What is your hygiene routine?

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What is your hygiene routine?

#1 Post by VA5 »

Just wondering if everybody here uses a waterpik, in particular. My ortho recommended it to me at the start of my braces, however I got tired of using it and stopped, and figured that brushing/flossing/brushing was enough.

What do you all do for hygiene?

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#2 Post by ashesgap »

I use my RediBreeze (just like the waterpic) after everything i eat. It cleans everything out. I brush every morning and use mouthwash. Then at night i floss, redibreeze, brush and use my floride gel. Most nights i also use a proxy brush as well. Makes my mouth feel cleaner in the morning if i've done everything the night before.
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#3 Post by Snowglobe32 »

Floss, proxy brushes, waterpik, brush, waterpik again, then mouthwash.

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#4 Post by Donna »

I brush after every meal and after snacks. I floss and use Listerine at night. I don't have a Waterpick ... I wish I did but have not seen them here in Singapore. Also, bathrooms here don't have electrical outlets, so I'm not sure where I would put it.

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#5 Post by ashesgap »

Donna wrote:I brush after every meal and after snacks. I floss and use Listerine at night. I don't have a Waterpick ... I wish I did but have not seen them here in Singapore. Also, bathrooms here don't have electrical outlets, so I'm not sure where I would put it.
Check out the RediBreeze on dentakit.com. It hooks to the faucet. No plugs.
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#6 Post by Teefies »

I've got a little way to go until I have my hygiene routine nailed but at the moment I am cleaning after any meals: I floss (when I can bear it) then rinse with a mouthwash given to me by the Ortho, brush (with different brushes for front of teeth and between wires and brackets, then rinse again.

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#7 Post by hal2me »

I brush after every meal, floss at night, rinse with Listerine twice a day, and rinse with fluoride given by the ortho.

Brushing consists of using a proxy brush to get in between my teeth and lots of rinsing.

Best of luck to you!

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#8 Post by itsabouttime22 »

My routine is pretty similar to everyone elses: brush and listerine in the morning, brush after meals and snacks during the day (proxy brush if needed), then at night brush and floss.

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#9 Post by afpilot313 »

Waterpik, Electric Brush, Mouthwash.

I only floss on Sundays to be honest. Kinda figured the Waterpik was taking care of most of the stuff that managed to get under my gums. Am I wrong to assume this?

I just hate flossing. Takes a while. Always afraid I'm going mess up my hardware somehow. And sometimes my teeth are so tight together that wrestling that little piece of floss up there is well... scary.

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#10 Post by alimommy1 »

I don't think I ever used a water-pik, my favorite tool was probably a proxybrush. I still like those, and I love my electric toothbrush. I wish Colgate had made the glide floss/tape stuff long ago when I first had braces. It was so frustrating to shred floss constantly as well as take more than 5 minutes trying to use the stupid threaders. I actually use the tiny proxybrushes to 'floss' under my bonded retainer, the only place I can't is directly in the middle. It's going to be fun when I have it removed I'm sure.... but my intention is to have another one eventually.

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#11 Post by Snowglobe32 »

afpilot313 wrote:\

I only floss on Sundays to be honest. Kinda figured the Waterpik was taking care of most of the stuff that managed to get under my gums. Am I wrong to assume this?

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#12 Post by avy »

Well it looks like I do the least...

I brush and listerine rinse in the morning, and floss, brush and listerine rinse at night. Thats it. I dont do anything else during the day... is that bad? I havent had any cavities or bad buildup, but I still get them cleaned at the denstist every 4 months as well. And I drink about 2 litres of water a day so I am forever rinsing and washing my mouth out in a way. This routine seems to work for me so I think Ill just stick to it :D

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#13 Post by hanzie »

Water pik, proxy brush,soni care brush,mouthwash in the morning and after every meal.. in te evening i do the same but i add regular flossing into that above routine

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#14 Post by TumbleDryLow »

I brush with a no-frills manual toothbrush three times a day.
I floss before bed.
That's it.
(I'm a low maintenance kinda girl.)

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#15 Post by equaeternal »

I brush after every meal an twice a day I:
Proxi brush
mouth wash

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