Elizabeth's Pilgrimage to the Straight Smile Club

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Re: Elizabeth's Pilgrimage to the Straight Smile Club

#16 Post by QueenElizabeth »

Day 9
Snap, crackle, pop and no it isn't the Rice Krispies kids! My teeth are popping and crackling today!! They are more sensitive today than they were yesterday. Still, I was able to eat all of my food without any issues, I mean other than getting the food stuck in my braces. Woot! Cold beverages really seem to help me. I had sushi tonight and the rice was just messy!! So I guess you can say I had sashimi. :biglaf: I can feel my teeth slowly getting into place. There is a teeny, tiny difference in my overbite. How do I know? I can't do my C. Montgomery Burns impersonation anymore. :crazy:

I'm looking forward to tomorrow, where I'll attempt to get back on the microphone with these things. :singing: Well guys and gals, that's it for today! Toodles! :-1
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Re: Elizabeth's Pilgrimage to the Straight Smile Club

#17 Post by rhuj »

Hullo QueenElizabeth!

I'm loving your wee updates esp as we got braced up on the same day!


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Re: Elizabeth's Pilgrimage to the Straight Smile Club

#18 Post by QueenElizabeth »

rhuj wrote:Hullo QueenElizabeth!

I'm loving your wee updates esp as we got braced up on the same day!

YESSSS!! :rawk:
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Re: Elizabeth's Pilgrimage to the Straight Smile Club

#19 Post by QueenElizabeth »

Day 10
My teeth were okay today. I could still hear them crunching and cracking but they were not as sensitive as yesterday or maybe I just became accustomed to it all. :thumbsup: I decided I wanted to be brave and ate a sandwich. Yuck. YUCK. YUCK!! :yuck: It was tasty though, but I kept stopping to take stuff out of my teeth and basically made the experience quite unpleasant. Tasty. :biglaf:

Several of my teeth are loose, which feels weird anytime, anything touches them. :ThumbsDown: I'm still drinking my smoothies each morning and I'm getting creative each day. At least I'm getting my servings of veggies and fruits. I still can't see a BIG difference from day one. Each day I wake up running to the mirror to see if anything has happened. :GapToothed: How silly of me. Anywho, my fiancee says that it sounds like I'm building something in the bathroom because the WaterPik is a tad loud for him. :crazy: I think that when I start to feel down about having braces (hey I can't be this chipper all of the time :BigGrin: ), he'll crack some jokes and it always makes me smile. Works every time!! Well I'm off to bed and to the land of chocolate with Homer Simpson. Mmmm. Chocolate.

Toodles! :-1
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Re: Elizabeth's Pilgrimage to the Straight Smile Club

#20 Post by LoveOrtho »

rhuj wrote:Hullo QueenElizabeth!

I'm loving your wee updates esp as we got braced up on the same day!

Ditto rhuj,

It's very entertaining to read you updates, but as you can probably tell we didn't get our braces on the same day :lol:! I hope your teeth are feeling better and that you can start eating harder things!!!

Best wishes,
Braced since September 25th 2009!
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Re: Elizabeth's Pilgrimage to the Straight Smile Club

#21 Post by QueenElizabeth »

Day 11
Boy are my teeth sensitive. I started to feel more pain on the upper left hand side of my mouth. :-+ Couscous, I love you and I despise you. It was 101F today here and I was crabby all day. :evil: Today cold beverages did not alleviate my pain or help me beat the heat. Thanks sun. :-(( This is where my WaterPik came to the rescue as it massaged my gums. :-} Ahh! I stayed away from sandwiches today and was basically on an all liquid diet (with the exception of the couscous of course).
So nice they named it twice!
I can't wait to go back to the ortho next week. I believe I'm clenching my jaw at night. Last night I couldn't get comfortable and ended up sleeping on my back, which for me is unusual. Probably the upside to today was, yogurt and Etsy. I start school in a few weeks and I'm wondering how I am going to get all this cleaning done with classes in the way. :roll: Suggestions kindly accepted. :-9

Time for a late workout! Toodles!! :-1
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Re: Elizabeth's Pilgrimage to the Straight Smile Club

#22 Post by QueenElizabeth »

Day 12
We hit 105F here today and I absolutely went batty. :FeelSick: The iced water cooled me off and then made my teeth hurt. I felt every single nerve in my mouth it seemed. Today I could feel the ones in the back wiggling! The front ones are extremely sensitive, so I'm eating sideways. :huh: I basically had to pulverize my steamed veggies today. :-+ Before I let the f-bombs fly I had to keep telling myself, "It's for the better!" :soremouth: WaterPik! WaterPik!

I decided to to go Michael's and pick up some stuff so I can get crafting again. And what do you know? So far it's keeping my mind off of my teeth and I'm making cool jewelry to boot. I enrolled in a Cake Decorating class, which should be fun. :o Anybody want to be my guinea pig? :biglaf: Anywho, hope everyone else had a great day. Our teeth are going to look awesome!!

