If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!
ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.
Yay! Glad they're on Sorry about the pain That *does* get better. Mouth ulcers are awful if you get them. Definitely stick some wax on at the first sign of rubbing. If you let it go the ulcer just gets bigger and more painful.
I wish I could say eating gets better. The chewing thing comes back (although I still have times where I swallow my food half whole ) but having to clean everything out of your braces doesn't
Hope the pain eases up for you soon and your teeth feel a little better
I would say my pain isn't even that bad! Atleast compared to what I was expecting. I just took the ibuprofen to make it go mostly all away. Though with those bite things, when I chew, they randomly hit my bottom teeth and then those top teeth hurt! But I'm trying to chew realllly slow.
I feel like my cheek sores are sorta weird. Most of the time I barely feel it rubbing or hurting or anything. That's why I'm "iffy" about using the wax. I am sorta worried about when I get back home and to work and start talking... that's probably when the real sores start. But hopefully not. Right now I'm barely talking to anyone... I'm like a hermit! ha
I still have tenderness on my front top 6 teeth (especially my one canine tooth on one side, but it actually might be lining up maybe? It's sorta hard to tell.) My snake fang tooth buildups are kinda driving me nuts at times. They really feel like snake fangs tucked back. Anyhow, even with my front 6 hurting some, I decided to attempt eating 2 hard boiled eggs with my front teeth. It hurt some at first but it seemed to get better and hurt less... it just hurt looking at all the egg jammed into my braces! BAH! But I felt proud that I'm like 4 days in and bit into stuff with my front teeth. YAY!
I am wearing wax on my very back brackets. Ughh I was doing good but then I have these poke marks into my cheeks on either side. It usually doesn't really hurt so I thought I could just tough through it and maybe it would heal quicker but I just decided to wax it up! I'm pretty sure it's the very back bracket. Maybe the stupid hook on that one. But I've been waxing my last two brackets just in case. The Ortho Assistant said to try not to use wax but I'm only using it on these two places. That's probably ok right? Everywhere else has felt just fine... no rubbing on the front or anything. My cheeks actually felt pretty sore this morning in those two spots even though I wore wax all night and then took it off for breakfast. Oh well... it's only day 4 right?
Anyhow, I do feel like I'm getting used to these things. Though when i think about it sometimes, I feel like I'm wearing a pair of those fake vampire teeth. You know the kind... the plastic kind?
beckyboo0205 wrote:So I'm off the drugs but on the wax now! ha
I still have tenderness on my front top 6 teeth (especially my one canine tooth on one side, but it actually might be lining up maybe? It's sorta hard to tell.) My snake fang tooth buildups are kinda driving me nuts at times. They really feel like snake fangs tucked back. Anyhow, even with my front 6 hurting some, I decided to attempt eating 2 hard boiled eggs with my front teeth. It hurt some at first but it seemed to get better and hurt less... it just hurt looking at all the egg jammed into my braces! BAH! But I felt proud that I'm like 4 days in and bit into stuff with my front teeth. YAY!
I am wearing wax on my very back brackets. Ughh I was doing good but then I have these poke marks into my cheeks on either side. It usually doesn't really hurt so I thought I could just tough through it and maybe it would heal quicker but I just decided to wax it up! I'm pretty sure it's the very back bracket. Maybe the stupid hook on that one. But I've been waxing my last two brackets just in case. The Ortho Assistant said to try not to use wax but I'm only using it on these two places. That's probably ok right? Everywhere else has felt just fine... no rubbing on the front or anything. My cheeks actually felt pretty sore this morning in those two spots even though I wore wax all night and then took it off for breakfast. Oh well... it's only day 4 right?
Anyhow, I do feel like I'm getting used to these things. Though when i think about it sometimes, I feel like I'm wearing a pair of those fake vampire teeth. You know the kind... the plastic kind?
Heheh that is so good that you are eating soft things on your front teeth again. Lol i had to laugh at having egg jammed into your braces haha I have that to look forward to I guess Lol!
Yeh I think it is fine to use the wax if you need to! I am sure your mouth will toughen up in no time! How are you finding eating food and stuff getting stuck? What do you do when you are at work or in public after eating? Do you go and just do a water rinse or do you fully brush your teeth after each meal or any food?
Lol! fake vampire teeth hehehe, i could understand how you feel like that, those things hurt and dig into your cheeks just like braces i guess hehe
Hope the pain goes down soon. Are you eating any more solid foods rather than eggs? Hope it is going well you should be proud of yourself!
Odd that you were told not to wax much. Everyone at my office always tells me to wax like crazy if I need it (but I can never get it to stick so I usually give up). Those back brackets can be really irritating sometimes That too does get better. Mine bother me after an adjustment for a couple of days but are otherwise mostly okay.
Glad the teeth aren't *too* sore today. I empathize with the eggy grin though! Picking the food out of my teeth is the worst!
So my question is I guess.... if I am using wax on my back brackets... do my cheeks really "toughen" up back there? Once they heal and I can take the wax off, are they just going to get poked again?
