How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#16 Post by sds4h »

Hey! Mine only took one week between the day of the impressions and the day I was braced! My orthodontist had my braces set up into four trays (one for each quadrant of my mouth) and then put them on in sections! It took three hours.

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#17 Post by kellyb »

i had my records/impression done on 19th Nov 2011, rcvd treatment plan 2 weeks later and brace date was 07th Jan 2012. It could have been sooner but i was having second thoughts so was sitting on my treatment plan for about 2 weeks before i contacted the ortho to let him know i wanted to go ahead, then there was the christmas and new year holidays.


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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#18 Post by tmroy79 »

I had impressions done on a Thursday and then got braced the following Tuesday.

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#19 Post by marybee »

One week from impressions, x-rays, pictures and financial arrangements to braces. No spacers, no teeth to pull and I had my teeth cleaned 3 weeks before my ortho appointment so I was good to go. Putting the braces on took about 1 hour and they were in 2 trays and the only bad part was the etchant - yek! :FeelSick: I've had my braces on for 26 days and doing pretty well :dance:

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#20 Post by wildpig »

1 month for me. Probably because mine is thr the local ortho training program. If I ve gone with private ortho, would ve been just a few days time,

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#21 Post by Colbrit7 »

I had my initial consultation on 11th January this year and had photos and x-rays taken. I was immediately given an overview of the suggested treatment and booked an appointment with the surgeon (I will be having surgery on my lower jaw). This was on 31st January. I was sent my treatment plan a few days later and then I pondered and pondered.

I decided to go through with the treatment and rang mid March and brace day was scheduled for 30th March, which would have been much sooner had I wanted. Yesterday I had my impressions done and was braced :)

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#22 Post by bethanybroccoli »

MY first time around I got my records done and spacers put in that same day. I came back a week later and got my braces put on.

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#23 Post by Goofy »

I had my initial consult in November, records / impressions done 21 December, then braced on 23 January - my ortho sent me the treatment plant / photos / contraindications etc., then I had to return the form to say I wanted to go ahead. So about 4.5 weeks between records and braces, including Christmas.

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#24 Post by GillyWeed »

I had my records appt on April 25th and was upper braced on May 9th (I req'd an extraction, otherwise it would have only been a week).


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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#25 Post by Acklay »

After I went in for the consultation, I was scheduled to get spacers one week later.

One week after the spacers, they took pictures and impressions and put my top brackets on.
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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#26 Post by Felis »

Ridiculously quick; I didn't even know what hit me.

I had my first consultation, x-rays and impressions done on a Thursday morning. My ortho told me to come back later that evening to discuss what could be done. When I went back, we went through all my options and prices. I made the decision there and then to get it done and he put spacers where they were needed. The following Monday I had the braces fitted. Four days!

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#27 Post by OldBikerBag »

About a month and a half. I hadn't been to a dentist in a long time, so I had to get that done first.

Uh...what's "banding?" All I got were brackets and an arch wire with a few little white beads on it.

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#28 Post by Jerseygirl »

Two days. Impressions taken on a Tuesday. Xrays reviewed. Braced on that Thursday.

He was familiar with my case as I'd consulted with him four years prior. But I don't think he needed a lot of time to plan much - regardless.

He had my braces on, top and bottom in 30 minutes. Very fast.


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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#29 Post by Mylene »

2 1/2 weeks total - three days after my first consult they put in spacers, then they had to wait 2 weeks for the spacers to make enough room to install braces.

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#30 Post by nikkibabie19 »

OldBikerBag wrote:About a month and a half. I hadn't been to a dentist in a long time, so I had to get that done first.

Uh...what's "banding?" All I got were brackets and an arch wire with a few little white beads on it.

Well banding as i understand it is where you get a metal band literally placed on your molars.

It is where the ends of the arch wire go. I guess it helps anchor the wire bcuz ur molars are supposed to be ur sturdiest teeth...

i have 6 bands...i need two more....(two on each molar upper left & right and lower left & right)
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