Permanent Retainer is a PAIN! :(
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Re: Permanent Retainer is a PAIN! :(
Forgot to mention that I use the Crest Glide Threader Floss to floss the teeth with the permanent retainers. Simply push the stiffened end through the space between the gumline and the retainer and floss away.
Re: Permanent Retainer is a PAIN! :(
I didn't want anything permanent in my mouth after dealing with the braces (lower teeth only). I have a Hawley which I'm wearing 24/7 on my lower teeth for the first six months and one night a week on my upper teeth. It's such a pleasure to be able to take them off when I want to.

Re: Permanent Retainer is a PAIN! :(
Do they affect speech being behind your teeth? I was terrible talking with my removable expander and am worried about getting my permanent retainer. Saying that tho I am really looking forward to debanding day!!!! August 29 @ 3:30 yayyyyyyy! 

Re: Permanent Retainer is a PAIN! :(
Don't worry danz23, permanent retainers won't affect your speech. They are somewhat annoying at first and take some getting used to. But after a few weeks, you won't think about them anymore except when brushing as they do require a little extra care. Congrats on getting debraced!
Re: Permanent Retainer is a PAIN! :(
thats good about not affecting speech. Just 2 check, the bonded retainer is fully hidden right? Doesnt need the wire at the front like the removable one coz its glued?
Re: Permanent Retainer is a PAIN! :(
Corrrect, the permanent ones are attached to the back of the teeth and are not visible.
Re: Permanent Retainer is a PAIN! :(
So whats the normal procedure after braces come off? Sounds like they do molds on debanding day and i'm also down to have xrays on that day. But are they to help with making the retainer or just to make sure they've fully achieved what they wanted too? With a permanent retainer (think thats what I'm getting), they wouldn't have to wait for it to come in would they? I mean its not like its made specially for you by some technician in a lab somewhere. So does your ortho just kinda adjust the wire to fit you on the spot? I'm not too sure bout this coz last time i wasn't out of braces long enough to have a retainer. Only had two weeks being brace free before I changed ortho's!
Re: Permanent Retainer is a PAIN! :(
Wow i didn't know you could wear permanent retainers and removable ones at the same time!? Sounds nasty!

Re: Permanent Retainer is a PAIN! :(
I thought a bonded retainer would be great! No way. I wasn't a fan of removable retainers, so I didn't think twice about the traditional hawley retainers on the top and bottom. I had a friend with a bonded retainer and asked if I could get one of those on the bottom at least so I'd only have to worry about one retainer since I needed to wear the all the time for at least a year they recommended. Turns out almost a decade later this was NOT a good plan! I couldn't tell, but it came partially un-bonded at some point and yes, stuff shifted. I had to go in and count, but yes, six teeth were what it was bonded to (at least for awhile).
I had it removed by military dental clinic and just for grins tried to put the original retainer back in- SNAP. Turns out everything shifted worse than the obvious couple of teeth that were now not straight. 80% overbite, left side of jaw going ka-chuck with every open of mouth and at least one lower tooth hitting the back upper part of the uppers. I have faithfully worn the top retainer, eventually only at night. Had to have it fixed and eventually replaced after breakage and it wasn't quite the same, but I stuck with it and even the replacement lower that kept the lowers at least in the same un-nice position they were in after having the bonded disaster removed.
Needless to say I wouldn't recommend a bonded retainer unless you watch it like a hawk and do your best to ensure all was well. I didn't have the luxury of being near the orthodontic clinic I had my work completed. I'm guessing if you do the bonded option, and live near your original ortho, check in with them every year or two just to be safe or at least have your regular dentist look close for you.
There's of course more to my orthodontic story, but I copied and pasted from my first rookie post whilst peeking over the site forums.
Cheers Y'all,
I had it removed by military dental clinic and just for grins tried to put the original retainer back in- SNAP. Turns out everything shifted worse than the obvious couple of teeth that were now not straight. 80% overbite, left side of jaw going ka-chuck with every open of mouth and at least one lower tooth hitting the back upper part of the uppers. I have faithfully worn the top retainer, eventually only at night. Had to have it fixed and eventually replaced after breakage and it wasn't quite the same, but I stuck with it and even the replacement lower that kept the lowers at least in the same un-nice position they were in after having the bonded disaster removed.
Needless to say I wouldn't recommend a bonded retainer unless you watch it like a hawk and do your best to ensure all was well. I didn't have the luxury of being near the orthodontic clinic I had my work completed. I'm guessing if you do the bonded option, and live near your original ortho, check in with them every year or two just to be safe or at least have your regular dentist look close for you.
There's of course more to my orthodontic story, but I copied and pasted from my first rookie post whilst peeking over the site forums.
Cheers Y'all,
Re: Permanent Retainer is a PAIN! :(
Honestly?? I really don't understand how anybody can possibly gripe about having a permanent/bonded retainer after having braces. After having braces, just about anything is a walk in the park. The bonded retainer is not visible, and from what I've read -- retains the teeth the best. It might be a little bit harder to floss than if nothing was there, however compared to flossing with braces, it is a piece of cake. It is such a minor trade-off to guarantee the best retention after long sentences in braces, not to mention lots of money for the braces.
I was debanded on the bottom a month ago and had bonded retainers put in, and no issues whatsoever. Today I was debanded on the top and again, I had bonded retainers put in, and they are great. This is 1000 times better than having braces, and if I forget a night w/o my essix retainers, then I don't have to stress out. I am 100% sure my teeth will always look the way they did the day they came off, and how can I complain about that?
I was debanded on the bottom a month ago and had bonded retainers put in, and no issues whatsoever. Today I was debanded on the top and again, I had bonded retainers put in, and they are great. This is 1000 times better than having braces, and if I forget a night w/o my essix retainers, then I don't have to stress out. I am 100% sure my teeth will always look the way they did the day they came off, and how can I complain about that?

