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I have my letter through to book an appointment so should get t it really but I'm putting it off for some reason
Anyway, the reason for the thread is that I often read about top and bottom fixed braces and I'm wondering whether you have to have both uper and lower braces?
My lower teeth aren't perfect but they look very straight from the front and I don't think I have bite issues (not had it checked out though) so I only want my upper front teeth straightening. I assume this woud be a cheaper option too.
Do any of you guys know of anybody/have only one brace?
When one arch is aligned and the other is not, there can sometimes be bite issues that are created. For example, upper teeth will be aligned into new positions where they may contact eccentrically with the lower ones.
There are some situations when single arch treatment is advisable. Speak to your orthodontist to discuss the pros and cons in your own situation. Good luck!
Dr. Jason Tam
Toronto Invisalign, Scarborough braces, and Markham Orthodontist
Diamond Plus Invisalign Provider
Thrice Published in the Invisalign Case Gallery
I guess unless you have studied orthodontics it is very hard to self diagnose oneself and I know for a fact that when I went for my appointment it turned up some nasty surprises.
Having said that, I have most certainly seen people with only one arch braced and sometimes only the front 6 teeth.
You need to know all your options and what 'you' want to acheive. Sometimes its not all just for looks there are a lot of underlying issues as to why your teeth are how they are.
For me, long term stability was a priority as I don't want to be doing this again in another 20 years.
Goodluck with your journey
Braces 1st time 1986-1989
Braces 2nd time - January 2009
Lower Jaw Surgery (Advance)- January 14 2010
I actually only wanted my top teeth straightening as I didn't think my bottom teeth were too bad. My ortho recommended both being braced though, as it would have made me look goofy if she only moved the top ones. Your bite may change alot when you get braced, so it's best to let the ortho decide if you need both top and bottom teeth braced, or if you can get away with just one set at the top.
I didn't want my bottom ones braced as I thought it would be alot more expensive, but I've actually spoken to people who have just their top teeth braced and they were paying similar prices to what I was paying.
Bottom Fixed Brace - 1st June,10
Top Removable Brace - 1st June,10
Top Fixed Brace - 20th October,10
Braces Removed - 14th July, 11
My Braces Story:
I just had my upper arch braced as a teenager. As I understood back then, my lower arch was well aligned, no bite issues etc. Just needed to straighten the upper social six and align the molars to be in line with my lower jaw. (I had a serious overjet)
Now after 20 years, I find I have some (minor) crowding in the lower arch..It's normal I second time around, I'm going to treat both arches.
One thing that often happens with one arch treatment is that once you start lookiing at your teeth more closely (which everyone who wears braces does) then you start to notice the imperfections on the other arch and now want it treated. This will typically cost you more money as you have added treatment time, etc. one arch typically isnt half fee...maybe 3/4.
Also many times the CASUE of what you dont like on one arch is something fromt he other arch so while it may look straight it is actually still a problem. A common scenario is an upper spacing or lower crowding when you have a deep bite. The deep bite has to be resolved (even thogh the teeth are 'straight') to correct your main concern.
Lots to think about and I guess the only way to find out is to get on the phone and book myself in. Eeeeek. I'm scared and also a bit worried because I am v fond of my lower front teeth.
I have my top teeth only in metal braces. I had 7 baby teeth extractions at the same time when i was 12, I had soooo many teeth and not enough mouth!
My bottom teeth have all moved into place naturally, apart from the lower fang type one (don't know it's name) which is twisted inwards slightly, this doesn't bother me but my orthodontist says there's no need!
I've had them for 6 weeks now )
There may not be a need for you to have them on both sets!
Hi -
When I did my original ortho consult, I had hoped to only get braces on my lower arch, since that is where I had the major crowding and misaligned teeth that led me to consider ortho treatment. I was quickly informed that doing only one arch was not recommended for lots of reasons, like other posters have described.
Since I'm an adult (and somewhat vain I guess), I was concerned about getting brackets on my upper arch, so I chose to get Invisalign on the upper arch only and fixed brackets on the lower. So far, so good. I like having both experiences, it makes me appreciate the pros and cons of each approach. And now as the teeth have been moving, I realize how much my upper arch needed adjustment too, not just the lower. I just didn't realize it before!
It's kinda funny for me reading the replies here (orthos suggesting why it's best to have both arches braced etc). For me, it was the total opposite. I want both my arches braced as there is slight crowing on the bottom too. At my first consultation the Ortho said he would only brace my upper arch because I had an overbite, and that if he braced my lower arch my top teeth would hit the brackets on the lower. He said "you might just have to live with how your lower teeth are without having them corrected. Most people don't show their bottom teeth when they smile anyway". I wasn't impressed! and that's one of the main reasons I chose not to go with him, I didn't like that attitude towards my treatment and no talks of correcting my overbite, just the crookedness on the upper arch... the more I think about it, he sounded a right dodgy geezer and glad he didn't get my money!
Braces: Metal fixed upper and lower Estimated treatment time: 18-24 months Braces Removed: August 2013 (after 33 months in braces) Retainers: Upper & lower essix and lower bonded My Story / Before & After photos
Braces: Metal fixed upper and lower Estimated treatment time: 18-24 months Braces Removed: August 2013 (after 33 months in braces) Retainers: Upper & lower essix and lower bonded My Story / Before & After photos
i only have braces on my bottom teeth, since that's where i have the problems. i will eventually get something (implants i think) done to intrude a molar on the upper right that's been extruding into a gap, but that will happen later. my ortho did not think it necessary to do a lot to the top as well.
Hi seriousthinker! I went to the orthodontist with my mind set I wanted to get the lower teeth only fixed, as compared to the lower teeth, my upper teeth look decent.......light years from perfect though, but they never bothered me. I was shy of having to wear braces on my uppers. So the ortho accepted to do my lower teeth only. A couple of days after I got my lower metal brace - and hours in front of the mirror while brushing teeth etc.-I realised that my smile isn't going to improve that much. Then I stumbled across this web site and it has been an eye opener - I realised that I have more defects than I had previously realised, and that there are many other adults in braces. So I really can't wait for my next visit next Tuesday to ask the ortho if I can have my uppers braced too. I'm thinking about linguals, but I'm a bit concerned about the difficulty of keeping the brace clean as I find it very difficult to clean the inside of my upper teeth.....I don't tollerate stuff in my mouth too well!!! Or else ceramics...if it's not too late, that is!