Soon to get SureSmile

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Soon to get SureSmile

#1 Post by vicco1 »

After seeing many orthodontist I have finally found one that Im happy with and I will be getting suresmile. I will be having the damon clear brackets for the top 6 teeth and damon 3MX brackets for the rest. I have fairly bad crossbite which is wearing my teeth back teeth, mild crowding of the bottom teeth and one top tooth that is underbiting. All up he thinks it will take 15_18 months compared to 24 months which the other orthos using just damon q. This is the orthodontist 4th time using this technology and I want to know if anyone is currently using it and what there expereiences are? Aslo when do you get the special Suresmile scan?

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#2 Post by Audra »

I've had a variety of technologies and brackets used in my treatment.

I started off with all Damon brackets using Insignia software. The software is sort of like suresmile as the wires are robotically bended. The brackets were indirectly bonded using little trays that put the bracket exactly where it needed to be on the tooth. I had insignia wires throughout most of the treatment plan.

In October of last year I had my SureSmile scan. It took 8 weeks for the wire to be made. It finished my teeth beautifully. I am still in the same wire because I had jaw surgery. Because the wire has bends, they could not put in a different wire or change brackets as that would cause my teeth to move, which is not good if you are ready for surgery. If not for the surgery, I would have been finished in probably January (1 month into the Suresmile wire).


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#3 Post by vicco1 »

Do you get the SureSmile scan before or after the braces have been put on? Looking at youtube it seems that the SureSmile scan is taking place with the brackets already on so when did the wire get bended and does the robot need the SureSmile scan to get the right bends? I have had a couple of 3D xrays so do they find out where to bend the wire off that and than get the 3D images after the brackets been placed?

If anyone can explain the process and how it works that would clear my mind!

P.S I would be asking my ortho this but there away for 1 week and im inpatient!

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#4 Post by Audra »

Yes, I had brackets on - since I was 15 months into treatment.

And yes, they have to have the scan for the robot to bend the wire. How else would it know where to bend it?


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#5 Post by afpilot313 »

Hey vicco

I actually just started this same treatment yesterday. Damon Q's with clear top 6. Suresmile wire (soon).

First they put on my brackets.

Then they did the suresmile scan which consists of the technician waving a wand around in your mouth for about 30 minutes. It was pretty cool because you could look over at the computer and see your teeth appearing in very fine detail.

After the scan they put in a standard archwire in to get me started. They said the suresmile wire would be ready in about a month and they'd put it in then.

I had some crowding both on top and bottom with a couple of crooked and slighly overlapping teeth on both. According to them thanks to suresmile I might be done as soon as 6-8 mo... we'll see.

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#6 Post by Snowglobe32 »

I had the option of doing SureSmile but I didn't because I was told that we could see the end results ahead of time.

Are you able to see the end results up front or does the take place gradually over time?

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#7 Post by vicco1 »

Hi afpilot313,
Yeah thats what I thought was the case with the scan so thanks for that info. Seems that we are having very similar treatment. How long are you expected to be in braces and how is it so far?

Audra, I thought maybe the two 3D xrays I gave them might provide them the information for the robot but obviously not. I would be asking my ortho all this but Im too impatient to wait a whole week.

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#8 Post by vicco1 »

Just found out exactly how it all works on the I Im a Doctor section on the suresmile website. ... -Work.aspx

afpilot313, just noticed that you will only be in braces for 6-8 months which is great!

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