What is your hygiene routine?

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RHOyally Braced
Posts: 31
Joined: Fri May 07, 2010 12:28 pm
Location: Brooklyn, NY

#16 Post by RHOyally Braced »

Because I work 2 jobs and one is 3rd shift, I've had to sort of tweak my schedule a little. When I wake up to go to work, I brush with my rotadent with the pointed tip and flat tip, then I use my my proxibrushes and floss if I have time. Then after I eat my lunch, I brush with my Oral B Electric Brush, and floss, proxi brushes, and mouth wash. After I get home from my part time, I brush and floss again using the rotadent, and I use mouthwash at this time. Other than that, when I'm away from home, I try not to snack so I don't have to find a place to brush. I do drink more water now that I'm in my braces, and I keep a bottle around to swish with at will.
~RHOyally Braced~


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