Four bits of news from today's consultation:
1. I don't have to have any teeth extracted! The more this realization sinks in, the more I want to jump up and do a happy dance.

I went in fully expecting to hear that I need four teeth removed. Past orthodontists I've consulted have told me as few as two, but never zero! My current ortho said that my upper front teeth tilt inward slightly, meaning they will leave room for my canines to come in once they are positioned correctly. Which leads me to point number 2...
2. While I won't need extractions, I will need oral surgery. Specifically, I'll need exposure surgery on my impacted canine. I've heard a number of stories about this, good and bad, so I'm a bit nervous. But my ortho said that if I were his sister, he'd still say "go for it." That was very comforting.
3. I'll get my top arch braced first. The reason? It will take my top arch a lot longer to make room for two new teeth than it will take the crowding in my bottom arch to straighten out. If he braced both at the same time, the bottom would end up waiting a long time for the top to catch up. Ultimately, it'll be several months before the bottom will be braced and the exact timing depends on the cooperation of the top.
4. I have to get my broken tooth repaired before any of this can happen. I have a cleaning and x-rays scheduled for the end of the month and the repairs won't happen until some point after that. I may see if I can go ahead and schedule the repair appointment.
All in all, a pretty informative day. Now I'm working toward getting a brace day set in stone... the suspense is killing me!