Pain Question

Discussions about treatment with invisible braces that use clear aligners, such as Invisalign, OrthoClear, the Red White and Blue system, etc.

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Pain Question

#1 Post by harvardboi »

Hello all,

I just changed to a new set of aligners and have a question. Does Invislign, on occasion, move only one tooth at a time? I ask this because only one tooth is aching this go round.


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#2 Post by invisagirl »

I think they usually move two at a time per arch. Maybe one tooth is more sensitive to the current movement?? The last time I saw my ortho I questioned him on if Invisalign was still moving my molars cause I wasn't feeling anything and he said if you go by feeling you'll be wrong every time. I'm not sure I believe that but I thought I'd throw it out there.

2.6 years (30 months) with Invisalign plus 19 months 2 weeks with metal braces to achieve the perfect smile.

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#3 Post by rooroo »

Invisalign seemed to only move a few teeth at a time for me. I would very often have only one tooth that ached. And yes, it's true that you're teeth can move without hurting. I have a lower incisor that's moved significantly in the past week and hasn't hurt or ached at all. If you read through the Metal Mouth forum you'll find a number of members that never have pain or very minor pain yet their teeth move just as much as the rest of us.
2 year Invisalign patient graduated to ceramics to finish up treatment

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