The good thing (or the bad thing sometimes) about eating is that I am always at home. Since I live remote (see my post a few days before I got braced), I don't have that opportunity to go out to eat. And I just go home for lunch. I tried eating a banana with my front teeth a few days ago and it hurt too much, but I broke it up and chewed that. The egg is the first real thing with the front of my braces and ehh so much stuck at first. I had a frozen lasagna as my "first meal" and 5 bites in, YAHHHHHH So much stuff in there. Things were orange and there were green parsley pieces all over. But honestly, I went to the bathroom and swished my mouth around with water and everything came out. Ok i think I did have to pick a few pieces of green stuff. And there may have been stuff in the back of my mouth but I looked presentable if anyone saw me!
So I've been eating solid foods for sure... just chewing with my back teeth slowly (so I don't hit my front teeth and those dumb snake fangs!) I had biscuits and gravy last night but there were some crunchy biscuit bits that hurt a little. Hard boiled eggs... lasagna (but I didn't have pain yet.) Some chinese noodle soup with some cooked vegetables, but again, I wasn't really sore yet. And definately some soft things... cottage cheese, applesauce, yogurt... This might sound gross but I've been eating some Hormel Corned Beef Hash (it's from a can and looks like dog food but I secretly love it!) I, of course, bought some Ben and Jerry's ice cream!!!! ha I got this Red Velvet kind that I've never had before. Tasted good but there are cake pieces which sorta add a weird texture.
Alright, better go and help my husband make that delicious Cream of Potato soup (if you want the recipe, I'll post it)!!
Your mouth definitely toughens up to the brackets. I had to use wax on 3 of my 4 back brackets. Occasionally, I will still use it on one of them but my mouth has got used to them. The dentist told me that a lot of the time the ulcers and sores are because we are so aware of something foreign in our mouth that we subconciously move things around in there to feel it out. Once your mouth settles, they will heal. If I talk more than usual, one will start to irritate me but apart from that I am wax free now!
Sure does. I'm assuming you've got wax on them because they've already started to irritate you a bit? In which case, the mouth will heal itself in those places and be more resilient than before.
I've always been told that the mouth is the part of the body that heals and adapts the fastest.
I didn't feel like putting my wax back on after lunch so I left it off, and I think my mouth is healing. YAY! I think I'll still wear the wax at night though.
On a side note, for lunch I ate a SANDWICH! Ok it was an egg salad sandwich and was really soft but still... I ate bread that I had to bit into with my front teeth. YIPPIE. This has been a breeze compared to what I was preparing myself for!!!! I thought I was going to be on a pure liquid diet! ha I'm sure it can't be this easy always...
beckyboo0205 wrote:I didn't feel like putting my wax back on after lunch so I left it off, and I think my mouth is healing. YAY! I think I'll still wear the wax at night though.
On a side note, for lunch I ate a SANDWICH! Ok it was an egg salad sandwich and was really soft but still... I ate bread that I had to bit into with my front teeth. YIPPIE. This has been a breeze compared to what I was preparing myself for!!!! I thought I was going to be on a pure liquid diet! ha I'm sure it can't be this easy always...
that is really good that you ate the bread and used your front teeth I hope my braces behave like yours! hehehe. You are going so well! and by the way, your sandwich sounds amazing lol yum!
I'm a little sick..... boo. During the day I'm pretty much fine... a little tickle in my throat that makes me cough. But at night, my nose stuffs up and I'm forced to breathe through my mouth. UGHH That's the worst! I hate breathing through my mouth when I sleep... I can't stand it. My mouth gets all dry and I hate the super dry lip feeling. I put on chapstick every night to ensure I don't have the dry lips at night. But when I'm forced to be a mouth breather, it doesn't help at all. Now, I've learned mouth breathing with braces is worse!!! ha The braces stick to your lips... I moved and ripped them off my mouth and it felt like there were a few cuts. Now if feels fine but I was worried it would cause problems.
beckyboo0205 wrote:I'm a little sick..... boo. During the day I'm pretty much fine... a little tickle in my throat that makes me cough. But at night, my nose stuffs up and I'm forced to breathe through my mouth. UGHH That's the worst! I hate breathing through my mouth when I sleep... I can't stand it. My mouth gets all dry and I hate the super dry lip feeling. I put on chapstick every night to ensure I don't have the dry lips at night. But when I'm forced to be a mouth breather, it doesn't help at all. Now, I've learned mouth breathing with braces is worse!!! ha The braces stick to your lips... I moved and ripped them off my mouth and it felt like there were a few cuts. Now if feels fine but I was worried it would cause problems.
OUCH! that would of hurt having the braces stick to your lip and having to "peel" them off, ouch! I hope you start to feel better soon!!
I can still feel the two raw spots on my lip where I peeled the braces off. Thankfully they don't really hurt.
Now the problem I am having is, though my teeth don't really hurt anymore, I still have to chew real slow because of my tooth buildups. If I don't, I'll hit my buildups and my lower teeth. I guess it's better than chipping a tooth but urgg... It's sorta hard to chew meat real slowly... I tried to chew the chicken chunks in my chicken noodle soup and I didn't feel like I was breaking it down much because I just ended up swallowing them.