Braces at 40, plus kids in braces as well

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Braces at 40, plus kids in braces as well

#1 Post by jenleahlynn »

It's nice to know i'm not the only one. technically i won't be 40 unitil december, but i did feel embarrassed at first. My husband and i both should have had braces as kids, so we knew it was in our kids future as well. we have triplet girls who are 10, and a son who is 8. the girls have been checking in with the ortho since they were 8 because of crowding issues, so we knew this would be the year so we increased our dental insurance. when C got her expander, it got me thinking about my tmj, so i scheduled a consultation. I had a top expander as a kid, but with my family moving and finances, i didn't continue to braces. the ortho says that i have a crossbite, and full braces top and bottom will help with the jaw pain. my family dentist agreed, along with my allergist, so i took the plunge. it's been about 3 weeks now, and i'm adjusting pretty well. my daughters will be going into braces in about a month.

Papa Joe
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Re: Braces at 40, plus kids in braces as well

#2 Post by Papa Joe »

Congrads, I'm 30 with 2 kids and braces. It'll be worth it . I've had mine a year, still one more year to go .

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Re: Braces at 40, plus kids in braces as well

#3 Post by SunshineRay »

Hi, Im 38 and will be getting braces soon. I also have 2 daughters who need braces within the next year.

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Re: Braces at 40, plus kids in braces as well

#4 Post by jenleahlynn »

so far it's working okay being in braces, and the girls in expanders on their way to braces. I'm more aware of what they can't eat, or what is just easier to eat. i felt very awkward at first, but everyone's responses have been positive. i substitute teach and i'm finding that elementary school kids are very curious, and a lot of them meantion they are on the road to braces as well.

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