I'm 51, husband thinks I'm too old for braces.

Discussions about treatment with invisible braces that use clear aligners, such as Invisalign, OrthoClear, the Red White and Blue system, etc.

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Re: I'm 51, husband thinks I'm too old for braces.

#31 Post by Newsmilesoon »

Hi Eve and Janey 1
Thank you for your posts, sorry but I haven't been on for a while. Today I put my second set in, forgot how 'tight' they feel at first. I'm getting on alright with them, a really useful tip I read on this site was to file the sharp bits, I did suffer for a day or two at first. I have got absolutely not regrets Janey1 my husband thinks nothing of the price because I haven't told him he he!! I bet he wonders but is too polite to ask x

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Re: I'm 51, husband thinks I'm too old for braces.

#32 Post by annelou »

[quote="armadillo"][quote="annelou"]You go girl!!......My slogan is "straight teeth by 60" I know it seems ridiculous and vain to some of my family and friends. I made sure my two sons had braces so they would have a beautiful smile, and now (after getting them through college: $$) it's my turn. My husband just shrugs, so I guess that's better than scorn. Everyone has things about themselves they wish they could change and I feel if I'm willing to put up with the discomfort and challenges of wearing these things I will earn the reward of living the rest of my life with a smile I feel good about - even if it's in the nursing home![/quote]

Haha! "Straight by 60" is my slogan too! I'm 58 and one year in. I've always wanted braces for my crooked teeth. I've had all kinds of reactions. My husband laughed too, but the joke will be on him when I have a nice new smile! I had one person say "why did you do that when you're 100!" (she's older than I am). Others think I'm nuts, but there's a guy on my office who's the same age as I am and has braces and he encouraged me. The time passes whether you do it or not, and if you can afford it (I have dental insurance that includes some ortho....when I retire I may not have that level) go for it. Teeth tend to look more snaggly as you age, so why not do something about it now? :)[/quote]

That is a good perspective: "time passes whether you do it or not-" I'm going to keep that in mind. Thanks!! So far, so good.

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Re: I'm 51, husband thinks I'm too old for braces.

#33 Post by annelou »

Eve43 wrote:annelou,

I'm so glad you like them! I hope the experience continues to be a positive one for both of us. The top mold was tough...stuff started gagging me. But first time was a charm...no re-do's. So now I wait. I was going for Damon clear...and at the last minute chickened out. After reading about pokey wires and mouth sores...yikes! I hope my decision proves to be a wise one. I know they're difficult to get off...I have one of those tools coming...it should be delivered tomorrow ;) Do you have the tool, lou? And if so, does it help? I could stand to lose a few pounds...so I am looking forward to that! Thanks for sharing your experience so far with them...look forward to chatting with you as we both go along our journeys ;)
Hi Eve,
Getting the aligners out has gotten a little easier. I'm only on my second set, I see the ortho in a couple days and will get the next two sets. How do you like the tool? I think I'm okay without it, but my fingernails get a little worn out, and it's not a pretty picture when I'm pulling them out. I avoid doing that in front of anyone. My husband cringes! But he's been supportive, in his own way!
One of my challenges is being hungry and not wanting to take them out. I was really a "grazer" and it's hard to change. I "cheat" by drinking a protein kind of drink with the aligners in, alternating drinks with water. I work in a setting where it's impossible to be taking them in and out, eating, brushing, etc, other than lunch.
Hope things are going well for you!

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Re: I'm 51, husband thinks I'm too old for braces.

#34 Post by redhatt »

I would say go for it! I'm 47 and wish I had started sooner but none the less and so happy that I will shortly (2 years) have the smile that I have always wanted. Dont let your age stop you from having the smile you deserve. Go for it!

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Re: I'm 51, husband thinks I'm too old for braces.

#35 Post by Maeraj »

Too old? Please! You're only 51, even if you only had 5 more years of life left in you and you weren't happy with your smile I'd still say GO FOR IT! I've been waiting my whole life to have a smile I'd be proud to flash and am so happy to finally be on track to getting it!

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Re: I'm 51, husband thinks I'm too old for braces.

#36 Post by gramma2xander »

Go for it I just got mine 2 days ago at age 43.I know how you feel I have hated my smile and teeth for a long time.I got braces because I knew it would make me feel better and more confident to have a nice smile,and my 3 daughters are also very suportive.(2 or them had braces as teenagers) Good luck and do it for you,you deserve it. :D

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Re: I'm 51, husband thinks I'm too old for braces.

#37 Post by Chopper »

I'm 49 years old (male), and I just got started on Invisilign (tray 1, day 3 - ouch! But getting better).

Your story is very similar to mine.

I've always been very self-conscious about my teeth. Some of my teeth were missing, some never came in, and yet I have terrible overcrowding on the bottom. My top and bottom teeth are terribly out of line.

When I was 18 years old, my parents took me to an orthodontist. He told me things similar to what yours told you. I would need surgery to correct my bite, my teeth would be hard to move, etc. In the end, he basically said he didn't know how or if I could be helped, by him or anyone else. I left his office very discouraged. And until 6 weeks ago, I thought I was just doomed to have a terrible smile forever.

But by chance (or maybe by God's guidance), I went to a new dentist at a very well respected dental practice for a checkup. This was about 6 weeks ago. He talked to me about Invisilign, and completely contradicted everything my original orthodontist told me. He was also very disturbed by what my original orthodontist told me, and basically said that he was incompetent and his advice to me bordered on malpractice.

I'm finally getting something done about the biggest problem I've ever had in my life.

My story differs a bit from yours in that my wife and children are very supportive. And that makes a big difference.

Don't give up. Just do it. The benefits will far exceed the cost. Have your husband and children read this thread, and maybe they'll begin to understand. But even if they don't, just do it anyway.

You won't have braces in the grave. Instead, you'll have a great smile for the many, many years you have yet to live.

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Re: I'm 51, husband thinks I'm too old for braces.

#38 Post by annelou »

Good for you Chopper! How wonderful you are able to finally address something that has troubled you for a long time; and that you have your family's support! I wear my trays for three weeks at a time and find that they get much more comfortable as those three weeks go by. (I'm on my fourth set) But when I put a new set in and it feels like my teeth are in a vice I remind myself that's what it's going to take to move these crooked teeth! Best wishes to you!

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Re: I'm 51, husband thinks I'm too old for braces.

#39 Post by rahmama »

It's got to be tough when your family is not supportive. This will have to be something you just do for yourself. You're lucky you qualify for Invisilign.
By the way, I'm 64 and just got braces 3 days ago. Not for cosmetic reasons and I am now adjusting to a mouth full of metal. I really wanted Invisilign, but my mouth is too out of whack.

I'd say 'go for it' if you haven't already. :HugeGrin:

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Re: I'm 51, husband thinks I'm too old for braces.

#40 Post by Sparkler »

I'm 51 and I recently got Invisalign. I have 32 trays (i.e. 64 weeks of wearing) and I think it is absolutely worth it. It's a personal decision and should be yours alone. Good luck.

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