Hi Decisionmade,
I am glad to hear that you are also doing well.
I visited the surgeon last Friday, and he told me that my teeth have spread about 9 mm, but the back has not expanded far enough. Now we are going into week three and he wants me now to crank the Hyrax only once a day to try and get the back teeth opened a little more.
I was hoping that the ortho would be allowed to start moving and closing the gap, but he wants me to wait another month

My gap is really large and very annoying at times. I try not to talk to much, but when I do people see it and want to know what happened. Then I have to go into this drawn out story, which is embarassing at this point.
I am living with it. I still take Aleve and switch off to Advil because Aleve messes with my stomach sometimes.
I still have numbness around my nose and upper lip, but it is slowly going away. Others still see swelling around my nose, but it is very minimal.
I still feel a little pain when I eat, so I still kind of stick to the soft stuff.
I have had my braces on now for 5 months and the Hyrax on for 3 months.
With having the braces on and having the surgery, the brackets are now up against my lip and my lip has been very sore underneath. Sometimes not allowing me to talk, so be happy that you don't have your braces yet.
I used tons of wax on the brackets to alleviate the canker sores in my mouth.
Well, this is my update until next time...
Have a great week!