I'm a frequent visitor here, finally decided to register and vent my feelings (in request for some feedback!!)
So, I have a class 3 underbite; my lower jaw sticks out basically and I have some problems with eating, grinding at night and a slight lisp. I live in the UK and I've had all of my pre-treatment appointments (via the NHS) and they are ready to begin the process; 2-2.5 years in braces, whilst having lower jaw surgery ONLY, after approx. 18 months, to move my lower jaw back by approx. 6mm.
All sounds great. But I need some help and information based upon the medical scenario and the cosmetic scenario >>>>>>
I would say the view I have on my appearance currently, is unsatisfactory. However, I actually started this process to get my bite sorted out (and I still am in it, partially, for this reason). Initially, treatment involved trimming down a tooth, but the doc's decided that they were taking shortcuts. So, many appointments later and finalised decisions about joint orthodontic-surgical treatment, I have become obsessed with the idea that they can actually get rid of my big chin (with the perception of my lower jaw being long!), as well as sorting out my bite!
Does this mean I am getting myself into this process for the cosmetic reason? The ortho and surgeon assume its PURELY for medical reasons - to fix my bite. But surely, in doing so, my appearance is going to improve (in my opinion), with the lower jaw being set back...
I'd like to know stories of any of you who have had this process done, for joint medical-cosmetic reasons? Do you regret it, are you glad you went through and had it all done? Do you feel better or worse about your appearance? (The surgeon operating on me hopefully will take my appearance into account when rearranging the lower part of my face), so I am currently positive about feeling confident and better about my appearance after! But is this really the case? I have heard a lot of stories about patients getting the surgery purely for cosmetic reasons and not being happy afterwards - I don't want this to be me!!
Moving my lower jaw back by 6mm doesn't seem like a lot at all? My surgeon says it will make me look different, but will it really? 6mm!!!?? That's less than the width of my little finger nail! Now, I want to look different as well as have my bite sorted out (which I'm presuming will happen), but its what I will look like afterwards which is the concern, particularly now that I'm partially relying on me looking good

I need some advice of those who are having/ have had this process done!
Many Thanks,