Re: Permanent Retainer is a PAIN! :(
danz23 wrote:Wow i didn't know you could wear permanent retainers and removable ones at the same time!? Sounds nasty!WHY???
Why is it nasty sounding?
I have my permanent ones on all day, and then at night I put the removable one (essix) on top. It makes sure that the back teeth are aligned correctly. And then in the morning I take the essix off and I feel like my teeth are completely free all day.
If I didn't get the permanent ones, then I'd have to wear something all day and all night for a LONG time (a year?), and that would suck just as much as having braces on for another full year. And then after, I would always be worried about my teeth shifting during the day w/o retainers at night... b/c I heard that can happen. With the permanent, I don't have to worry about my teeth shifting, EVER. It's so worth it!

Re: Permanent Retainer is a PAIN! :(
Consider yourself lucky to have the bonded and essix to help ensure no, or potentially less issues. I wasn't ever given that option and for years I thought the bonded option on the bottom was teriffic. Imagine my surprise when things slowly shift over the years and you can't tell a couple of teeth have come unbonded. I'm sure if I'd had an essix retainer to go along with bonded I wouldn't be in bad shape again.
I think personal preference plays a role here too. I've never been a big fan of removable stuff, so it might surprise folks, I actually preferred the braces to the retainers. That's of course why I'm so disappointed the permanent bonded option didn't work out for me.
I was offered invisalign to fix these issues and said no way. The orthodontist understood and said they have folks that are invisalign candidates that don't want to have to mess with removing stuff and go the traditional route.
Hope all stays well with your grin!
Consider yourself lucky to have the bonded and essix to help ensure no, or potentially less issues. I wasn't ever given that option and for years I thought the bonded option on the bottom was teriffic. Imagine my surprise when things slowly shift over the years and you can't tell a couple of teeth have come unbonded. I'm sure if I'd had an essix retainer to go along with bonded I wouldn't be in bad shape again.
I think personal preference plays a role here too. I've never been a big fan of removable stuff, so it might surprise folks, I actually preferred the braces to the retainers. That's of course why I'm so disappointed the permanent bonded option didn't work out for me.
I was offered invisalign to fix these issues and said no way. The orthodontist understood and said they have folks that are invisalign candidates that don't want to have to mess with removing stuff and go the traditional route.
Hope all stays well with your grin!
Re: Permanent Retainer is a PAIN! :(
Yep now I have my retainers (same as you- essix on top just at night and permanent ones as well) I know it's fine wearing them and I see why some of us have both now. Just sounded a bit scary when I read the posts on here! Like i thought maybe that would be double the discomfort or sumthin. I have had no real probs with any of them but do feel lucky I don't have to wear my essix during the day! Saying that though I so don't understand people who don't wear their retainers. Like why would you do that to yourself????!!! I would be stressing out so much that my teeth would move! Anyway, now my teeth are good and i just have my wisdom teeth surgery to look forward to on Monday!
Re: Permanent Retainer is a PAIN! :(
Hi Everyone
So, I'm finally rid of my Inman Aligner since yesterday and my teeth are looking pretty good. My ortho fitted me with a bonded retainer on the top and told me how to clean it and stuff but not much else. He said there were no foods to avoid, even toffee pennies and such. But, it just seems so damn flimsy! I worry that the stuff holding it on won't hold it if I bite into foods or something. Can anyone give me any advice?
All the bonds also feel really weird and oddly shaped and some feel thicker than others. How can you tell if ones popped off or whether it's on right and stuff?
Other than that I'm happy. I had hawleys the first time around and...well...I woulnd't be here if I'd worn them lol

So, I'm finally rid of my Inman Aligner since yesterday and my teeth are looking pretty good. My ortho fitted me with a bonded retainer on the top and told me how to clean it and stuff but not much else. He said there were no foods to avoid, even toffee pennies and such. But, it just seems so damn flimsy! I worry that the stuff holding it on won't hold it if I bite into foods or something. Can anyone give me any advice?
All the bonds also feel really weird and oddly shaped and some feel thicker than others. How can you tell if ones popped off or whether it's on right and stuff?
Other than that I'm happy. I had hawleys the first time around and...well...I woulnd't be here if I'd worn them lol

Re: Permanent Retainer is a PAIN! :(
Yesterday at my appointment the ortho told me that if everything moves like it is supposed to
at my next appointment (3 weeks) they will take impressions for permanent retainers, upper and lower. Then it will take another 4 weeks before they de-brace and install the retainers. I had no idea I was going to have a permanent retainer on top. My kids both have permanent ones on the bottom and have removable retainers for the top.
I've read through this thread and the information here was really helpful. I am still a little nervous about having the top one, I hope I can get used to it quickly. But again after braces, any less metal in my mouth will be a blessing!
Almost done!

I've read through this thread and the information here was really helpful. I am still a little nervous about having the top one, I hope I can get used to it quickly. But again after braces, any less metal in my mouth will be a blessing!
Almost done!