November Buddies

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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Re: November Buddies

#166 Post by sauerkraut »

So how's it going, beowulf? Are you free now? :)
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Re: November Buddies

#167 Post by Dani73 »

Hey Everyone :D

Just wanted to see how everyone is going now?

The grommets are still in and working wonders, though I still trying to get used to male voices. Any 'deep' noise makes me cringe!

I have, what is hopefully, my final adjustment with the Ortho today. They are doing some fine tuning, which has left a gap between my 2 front teeth. But I'm assuming because the tooth next to them (can't remember the name of it) is not aligned properly. I'm scheduled to have the braces removed next month. Woohoo 2 years and 4 months since they were first fitted! Going to feel extremely weird. Once they are off, I'll do some updated photo's.

Is anyone else having the problem that if they talk or laugh too much, the braces rip into their lips? This didn't happen before the surgery, but my dentist said it was because the jaws have moved forward I'm feeling the bulk of the braces now.

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Re: November Buddies

#168 Post by Rizzie »

Dani, how are you adjusting to your new look? I remember a while back that you were having a bit of a rough go of things. I hope you are happy with your outcome and feeling comfortable with the "new you".



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Re: November Buddies

#169 Post by sauerkraut »

Hey, Dani, I get de-braced next month as well :jump:. And yes, now you mention it I do seem to "catch" my braces a bit more than I used to. Ah well, not much longer and it'll be the retainers to battle with instead :wink:
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Re: November Buddies

#170 Post by Dani73 »

Rizzie - I'm slowly getting used to the new look - after hitting a rough patch (mentally) around the same time... I think I may have handled it better if I did it for 'cosmetic' reasons and not 'medical' reasons. I look at the photo's of me before and I can definately see the improvements, but I still miss the 'old' me! If that makes sense? I also don't think the loss of my hearing helped me either. It's been a journey.

sauerkraut - I had my final adjustment yesterday and they put in a new wire on both upper and lower teeth and also a power chain on the top teeth. Man can I feel it today. Also have they told you how long you'll need the retainers for?

Is everyone still wearing their elastics? Also do you still get a bit 'uncomfortable' around where they cut the bone?

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Re: November Buddies

#171 Post by bracedfaced »

Dani73 wrote:Rizzie - I'm slowly getting used to the new look - after hitting a rough patch (mentally) around the same time... I think I may have handled it better if I did it for 'cosmetic' reasons and not 'medical' reasons. I look at the photo's of me before and I can definately see the improvements, but I still miss the 'old' me! If that makes sense? I also don't think the loss of my hearing helped me either. It's been a journey.

sauerkraut - I had my final adjustment yesterday and they put in a new wire on both upper and lower teeth and also a power chain on the top teeth. Man can I feel it today. Also have they told you how long you'll need the retainers for?

Is everyone still wearing their elastics? Also do you still get a bit 'uncomfortable' around where they cut the bone?
Hey Dani73! I'd love to see your before/after pics if you are comfortable posting them.

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Re: November Buddies

#172 Post by sauerkraut »

Dani73 wrote: ... have they told you how long you'll need the retainers for?

Is everyone still wearing their elastics? Also do you still get a bit 'uncomfortable' around where they cut the bone?
I'm assuming the retainers are for life, though I've not been told that specifically yet. I gather you gradually wean down the length of time you wear them for but never give them up completely. I'll be having a permanent (fixed) retainer for the front lower teeth as well.

I'm still in elastics but only at night.

Nope, no discomfort at the cutting zone to complain of, thank goodness, just a bit of stiffness in the joint if I try to open my mouth really wide.

Hope the pain of your latest adjustment is easing now :)
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Re: November Buddies

#173 Post by Dani73 »

Hey Hey :)

Just wanted to see how everyone is going?

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Re: November Buddies

#174 Post by beowulf68 »

Hey Dani.....Hope you are doing well. I know you had some problems after your sugery. Hopefully they were all resolved??

I'm doing pretty well. The final outcome of my surgery cured my sleep apnea (I can't snore even if I try....The airway must be huge) and cosmetically I look much better now (no more receding lower jaw/chin). But.....In the process of curing my sleep apnea the surgery inadvertently dislocated both of my TMJs. I have to go back in August 1st for another sugery in which they will break my bottom jaw on both sides. The TMJ specialist is hoping once he breaks the jaw he can manipulate the joints back into place. Then, I'll have to be wired shut again. Though only for 6 weeks this time.

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Re: November Buddies

#175 Post by Minerva »

Hi Dani73,

Is the loss of hearing related to the surgery?

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Re: November Buddies

#176 Post by Dani73 »

Oh no Beowulf - I'm sorry to hear that! Let me know how you go with it all.

As for me -

I still haven’t had the final sleep study done as I haven’t gotten the go ahead yet. But I see my surgeon again in Sept.

I have been fitted with Hawley Retainers and I wear the bottom one nightly now, but unfortunately, I’ve had movement in my upper teeth and have to wear the retainer fulltime for now. But it doesn’t surprise me considering the amount of movement they had to do.

On the other matter, in my last post I had the grommets inserted in Jan, which helped with the partial hearing loss, but unfortunately when they fell out, my partial hearing loss came back. So I had my 2nd lot inserted last month. These ones are designed to stay in for 9 months. If I experience the same thing when they fall out, then it looks like I’ve had permanent damage to my Eustachian Tube in both ears and they will look at putting in permanent grommets.

So I have everything crossed that this lot of grommets will help the Eustachian Tubes to correct themselves.

Mirvena it is looking that way as I didn't have the problem beforehand.

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Re: November Buddies

#177 Post by Minerva »

Sorry to hear that.

Thanks for replying.

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