Boy, does time go by fast! I haven't posted in months.
I've been busy busy busy with school. I'm sure my teeth has moved a lot, if you asked the ortho but in my eyes I feel like they are kind of at a stand still. For months i've been wearing rubber bands non stop. (I've gotten so used to them, that when I do not wear them my teeth start to hurt because of the lack of pressure. Weird.) A couple months ago my ortho also put power-chains on all my teeth. (That was very very painful.) My teeth were sore for about 2 weeks.
I visit the ortho again some time next month. Fingers crossed very tight, I pray removal of my braces will be my New Years gift. But we shall see. My teeth still look like they "stick out" too far (don't know the correct word for that) & a couple more things don't look just right. My ortho also plans on leaving the two gaps on the side of my mouth slightly open and I have to get veneers or crowns on 2-4 of my top front teeth...But If not New Years, Hopefully sometime in March before my birthday, they shall be gone at last.
Also, a little off topic but I still find myself covering my smile when I laugh or slightly putting my head down so my teeth won't show. Back when I had my XXlarge gap, i told myself i would smile all the time when it closed. Now that the gap has disappeared, I've found other critiques with my teeth. *sighs. Hopefully, this esteem issue will pass when i'm fully debraced and I will smile even when i'm sad lol!
These pics are from the last 3 months maybe. (I haven't been keeping track like I should.

) & the last picture I took about 10 minutes ago. HAPPY SMILING EVERYONE! & HAPPY HOLIDAYS.

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