July 2013 Buddies

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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Re: July 2013 Buddies

#31 Post by ReoSity »

Hey BracketBaring my surgery's on the same day, are you having upper and lower?

Oh and I loathe the surgical hooks, I've had them for 2 weeks and they've constantly irritated my lips. While I doubt I'll be more thrilled when I see the aesthetic results after surgery, the day I get my braces off will be one of the happiest days of my life. Hate these things.

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Re: July 2013 Buddies

#32 Post by BracketBaring »

ReoSity wrote:Hey BracketBaring my surgery's on the same day, are you having upper and lower?

Oh and I loathe the surgical hooks, I've had them for 2 weeks and they've constantly irritated my lips. While I doubt I'll be more thrilled when I see the aesthetic results after surgery, the day I get my braces off will be one of the happiest days of my life. Hate these things.
Don't know yet. Upper for sure, maybe lower too. I suppose he'll tell me right before surgery. Doesn't matter, as I'm committed either way.

I'm so glad I only have to be in these hooks for 2 days before surgery. I think I have 26 or 28 hooks all together. Surgeon told my ortho the more the better (yeah, for his sake, lol). I hear you on getting the braces off. Can't wait to floss without all this hardware. What a royal PITA!!

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Re: July 2013 Buddies

#33 Post by mia137 »

Can you guys put wax on the hooks? I only had 8 and only overnight but they said I could put wax on if they were bothering me.

Best of luck!! Keep positive and keep us posted!

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Re: July 2013 Buddies

#34 Post by ReoSity »

T-minus 7 hours until surgery. Talk to you guys soon.

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Re: July 2013 Buddies

#35 Post by ccjjb »

I had my surgery a week ago today, a 3 piece lefort one on top. It went pretty well except the oxygen tube was moved post-op and so now I'm also recovering form a septoplasty which makes things significantly less fun :( But other than that I'm feeling great and ready for these bands to start coming off!! Good luck ReoSity and everyone about to have surgery!

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Re: July 2013 Buddies

#36 Post by BracketBaring »

4 hrs till surgery. My surgeon called me last night at 8 pm just to see if I had any last minute questions. Nice guy to say the least. He's moving my maxilla 5mm fwd and 2mm up (so I don't end up showing too much gum from the advancement), and he's moving the mandible back 3mm and up 2mm (so I don't end up with an open bite from moving the maxilla up 2mm).

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Re: July 2013 Buddies

#37 Post by mia137 »

Good luck today you guys!!

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Re: July 2013 Buddies

#38 Post by yellowhat »

Good luck to you guys.

I had check up with ortho yesterday and he is very happy with bite ( with elastics on) so no need for second surgery. :D
On soft food now so being experimental with the blender.

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Re: July 2013 Buddies

#39 Post by mia137 »

I discovered yesterday that I have bad sores all inside my top lip from my lip swelling against my braces. I had been wondering why I felt pain from the incision site so low. This might not be something for the rest of you to worry about - I got my top braces on only 2 weeks before surgery so my mouth wasn't used to them yet - but I wanted to give everyone a heads up since a little wax can stop it.

I've been feeling down the last couple days. It's amazing how strongly being unable to smile or laugh affects my mood. (Yesterday I started to tell my husband something funny, which made me laugh, hurting me worse than I've felt since surgery. I had to run out of the room because the situation - laughing uncontrollably and then instantly crying out in pain - was so strangely funny itself) Most of it is the pain killers but since I had the guard removed and the bands put on Monday, the pain increased. I cut my pain med doses by about 1/3 yesterday and today switched to the weaker pain meds (that I know have very little effect on my digestion and mood). I'm feeling more pain but on balance I think it will help me feel more like myself. I'm also looking forward to the swelling going down more. It's almost gone - now if you didn't know what I looked like before, you might just think I have funny cheeks and got a TON of collagen in my upper lip - but I still don't look like myself in the mirror.

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Re: July 2013 Buddies

#40 Post by yellowhat »

Mia- I wonder when we will like what we see in the mirror?
The surgery successfully got rid of my gummy smile but now I can see other imperfections. I fea :? r I set expectations too high.

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Re: July 2013 Buddies

#41 Post by mia137 »

I'm sorry Yellowhat! Give it some time. As you heal and start to feel better physically, you'll feel better mentally and not notice so much the little things that are getting you down. Just show off your new pretty smile as much as possible! :)

I don't expect to look any different than I did. I asked them about that and both doctors said that there will be a few minor changes but no one would notice a difference if they didn't know I'd had surgery. They only moved my jaw 5mm. The long term aesthetic effects sound great - my upper jaw being too far back would have caused quicker aging of a facial features and I'm eliminating that. But I didn't want to change how I look now. I'm not perfect, but I'm me, and there's nothing "wrong" that needed to be fixed. The process probably would be more exciting if I was fixing something aesthetically. I think the before and after pictures of people who are are very neat. It was hard for me to get excited about surgery when the benefits - not breaking and losing teeth - are so far down the line and the pain and discomfort of surgery are now!

I'm feeling a lot better today, btw. I switched from norco to tramadol for pain relief. I'm feeling a lot more of the pain but it's definitely manageable and totally worth not being so drugged up.

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Re: July 2013 Buddies

#42 Post by BracketBaring »

Surgery went well per surgeon. First day sucked. Had an NG tube in to keep stomach clear, which caused swallowing discomfort and I couldn't move around (too tired first night anyways). Threw up bloody mucus 3x first night. Next morning ng tube and urinary cath came out and I could get up. Started liquids yesterday morning and puréed foods today. Tough to eat a lot from a syringe, and can't open enough for even a baby spoon ( banded together real tight). Felt good to shower last night. My surgeon came in and showed me the new pan X-ray. Was on iv morphine first night and roxicet liquid yesterday. Haven't taken any pain meds today yet. Finishing up Iv decadron (steroid) and iv antibiotic today, then discharge home this afternoon with scripts for roxicet liquid and keflex antibiotic. Will pick up some liquid ibuprofen and sudafed too while at pharmacy.

Pain levels are low. Just a ton of swelling of my lips and face, and numbness. Pretty congested too. I've been trying to clear out dry blood from nose with qtips and hydrogen peroxide. Using some saline spray too. Will finish Afrin spray today since it can only be used 3 days. Lots of drooling from swollen bottom lip. I've been trying to use some chapstick to prevent cracking of lips, especially the corners.

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Re: July 2013 Buddies

#43 Post by ccjjb »

Congestion has definitely been one of the worst problems for my recovery, but unless you have other problems it should clear up almost completely in the next week or so and after that everything feels much easier or at least it did for me :)

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Re: July 2013 Buddies

#44 Post by mia137 »

Breathe Right strips and a humidifier helped me a lot with that, too. Good luck.

Also, my surgeon told me I could blow my nose lightly. The literature they sent me home with strongly said not to, so definitely ask first. While that was unproductive the first day or two, it finally worked for me and really improved my breathing.

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Re: July 2013 Buddies

#45 Post by ReoSity »

Sorry for the late update but it's been a pretty miserable week. I have an above normal amount of swelling (it's so intense and significant that I can't look at myself in the mirror) and it's caused a lot discomfort the last couple days. Surgery went well though and my doc was happy. I'm just taking it day by day.

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