How to tell if a dry socket is developed?

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How to tell if a dry socket is developed?

#1 Post by Snow »


I just had one tooth extracted two hours ago. There is little bleeding now and it's all red in the hole. I guess that's the blood clot? What does it look like if it's a dry socket? You won't see the red stuff in the hole? Or the hole is empty? :Questions: Just want to know if there is a visual way to find out I am at risk of dry socket. Thanks!

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#2 Post by zyphus »

I don't know if there is a visual way to tell but I can tell you there is an easy way to tell if you have a dry socket. PAIN......lots and lots of PAIN.
I had 2 dry sockets when I had my extractions.

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dry socket

#3 Post by metallica »

yeah! good advice stop looking. I looked so much and tought i had a piece of food stuck in the hole and wanted to take it out. so i rinced and rinced and played in the hole till it hurts. the next day went to the dentist to find out the white thing i was seeing in the hole was my bone.........yeww and ouch!!!
i see changes...

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#4 Post by TheSilverSmileChileno »

ouch! i got two of mine extracted yesterday in the morning, it took like til teh night to finally stop bleeding at all, but at the next morning i found out it bleed a little cause my pillow had little red marks, but after all nothing i ate well and stuff

the more you worry teh worse. just dont pay attention to it, the funny part, is how bad u talk and drink stuff, hehe i keep dropping liquid out, hehehe
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#5 Post by zyphus »

I think I drank a lot of alcohol after I had my first 2 extractions (both got dry socket). I do not recoomend this.... Looking back at it, I wasn't too smart even though my ortho did not specifically say NOT to drink.
I had the other 2 extracted a few months later. This time I avoided the alcohol and no problem.

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#6 Post by usa1 »

Snow. No need to look. The dry socket will find you if you get one. Im just getting over 2 form 3 weeks ago. There is a post 1 or 2 pages back where myself and others outline this wonderfull event. The repacking is the crown jewel. The women take childbirth over it. Ive broken my arm, leg, hand and thumb and prefer the titaninum screws and plates over it. I guess some can be worse than others. The Doc turned my lights out during repacking. I just thought I was tough. Be good and follow the rules. Good luck.
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#7 Post by Snow »

Thank you guys! You are the best. I will try to take the stop-looking advice. I say "try" because it's really hard not to want to take a look at that horrible hole.

I thought braces would be the hard part and didn't think much of the extraction. Boy, it turned out the extraction freaked me out much more. I don't recall extraction was a big issue when I was a kid (I had three permanent teeth taken out when I was a teen). As far as I remember, all I did was to not to eat for a few hours, then everything went back to normal. Maybe I was just lucky...

I am having my lunch while composing this message, and I have looked myself in the mirror for three times already to make sure no food is falling into that hole or getting close to it... :D

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#8 Post by Braces28 »

If you can't resist to look, a dry socket means the bone is exposed where blood was supposed to clot over. And like many people said, the pain is horrid....more than anything I can imagine. Even a dose of vicodin didn't take all the pain away. I was pain free once they repacked it with a solution that killed the nerves in the socket. Then, I waited until the gum grew over the bone, which takes about 4-6 months.

You should be fine if you're not in excruciating pain by now. just remember not to gurgle, or suck on things. Good Luck!
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#9 Post by Kayla »

I'm nauseous now just remembering the pain of packing. I about knocked the Dr out. It was worse than the pain of the dry socket. After the 1st packing though, the others are smooth (just so you know incase).
My Dr told me that if after 3 days, I was still in pain, I probably had a dry socket...that was his rule of thumb.

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#10 Post by Snow »

It has been two whole days now, and no pain yet. Thank God!

I am keeping my fingers crossed. I got shaken just by reading about the dry socket pain people went trough...

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Re: dry socket

#11 Post by butterfly »

metallica wrote:the white thing i was seeing in the hole was my bone.........yeww and ouch!!!
reading this i am wondering now...!!

i had 4 wisdoms extracted, in 4 local anesthesia sessions. NOONE told me anything about not using straws, not rinsing stc. the even said i SHOULD rinse and keep it clean!!! not a word about dry socket. risks, anything.

the first day after i had pain from the open wound and the stitches, couldnt open my mouth, couldnt swallow and so on. (like you bit yourself very very bad) but the day after this all hell broke loose. a pulling pain set on which was similar to bone pain (i broke my arm once and know this type of pain). i cross-took both ibuprofene and paracetamol, counting the minutes in between minimum intervals, fearing overdosing and allergy. without codeine i could not sleep. i was obsessed with the huge hole and food stuck to it. i examined it with a dental mirror and poked at food stuck there with a plastic pick. a friend of mine gave me the advice to buy a plastic syringe and flush food out of there !!!! i could see what i thought as a joke is my bone :shock: something white which i couldnt remove. i thought its rice first. and was sure thats OK like that!!! pain lasted for days.( i had a 4 hour abortion with mifegyne and a labor inducer which was less painful than these wisdoms.....! i wished to trade them in.) im not sure if it was dry socket now... but sounds a lot like it.

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