Ortho retainer check took over 2 hrs this morning

. Not the fault of the ortho in any way, shape or form. She checked the Hawley and said before making ANY changes to a perfectly fitting appliance, she wanted me to wear a clear 'splint' (aka vacu-formed thermo plastic deal) until I see the endodontist next week, and see if that simmers down that molar sensitivity at all. Ok, I've worn those before, so no problem..right? Oh so not right! Tech takes impressions of top and bottom, and says '20mins..go wait in the main waiting area'. No problem...read a magazine, then two, then three..checked the clock..an HOUR had gone by. Receptionists went to check and yes, the splints were done ages ago..

. I go back to a room, try them on..bottom fits like a glove, top one is so wonkified, my front teeth feel like they are being shoved back while the back teeth are constantly rocking the splint back and forth. I explain the issue with the top and the tech says 'you'll get used to it'..ummmm...no...best you check this again!. Trim this, grind that..didn't fix the issue. She huffs and puffs and goes to get the ortho, who looks and shakes her head and tells lil miss grumpypants to make ANOTHER IMPRESSION and try again

. This time, I wait *in the chair*, and less than 20mins later, in comes grumpy, with the mold of my teeth with the splint on it, as she seems unable to get it off the mold. Finally gets it off and before I can try it on, the ortho pops in, checks it and pops it in herself. I get the feeling at this point, that the ortho oversaw the procedure of grumpypants, which has made grumpy even MORE grumpy. Long story made longer, the top one now fits fine and we discuss what's next, as she is the third oral professional on the case of the sensitive molar quest. She says to give these a go, and see what the endo (whom was one of her instructors) says, and go from there. I could end up in these type of splints, back into my original Hawley, or a modified Hawley, once all is said and done. The ortho will follow through with both the dentist and the endodontist.