Feeling discouraged

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Feeling discouraged

#1 Post by Tara »

My teeth were straight-ish before I got braces. I was perfectly happy with my teeth, just not my underbite.

And now my braces are starting to make gaps appear in my teeth and some of my teeth are overlapping and they look much worse and less straight with braces on.

I'm struggling to stay positive about my braces knowing that they will have to make my teeth and bite look worse before they make them look better (so I can get my jaw surgery).


I'm starting to question if all this was really worth fixing something that I didn't have that much of a problem with to start off with.

Has anyone else felt like this? How do you stay motivated?
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Re: Feeling discouraged

#2 Post by Tobilei »

I don't know what to tell you other than it does get worse before it gets better :( It sucks, but it really does. I got all kinds of new gaps and stuff, then my top gap closed for the first time since I had baby teeth but my bottom middle one nearly doubled. Now it's back to the size it was before but not closed yet. Hang in there! I know it's tough but try not to feel discouraged.

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Re: Feeling discouraged

#3 Post by Tara »

Every time I look at my teeth I feel sad. I'm so used to having straight nice teeth and now they look so terrible and even less white. :( It's to the point where I honestly regret doing this. I no longer think it's worth it. 2 years in braces and surgery, crooked teeth, pain, and $25,000 all up to correct something that I didn't have that much of a problem with.

AND the only problem I did have with my bite was that it made my lower jaw look slightly too prominent and they've now told me the surgery might not fix that and I could have to have more surgery after that, that would be considered cosmetic surgery to reduce my chin.

Ugh. If I had have been told that prior to braces, I wouldn't have bothered correcting my bite at all and would have just opted for the cosmetic surgery.

:( I just don't even know how to express how much I am hating braces right now!!!

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Re: Feeling discouraged

#4 Post by Tobilei »

You've had them on 2 years already? How long are they expecting you will need to be in them?

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Re: Feeling discouraged

#5 Post by TMJJill »

Are those pictures you posted current? I understand your concerns if you are 2 years in.

Have you had a recent sit-down conversation with your orthodontist? It might be time to have a talk about your new predicted timeframes and how much he thinks he can accomplish in your treatment. If nothing else, it may give you some piece of mind.

I'm in braces to change my bite. My teeth were fairly straight going in. With all the shifting and movement of my bite, I've absolutely had times where I've been unhappy with the look. Mostly it has gotten better fairly quickly with the next adjustments. I've had one side come together pretty well. My other side has been extremely slow with a couple teeth that just don't want to move. My orthodontist has been good about talking me through things though so I know what he is trying to accomplish with each visit.

I will say that I'm getting to the point that I'm ready to be done. I know I still have a while in the braces because of those pokey teeth though.

Braces as Phase II treatment for TMJD.
Lower mandibular repositioning splint 26 months.
Lower braces on 10.75 months into Phase II treatment.
Duration in braces: 2 years, 2 weeks, 5 days
Removal of Braces: September 18, 2013

TMJD treatment now complete!

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Re: Feeling discouraged

#6 Post by SunshineRay »

Aww I feel so bad for you! I would be frustrated too. I agree you need to sit down/call/whatever and talk to your ortho. Did they come up with a treatment plan in the beginning and now they are adding to it?

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Re: Feeling discouraged

#7 Post by jean001 »

I think that you should call the ortho and ask to talk to him or her about your concerns. You should have to feel worried. It is probably part of the process but call them and ask. I think you will feel better if you do.

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Re: Feeling discouraged

#8 Post by braceyourselfs »

You just have to trust the orthodontry and the wait required to fix...

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Re: Feeling discouraged

#9 Post by Quins »

Hi Tara

I understand how you feel. I had crooked teeth all my life. Because of the public system not wanting to help with braces as a teen, one of my lower central incisors died and needed a root canal. Well 12 years later I now had to have the tooth extracted due to a facture. Well it ended up in a surgical extraction. My gums have receded so far that my roots are exposed and I have a gap. I have been in braces 3 months and I just cant see things ever working out. It looks absolutely ugly now. My upper teeth are starting to look good but my lower teeth look like the pin of a hand grenade was pulled and then shoved into my mouth and left to explode. My lower teeth look like Shrek.

Hard to stay positiv but I try.

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