If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!
ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.
one of my front bottom teeth is soooo sensitive. i was concerned this tooth would give me trouble, as the gum seems a bit recessed on it. i think they did ipr between my two bottom middle teeth where they file away some of the tooth. could this be causing the sensitivity? it's so sensitive to cool or even air on it...... i would have called the ortho today except they are closed on Fridays.....and i didn't want to characterize it as an emergency though it's quite uncomfortable
i think i'll have to give up my e toothbrush on the front for a while. i've had to brush very very gently w/ it because of the sensitivity but even just the littlest vibration hurts so much. i think the manual will be easier on it...though i do love the great job the e toothbrush does
thanks! great idea, i don't have oral gel but i have some kind of numbing gel...i'ts called brace relief i think....just put it on.....it makes the area numb but it doesn't take the sensitivity away at all......good idea though.......i'm game for anything at this point
Oh boy, I remember when my teeth were really sore and I used my electric toothbrush. I would always accidentally hit a tooth with the back of the brush head and it felt like my whole head would vibrate off my neck! BZZZZZ! So you're very sensible to switch to a manual for a while!
Yeah, it sounds to me like they might have opened something up when they did the IPR on your teeth. Soreness and pain are normal territory when it comes to braces, but I don't think hot/cold sensitivity is really much of a factor (someone please correct me if I'm wrong!). I would try using some Sensodyne toothpaste for now and like everything else, just wait until it calms down and gets used to being 95% of the tooth it used to be. I had 3 crowns put on in preparation for my braces and the teeth underneath were just getting back to normal when I got braced. They don't cause me any pain at all now (except for the ice cold water that comes out of my tap this time of year) and it's been about two months. I hope you feel better soon!
the ultra sensitive tooth has settled down a tad. i think i need to stay a football field away from any liquid that is at all cool right now. am brush teeth, rinsing waterpiking w/ warmish water and this helps. if this is what i need to do for now, then we shall!
TODAY I FEEL GREAT!! i felt some energey like i haven't in some time....between being sick and ultra sore mouth.....i went for a fast walk after my morning routine and it WAS FAB!! cool but not too cold, started out w/ a jacket but quickly took that off and tied it around my waist. did a quick mile or so. i've lost a good seven lbs from this braces thing and for me, it's been just what i needed! i have a lot more than that to spare, i really feel energized and good! teeth still sore, but getting better. and having to go through the whole routine every time i eat makes me think about 3 times before i decide to eat which has been the best thing for me. i'd tried to take off the weight i'd gained but never had the where with all to follow through......
That is sooo wonderful to hear! And those missing 7 lbs... what a bonus! I can't wait until it warms up a little more here so I can take walks again (I HATE walking in the cold), enjoy!
got my first 'good' response to my braces.....volunteer came into the office and when she saw me smile she exclaimed...'LOOK AT YOU.....you're so cute....i luv your braces.....everybody is getting them now as an adult.....good for you. then she launched into a story about how her oldest daughter just had major facial jaw surgery and braces...... the kind i told myself i would never submit to.......
amazing what you learn about other ppl.....i felt like a movie star she made such a to do over me
each day is getting better. i still can't really bite into anything, even something 'soft' w/ my front teeth, though i feel like maybe i'll be able to soon. it does drive you c r a z y how food gets stuck in yer teeth when you eat and i have to run and rinse, water pik, brush, at a minimum. at work i've gotten a bit lazy.....i'll rinse after i have a snack but i don't brush....bad girl....i guess. at lunch i do a good job of brushing......i need to brush after my snacks as well. don't want to run into any probs.....sensitivity is a bit better, i'm able to go back to my e toothbrush for all the teeth, if i[m careful about the front. my first adjust ment is in march......now i get to continue to acclimate.....will try to enjoy before the first adjustment. i swear i see some movement of my front bottom tooth that is somewhat twisted.....seems like it is straightening up maybe a little. will have to go back and look at first pic.....
Yeah, it totally drives me nuts how food gets stuck so easily. I totally took it for granted how easily eating was without braces!! Of course, my favorite snacks are all snacks that easily get caught up in my back brackets (i.e. chips, goldfish, even broccoli).
But, with all the good oral hygiene - our teeth should be in great shape after braces! (I hope)!
i finally got bold enough to go out to sushi w/ my daughter. i have been lustily thinking about sushi for a while now.....i was able to eat it.....got selections that were soft and not too chewy.....enjoyed it and also enjoyed the green tea ice cream afterward, but i took FOREVER to get all the pieces of fish and veggies out of my teeth afterward.....still feels like stuff is in there even though i've rinsed , waterpiked, brushed and proxy brushed......ughhhhh
Hey Girl! How have you been? I've been so busy lately that I havent been on the forum for awhile but am always thinking about you and how you're doing.....I just went out and bought an Oral B rechargeable toothbrush and used it for the first time yesterday. SInce getting up this morning, my teeth are so sensitive that I can hardly stand to have the air hit them...let alone eat! I'm figuring it must be the new toothbrush?? I switched to Sensidyne right after I got my braces cuz I have naturally sensitive teeth anyway but, wow, they really hurt this morning...even if I touch them with my tongue.....not the bottom teeth though...just the top ones.
I had to run to the ortho Thursday cuz one of the little metal things they glue onto your teeth actually came off one of my teeth....the one behind one of my teeth that was pulled....it's a crown and he said they are harder to glue.
I sure wish you lived closer to IL cuz I do not know anyone with braces around here that is an adult and I have been hearing nothing but negativeness from relatives about me getting them. I just posted a new pic on my stories but it's not very clear...gonna see if I can get my son to do a better, closer up one when he gets up. ; )
54 years old when braced...Dec 27, 2010
Ceramics on top and bottom teeth with metal behind canines
two teeth were pulled (top, behind canines)
hey y'all sorry i haven't check in in a while.....but i'm back. i just had my first adjustment today, and they did some more ipr??? forgot what they called it but its where they remove some enamel between the teeth to give them more room to push together. i forgot to take some aleve prior to the appointment, which i now regret. i took some when i got to work, but i've got a pretty bad headache now.....they added brackets to my last four molars....and ewwww did that stuff taste bad. i didn't notice a bad taste when i got my braces on 8 weeks ago but when they added these last four brackets was it ever nasty tasting!! maybe they use different stuff because they were crowns??
they went to a larger wire and i heard the tech asking the ortho if he wanted to put a chain on.....luckily he said no.....at least for now.