate, creating an uneven looking face.
In the image it seems as if the midline is ever so slightly shifted to the right of the picture (your left). I can't actually "see" your midline so its possible the midline could be still straight but its because in the process of orthodontics your midline may change during the course, and your muscles attempt to compensate by continuing to smile straight even though the bite will not fit as it did before.
In short, because you say your smile was straight before braces, what you are experiencing now is most probably a temporary thing. The muscles in your face have to do a lot of adapting to teeth moving, and not all your teeth are going to move in uniform direction at the same time, so your jaws have to move around a bit to compensate, creating an uneven looking face.
Hmm these kinds of questions really bug me. If you have issue's... just speak to your orthodonist about it! It really is quite pointless asking a forum on advice when you have an amazing wealth of knowledge at your disposal. What is so scary about just *talking through your issues* with your ortho? I mean, you're paying a lot of money, he knows your teeth A LOT better than random strangers on a net forum do. If you think you have a slanted smile and it's bugging you, ask him if he can fix it? It's not that difficult....
Merden, I think that the OP was asking the question to see if anybody else had experienced the same issue. Often that is what prompts people to ask questions that might irritate some people. If you were feeling alone, you might want to see if anybody else could relate to something as well and find out what they did about it. I don't think it has anything to do with anybody not wanting to talk to their ortho - but perhaps the ortho won't see the problem, who knows. One thing I've learned is that if you spend a lot of time and money on your teeth, you tend to become 'orally obsessed' and every little thing gets to you. If they're your teeth, it makes sense. For an ortho who sees hundreds of patients, it may not be a make or break thing for THEM like it is for YOU.
If it really bugs you, why then do you take the time to post your response. Isn't it much easier to hit the back button on your browser? And furthermore, your reading comprehension is severely lacking. If you had taken the time to read my original post you would have realized that I asked if anyone has had similar problems... I am not asking for them to diagnose me or tell me WHY this has occurred.merden wrote:Hmm these kinds of questions really bug me. If you have issue's... just speak to your orthodonist about it! It really is quite pointless asking a forum on advice when you have an amazing wealth of knowledge at your disposal. What is so scary about just *talking through your issues* with your ortho? I mean, you're paying a lot of money, he knows your teeth A LOT better than random strangers on a net forum do. If you think you have a slanted smile and it's bugging you, ask him if he can fix it? It's not that difficult....
Then you tell me to talk to my ORTHO, did I not make it clear that I am going to do this? It's just that I have no appointments left and I was just posting here in the meantime until I have an opportunity to speak with him. And bitter posters like you should not even be on these forums.
Hey, sorry for coming off sounding a little harsh. It's just that your original post was so negative. Do your teeth really look like crap? Really?? You say that you don't think your ortho can even fix this, yet you haven't spoken to him about it yet. You're asking what people think caused this to happen, and what they suggest you do to fix it? Like I said, I didn't mean to sound harsh but these are all things that only your ortho can really answer. And if you are going in to see your ortho, then why make a point about having no more appointments left? I don't know, maybe I am just bitter hehe, but I much prefer people posting answers or solutions rather than "what's wrong with me threads". Bah!! Sorry again, I'm just trying to justify my initial frustration, but you're right *just hit back button*.