Toodles!! :-1
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Re: Elizabeth's Pilgrimage to the Straight Smile Club

#23 Post by QueenElizabeth »

Day 13
Oh finally some relief from this summer heat!! :-* Well my teeth are very loose and the teeth in the back on my right hand side are hurting like nobody's business. :soremouth: Still, I didn't let that stop me from enjoying my food today. I'm starting to notice that the front teeth are being pulled back. :dance: Other than my spacers, this is the worst pain I've felt to date. I think I'll take an Advil and call it a night. :-Z

Toodles! :-1
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Re: Elizabeth's Pilgrimage to the Straight Smile Club

#24 Post by QueenElizabeth »

Day 14 (Friday, August 5th)
I woke up with a sore mouth, but nothing too bad. I had my usual tropical smoothie (pineapple, mango, bananas, strawberries and oranges) for breakfast, a muffin and a burrito for lunch. :dance: After than I didn't really feel like eating. I've been feeling ill and once I had my chai tea I was done for the day. My fiancee says he noticed how my front teeth aren't look so crooked (Thanks honey for the honesty!) :biglaf: More cracking and popping, which makes me giggle now. :GapToothed: The heat wasn't too bad today, so iced water was my friend again. I'm going in on Monday for a checkup! Woot! I wonder what they will tell me. Oh purdy please let it only be good things!! Hope everybody has a great weekend. I know I will...at the beach!! :BigGrin:

Toodles!! :-1
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Re: Elizabeth's Pilgrimage to the Straight Smile Club

#25 Post by QueenElizabeth »

Day 15
My teeth are still achy and I took my chances with Chinese food. Ugh the veggies were inedible, which aggravated me. :-= My day consisted of drinking iced tea and water. I ate the "insides" of a burrito, but chewing was still difficult. :FeelSick: So far today was the worst day in braces. :|

I've also noticed that my gums started to bleed a tad. My lips are really dry and some of the hooks are getting stuck on my lips. :braces_angry: RARR!! I'm done for today. I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow. :-Z

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Re: Elizabeth's Pilgrimage to the Straight Smile Club

#26 Post by QueenElizabeth »

Day 16 :pinkbraces:
I'm feeling SO much better today. And on the day that my teeth are able to handle any kind of food, I decided to make meatloaf and mashed potatoes. :biglaf: I noticed that a tooth in the way back is being pushed inward. There was no pain today, just a bit sensitive and that's okay by me. Tomorrow I'll get to ask a million questions on why I can't drink Pellegrino. Of all the things I miss consuming, it's the bubbly water. :huh: I read a post on here where someone was eating popcorn. I'm not that bold. Yet. :mrgreen: I noticed a bit more bleeding today as I brushed and flossed, so now I'm a little concerned. I have to thank my fiance for being such a super guy and dealing with my ortho mood swings. :rose: Tomorrow is a new day and I can't wait to get it going!! Hope everyone's weekend went well!! :thumbsup:

Toodles! :-1
"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain."
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Re: Elizabeth's Pilgrimage to the Straight Smile Club

#27 Post by QueenElizabeth »

Day 17
Holy smokes, my mouth is swo-ho-len! :-+ And now parts of my gums look like they are going to burst! :roll: Awful. It looks like my teeth are being bossy and pushing other teeth out of the way. I feel the pressure today (sings "Under Pressure" :singing:) More mash and meatloaf for me today. :yuck: I snacked on Champagne Grapes with some brie cheese, just to switch it up a bit. Right now, I'm drinking iced chai to keep me from going nuts. I think it's time go and get that toothpaste for sensitive teeth. :soremouth: Oh and my appointment wasn't today, it's tomorrow. Hoorah! Well time to get some shut eye. Hope everyone else has been doing great with their metal. :rawk:

Smooches and Toodles! :-1
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Re: Elizabeth's Pilgrimage to the Straight Smile Club

#28 Post by QueenElizabeth »

Day 18
:-+ :-= :-+ :-= = :paperbag: :soremouth:
What a day! What should have been a routine periodontist visit turned into a 2 hour surgery. Let me explain. Before I had my braces put on, I was told that I had deep pockets around the two back teeth (the ones in front of the wisdom teeth and one on each side). Today I was told that basically gum disease had taken place and bone loss was the result. BONE GRAFT! :yikes: Six needles went into my mouth :huh: and I was just able to eat something at 9pm (my surgery at 1pm). I would have been fine, but I had a class I had to go to today. Since I didn't expect the surgery today, I enrolled in some decorating classes last week. Ugh. I sat through the 2 hour shingding not saying a word. Maybe the class thought I was snotty. :cry: :oops: In any case, I'm back to my soft food diet + no spicy foods :FeelSick: . With the vicodin and amoxycillin, I have to make sure to eat yogurt. I'm going upstairs to call it a night. :-Z . The meds are kicking in and I have to be super duper careful now when brushing and flossing for the next 2 weeks or so. My goodness, I'm in the wrong business. :yuck:

Hope your day was better than mine.
Toodle-ooh! :-1
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Re: Elizabeth's Pilgrimage to the Straight Smile Club

#29 Post by QueenElizabeth »

Day 19
I was basically drugged up, nauseous and ignored food for most of the day. :ThumbsDown: The Vicodin has basically stalled any plans and I'm on an all liquid diet. :x My top teeth won't stop cracking and my bottom ones are in so much pain because of yesterday's surgery. :oops: In a week I'll get to see the periodontist again, so she can see the activity in the back teeth. My ortho appointment was pushed back 2 weeks, so I'm not too thrilled about that. Then again, it was bound to happen no? :Questions: I decided to go and purchase Sensodyne and some Act 1 mouthwash. We'll see how that goes. I'm trying to stay optimistic, but today I was really down and out. :paperbag: Even though my friends and fiance are cheering for me, I can't help but to be miserable. Well at least the last few days anyway. I'm not seeing major changes and I'm a bit frustrated to say the least. :-= We'll see how tomorrow goes. All I can do is take this journey one day at a time. Well gang, I'm off to take my meds and play dead for a few hours. :biglaf:

Toodles! :-1
"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain."
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Re: Elizabeth's Pilgrimage to the Straight Smile Club

#30 Post by lilone »

Wow, I can't believe you were given a gum surgery on the spot without having known it would happen! Did they have it scheduled and just fail to communicate that to you or did they have a cancellation and say "hey, we can fit you in now!"?

Was the surgery itself ok? I hope someone drove you! Good luck with your recovery!

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