So back story - WHen I was 16 I had tmj pretty seriously. I kept telling my dad that it would click and snap and at times I couldn't hardly open my mouth, he didn't believe me until it literally LOCKED, that was it, for 6 painful weeks it was stuck. Long story short, I got braces, had some crazy things going on in my mouth, but int he long run, it was just what I needed to fix the problems.
Fast Forward to getting debraced. It was a late appointment, I worked late that day so they said just to get there when I got there... unfortunately the ortho was old and just ready to close up shop and would not allow me toget my retainer *poured* No time he said... so 3 days later I came in and got my retainer, my teeth had shiftedin the front and my front tooth stuck out. He did not care, said he was there to fix my bite, not my teeth, so I was stuck.
Unfortunately I hated my teeth, even after braces.... so when my retainer broke about 3 years after I got my braces off, I wasn't too worried seeing as I alreadyhated my teeth...
Fast forward 10 years my teeth have not only shifted but are not worse than before braces the first time. I look at myteeth and get really upset. I mean they are horrid, not by most people's standards... butconsidering I had braces and all I just look at myteeth and cringe.
So here I am at age 30, planning to get braced in one week. I have chosen to do just tops because my lower teeth do not show when I speak andI am doing this for a purely cosmetic point of view.
And today the ortho called and told me if I am interested he would throw in the clears for free. I am so excited, I wanted clear so bad but just not in the budget!! But I get it anyways, so that's great news for me. I will post pictures of my teeth soon, already have in another thread, but I will post them here and we shall see where this journey takes us. Hopefully to beautiful teeth at the end.