opera^gal's story
Moderator: bbsadmin
Re: opera^gal's story
An upper molar, that is the stabilizing area for the retainer, has been sensitive on and off this week. I've paid it extra attention with the ultrasonic toothbrush (you all know the brand
) and been careful when flossing. I see the dentist for a cleaning in a couple weeks and if it is still bugging me, will have it checked thoroughly!

2/2/09: metal braces T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
Re: opera^gal's story
Dental cleaning appointment this morning was a breeze...not much scraping, so my routine continues to prove viable. Had the sensitive molar X-rayed and there was no obvious problem seen, but there does appear to be a tiny bit of gum recession, which might be the cause of the issue. She treated it with what I'd call the dental equivalent of 'fingernail polish'. Brushed on and cured with the magic blue light. Conservative approach for now, and should it continue to be an issue, will discuss the possibility of a filling swap-out (old amalgam for new ceramic) and/or a root canal..
. All appendages crossed that the treatment today will be enough!!!

2/2/09: metal braces T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
Re: opera^gal's story
Been a week since the molar was treated, and it had worked...to a degree. The sensitivity is still there, but much much less intense. I did find my gum line above the treated site to be roughed up and almost a feeling of being burned...wonder if there was something on the cotton wads the dentist held there tightly during application? All of that has healed, thankfully.
2/2/09: metal braces T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
Re: opera^gal's story
I have often wondered about that polish for gum recession! Good to know that it is somewhat helpful. Is the discomfort constant or on and off? Fingers crossed that it goes away on it's own. Any chance it could be from clenching on the retainer at night?
Re: opera^gal's story
whiteswan: it comes and goes, more annoying than painful..and clenching is a non-issue since the completion of the orthodontic treatment...so far so good, as the more significant twinges appear to be gone!
2/2/09: metal braces T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
Re: opera^gal's story
A week using sensitivity toothpaste...tastes terrible and no effect so far...does say 2 weeks before you should see a difference..so will keep it up
. Been fighting insomnia of late...oh how I hate it!!! 

2/2/09: metal braces T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
Re: opera^gal's story
2 weeks using the sensitive toothpaste and I believe it isn't for me. Sadly, my molar continues to zing me on and off and I think a return trip to the dentist is in my future..ugh! I have been trying the ortho suggested retainer wear of one night on/one night off...and it seems ok..will continue it until the next checkup in late April and see what the doc says about it. The insomnia has eased but hasn't disappeared completely..frustrating!!
2/2/09: metal braces T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
Re: opera^gal's story
3rd week on the icky toothpaste..no difference that I can notice. Considering stopping and going back to my regular gel. Few weeks and I can ask the ortho about retainer wear but I'm sensing that dental visit looming to deal with the problematic molar. Bleh 

2/2/09: metal braces T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
Re: opera^gal's story
Gave up on the toothpaste..have a call into the dentist, waiting on an appt..been wearing my clear retainer, which lessens the twinges a bunch!!
2/2/09: metal braces T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
Re: opera^gal's story
Saw the dentist today..explained the symptom..after rechecking the X-ray, she decided to replace the old amalgam filling..which meant drilling and grinding and needles oh my!!
Been so long since I'd had a filling, I'd forgotten how awful it was..
. Novocaine is wearing off now, so fingers crossed the problem is resolved.

2/2/09: metal braces T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
Re: opera^gal's story
The sensitive molar remains sensitive a week after the old filling was replaced..grrr
. Have a call into the dentist but alas, she is out of town, likely until next week at some point. No clue what is the next step in this new adventure. But that is the bad news.
The good news ( I suppose) is that after my retainer check up this morning, I've been OFFICIALLY DISMISSED/RELEASED!!! Yes folks, you can eventually no longer have to visit your orthodontist on a regular basis..amazing
I was given instructions to wear my retainers 2-3 times a week (I've been doing one night on/one night off for a while), and if I have any issues or concerns, to come back in. I did ask the gals up front who deal with the money part of the practice, whether or not any further visits after dismissal will incure an office visit cost, and was told that only if I need a retainer replacement, will there be a cost...otherwise, no charge

The good news ( I suppose) is that after my retainer check up this morning, I've been OFFICIALLY DISMISSED/RELEASED!!! Yes folks, you can eventually no longer have to visit your orthodontist on a regular basis..amazing

2/2/09: metal braces T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
- Posts: 853
- Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:44 am
Re: opera^gal's story
---- My story--- http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... =9&t=44312

Re: opera^gal's story
Thanks Sunshineray.
Still no word from the dentist having returned from her seminar, and now I need the appt. even more...along with the sensitivity issue on the molar, I cracked part of the bonding off on an upper canine while eating...wait for it...hummus
..yeah, that's what I thought as well. It's not visible but I can feel it with my tongue..annoying
. Hope the office calls tomorrow before I call and leave another message. Ugh
Still no word from the dentist having returned from her seminar, and now I need the appt. even more...along with the sensitivity issue on the molar, I cracked part of the bonding off on an upper canine while eating...wait for it...hummus

2/2/09: metal braces T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
Re: opera^gal's story
Ouch I hope the sensitivity can be fixed :/ wow what was in the hummus? Now I am weary of eating pita chips even after im done with braces. It's interesting how little we realize things can damage or teeth.
Does your molar feel random zings, or sensitivity during certain activities only? I.e. cold or hot foods, crunchy foods, teeth clenching, breathing through mouth, etc.
Does your molar feel random zings, or sensitivity during certain activities only? I.e. cold or hot foods, crunchy foods, teeth clenching, breathing through mouth, etc.
Re: opera^gal's story
Kurisu: the molar zings to air and certain foods, as well as some touching with the tongue..strange I know, but at the moment it feels like the rim of the new filling is most sensitive.
Dentist has returned and will see me on Thurs afternoon...counting down to being zing-free!
Dentist has returned and will see me on Thurs afternoon...counting down to being zing-free!
2/2/09: metal braces T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B
8/20/10: braced removed (18mons, 18days), hawley retainers T/B
9/16/10: LR central incisor extracted (failed root canal)
2/23/11: implant/bone graft
9/15/11: implant crown placed, lower lingual bonding corrected
9/21/11: upper bonding on lateral gaps from upper arch forward advancement
10/17/11: new hawley retainers w/plastic tubing over the 'social six' wire, both T/B