Well, it's six weeks in now and there are VERY noticeable changes. VERY.
Here's day four:
Here's today:
As you can see, I am now sporting a great big gap in between my front teeth and my second tooth on my right! They changed out the wire on that side which had been added to close the extraction gap just under two weeks ago and it's obviously made a difference. I kind of wish they'd changed the one out on my left too so that I could be "evenly gappy." Sounds silly, I know...
Here's day two from below:
Here's today from below:
What's really noticeable is the archwire, I think. It's way straighter.
So there we go! Yay! I did notice today that my front teeth are very sensitive (they have been for a few days) and maybe a shade darker on some of the photos than the other teeth. I think they are bruised from the movement, so I am going to treat them with extra care in the next few weeks and see how that goes. The difference in color is only visible from below and only on some of the pictures, not "in real life" so I'm trying not to be concerned.
The movement is really impressive though I think!