Do you think braces can help me!? (pics)

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Do you think braces can help me!? (pics)

#1 Post by Want2smile »

Hello everyone, this is my first post on here so hope I do it right!

I'll start by a bit of background info then some pics.

I've finally accepted that I need braces at the grand old age of 25! I saw my dentist last week for a check up (it's been about 6 years :oosp: ) and tried to talk to him about my front teeth. I have what I presume is an overjet and overbite although haven't actually been told this. My main problem is that I can't rest my mouth comfortably and feel like I have to strain my jaw if that makes sense? Also my top teeth rest on my bottom lip constantly which is very uncomfortable especially first thing in the morning when I've had my mouth closed all night. I'm sure it's got a lot worse the last year or so. The dentist was pretty horrible to be honest :( then when money was mentioned he said they could give me a removable brace for a year and that should do the trick. He gave me very little information and rushed me into booking an appointment to have a impression done, when they would also want £1000.

After having a good think about it I've decided to 'shop' around and will hopefully be having a couple of consultations with an orthodontist soon. I saw a lovely lady today about Invisalign but it doesn't look like it would be able to help me as much as a metal brace would. I figured if I'm going to do this I might as well do it properly.

I just thought I see what you thought I might need, if anyone has had a similar situation. Obviously every case is different but I'd like to prepare myself a little for when I see the orthodontist as I'm really quite scared!

Here are the dreaded photos, I feel rather embarrassed to be sharing these :oops:





Any help/advice would be gratefully appreciated right now,

W2s x

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#2 Post by LC'sTeefs »

Get several consults with orthos, and go with the one that you like the best. I think you have very nice shaped teeth, with a good color. Your teeth would look fantastic after braces!

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#3 Post by fosterp »

Braces would definitely help you. I wouldn't go to a general dentist though since you need more than minor adjusting. Consult a specialist, more than one if possible - especially if terms like surgery, appliances, etc get thrown around.

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#4 Post by catgyrl »

Braces can absolutely help your teeth! Your overjet is almost identical to mine (you can see pics in my story - click on "www" below). (An overbite is where your teeth are straight down over your bottom teeth, as opposed to flaring out - they just go too far down over the teeth.) I've only been in braces for 3 months, and already my lower teeth have been brought forward, which gives the illusion of a smaller overjet(where your upper teeth "flare out" over your lowers). Now they just have to bring the upper teeth back.

You also have very nice teeth - fairly straight already and white, so I think you will look FABULOUS after treatment!

Good luck!

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#5 Post by yenniechan »

I recently “took the plunge” too so I know how you feel. Definitely – shop around! I don’t know about in other countries, but in the US consultations are free so it doesn’t hurt to get different opinions. Also, I noticed that every office operates a little differently. One had mostly younger staff, more up-to-date options, but a bigger price tag and a longer treatment time. I ended up with one that had fewer options, but with a friendly ortho/staff that really made me feel at ease (and an easier on the wallet price tag). Here are some questions that I think would be helpful to ask:

- What is the proscribed treatment procedure – will you need any appliances (expanders, chains)?
- Will you be needing spacers (I have them in right now and oh how I wish I had asked before so I could’ve prepared myself mentally for them)
- Are there any special discounts (most places give you % off if you pay in full)
- How are your teeth expected to change throughout the treatment (sometimes they have to move them into awkward positions before they can become straight – it’d be nice to be prepared for that too)

Ask as many questions as you can even if they sound dumb - you’re paying for the service!

For me I was very nervous (still am), but knowing exactly what to expect throughout the whole thing and being comfortable with the people treating me really helped. Good luck on making your decision!

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#6 Post by Want2smile »

Thank you all for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it :D

I'm in the process of getting a couple of oppinions, unfortunately most places here do have a consultation fee. I'm seeing an orthodontist next Friday that has been recommended to me by a local dentist (not my usual dentist) and I'm feeling really excited and nervous all at the same time! Nobody has mentioned surgery yet thankfully, my dentist said it's nothing to do with the jaw although I'm not so sure about that. If the orthodontist says the same thing though I will more than happily accept that!

Catgrl your teeth are looking great in such a short time! I'm still in the process of reading your story but so far it's been very helpful indeed. I hope everything goes smoothly for you, your teeth are going to look amazing!!

Yenniechan, thanks for the list of questions I'll take those with me. Oh, and what are spacers? :oops:

W2s x

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#7 Post by yenniechan »

Ahahah - yea, I didn’t know what they were until they were putting them in – so you’re way ahead of me! Basically, spacers are these metal paperclip like things that they put in between your molar teeth (I have 8 total right now). You get them on when you go in to get your molds done. This is to create the initial space so it’ll be easier to put your braces on the next time you come in. I think a lot of people get them, but some don’t (lucky ducks!). Just depends on how tight your teeth are.

Some folks here say they feel ok, just a little annoying, but for me – they HURT! It may be because my teeth are already pretty tight so my front teeth feel like they’re being rammed together. >__<; So yea, don’t be like me and jam pack your week before braces with dinner plans hoping to get a “last huraah” in. Do it before your molds in case you have to get spacers too.

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#8 Post by catgyrl »

I also had spacers, but mine were rubber, not metal. Mine didn't hurt at all once they were in (getting them in was a pain, though). Hope you don't have to get any!

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