[quote="35ksmile"]dexter, it took about 5 weeks before my surgeon told me i could chew again. it sucked but i got used to it. and totally pigged out on pizza when i could chew again.
anyway, just got banded today --- but only the lowers. no brackets or wire or anything on my uppers, besides the RPE. my orthodontist said he will not do anything with the uppers until 4.5mths post-sarpe, and i'll get my RPE out 6mths post-sarpe. i have an appointment in about 7 weeks for a wire adjustment on my lowers, and i'm guessing sometime shortly after that i'll be getting banded on my uppers.
gap is like 7.5mm, measured from the bottom of the teeth. closing slowly... but eh, can't complain. any progress is better than no progress![/quote]
Thanks for this update! I noticed that you mentioned previously that the LeForte I it's somewhat up in the air (now though, more leaning towards it happening), did they mention anything yet regarding that or are they basically waiting until the gap is closed in and all that good stuff.
Also, I noticed you're from Canada. Me too! The Greater Toronto specifically. Also, based on your time requirements on various things (i.e. eating/waiting for braces), size of gap (7.5mm reccomended), by any chance is your Orthodontic Surgeron from Crescent Oral Surgery, and your Orthodontist from Davis Orthodonsits?
On another note, it seems as though I have the same, literally the same situation as you. I liked my appearance before, no problems with it; have a very minor underbite but barely noticeable unless I point it out and even then it's not that evident. Do you (or I guess now, did you haha) have a narrow upper jaw? Did you have an open bite as well?