Colors for adults

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Colors for adults

#1 Post by gramma2xander »

Anybody have an opinion on adults getting colored o-rings the things that go around the brackets.I would like to try colors instead of just the silver,but would it look silly at my age?(43)

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Re: Colors for adults

#2 Post by belistic10 »

nope i would go for it :lol: who cares what age you are, if your in pain might as well have some fun with it :lol: i cant really change mine as i dont have ligs, but guess they could add them for pretty colours but i figure its just one more bit to clean :roll: if they give me powerchains along the way i will get them to colour them :lol:


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Re: Colors for adults

#3 Post by AM21 »

I think having colored ligs is awesome! Nothing wrong with it at all. I figure since you have to deal with braces might as well try to make the best of it and have a fun mouth full of colors. Right now, I have red and black alternating ligs. :)
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Re: Colors for adults

#4 Post by metalsmile »

I'm 24 and have no problem getting color ligs (or powerchain for that matter)...and I have ceramic uppers. I realized quickly into treatment that people saw them no matter what, so thought, "what the heck!"

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Re: Colors for adults

#5 Post by gramma2xander »

Thanks for the replys I will go for it. Should be fun with all the Holidays coming up! :HugeGrin:

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Re: Colors for adults

#6 Post by Bracer215 »

Well I am an oldster on this site and I love colors. Right now for Oct/Nov I have an orange power chain on top and gold on bottom. :D

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Re: Colors for adults

#7 Post by belistic10 »

yay look forward to seeing what awesome colours you get :D


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Re: Colors for adults

#8 Post by catgyrl »

Ditto what everyone else has said - GO FOR IT!! I will hopefully be getting my braces off in 6 months or so, and I've only just now started experimenting with colored ligs/chains on my clear brackets. I started out with a plum color that was really pretty. I tried hot pink (didn't care much for that one...); lavendar was nice, and just a few weeks ago I got light blue, which is still holding its color, for the most part. When I go back next week, I think I'm going to try something green! Might as well have fun with them, and I guarantee you, nobody will even care what you have on your teeth. The darker colors are more resistant to staining (coffee, tea, soda, turmeric, curry, etc.), but I noticed that my lavendar didn't stain much, and neither did the plum.

Have fun! :D

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Re: Colors for adults

#9 Post by denSMSgt »

I always thought colours were FUN, especially as an adult! I only did green once though, when co-workers and friends thought I had lettuce stuck in my braces. I'm all about fun colours, but that cured me of ever doing green again!

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Re: Colors for adults

#10 Post by catgyrl »

Darn! I didn't even think of the lettuce thing!! Hmmm... may have to rethink green now. Thanks for the heads-up!

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Re: Colors for adults

#11 Post by noveldevice »

I don't get coloured powerchains because I personally find them ugly, but when I have ligatures I always get colours. I've had dark red, dark blue, violet, lavender. Loved them all.

I'm 36 and teach college. :)

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Re: Colors for adults

#12 Post by racheltn3 »

Definitely, go for it! Have fun with the colors! :D

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Re: Colors for adults

#13 Post by smam1130 »

I got my braces three months before my 40th birthday... and I went for the color elastics... My regretful color was bright green and then red... the purple made my braces look dark and so did the blue... I think it's just me embarrassed that I'm 40 with color on my braces like a teen, but you all are making me think different... this last adjustment I went with out bands at all but it's a little rough on my skin without... I don't know what I'm gonna do next. :roll:

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Re: Colors for adults

#14 Post by Mazly007 »

I'm excited to start trying colors out on my bottom metal brackets. I'm thinking pink could be a fun first choice. :D

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Re: Colors for adults

#15 Post by braceface74 »

I'd say go for it :), age makes no difference.

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