When I was little, my old family dentist, somehowm pulled one too many teeth out. I didn't know this until I started working and went to a new dentist who told me I should see an orthodontist. The orthodontist confirmed that I am missing two premolars on the top causing me to have my slight crossbite. They said my condition wasn't bad so I could be completely fine. But I also run the chance of wearing out my front teeth and my crossbite can lead to jaw problems. Fearing for the future - I agreed to get braces.
My treatment will be 2 years (aaahhhhh) with ceramic braces and an expander for the roof of my mouth. I'm scheduled for 2 extractions for my lowers so that they match up with my top ones (as if my mouth weren't small enough already..)
Phase One - Spacers = PAIN I didn't know I was getting them so I had made dinner plans that entire week and bought a lot of "not allowed" foods to have a last huraah before I got my braces on. Yea, with spacers - did not happen. I had to cancel all my plans and give away my beloved corn and sweet potato chips - watching in pain as my family happily munched away and I sipped at a smoothie. I've been on a liquid diet the entire week and just was able to eat noodles today. But of course, I'm getting braces tmw....so probably back on the liquid diet again. *sobs* >__<;
Beginning pictures (w/spacers 8/1/10)

Will update everyone with pics once the [s]railtracks[/s] braces are in.
....I'm so nervous about my appointment tmw. *bites my teeth* (err....maybe not -lol-)