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I know....I'm being a baby! This is the bit I have been dreading! I have overcrowded bottom teeth so got to make some room to move things around! Bottom brace will be put on 9th september at my next appointment. Luckily you can't see my bottom teeth too much so I'm hoping the huge gap I'll have to suffer for a while will not be too noticeable!
I can't believe I have had my top brace on for over 4 months really has flown by! Someone at work said to me today, "Oh, you have braces"! I happily show them off now and can talk at length about the whole procedure...blah blah they wish they'd never asked....
39 year old woman.
Upper Ceramic Braces Put On 16/4/2013.
Lower Metal Braces put on 9/9/2013.
Search on here for my thread "progress with lower incisor extraction." You will be shocked how fast it heals and the space closes. I just posted pics a couple weeks ago.
kathydell wrote:Search on here for my thread "progress with lower incisor extraction." You will be shocked how fast it heals and the space closes. I just posted pics a couple weeks ago.
Thanks Kathy! I had a look....That gap closed amazingly fast! I really hope mine is pretty quick too!
39 year old woman.
Upper Ceramic Braces Put On 16/4/2013.
Lower Metal Braces put on 9/9/2013.
Tooth removal cancelled! I got there ready to get this over and done with and the dentist will not remove the tooth because the receptionists have mislaid the letter from my Ortho with the instructions on which tooth is to be removed! I know which tooth is to come out but he would not do it without the written confirmation...understandable and not his fault but i'm so angry! So they now have to contact my Ortho to get an email from him confirming which tooth is to come out and then my dentist will contact me to reschedule.....ugh!
39 year old woman.
Upper Ceramic Braces Put On 16/4/2013.
Lower Metal Braces put on 9/9/2013.
Aw. I'm sorry. That is so frustrating. My bottoms were braced and the tooth to be extracted was left without a bracket and not attached to the wire so it was real easy for the oral surgeon. I did give them quite a scare (jokingly) when I gasped and said they extracted the wrong tooth when the assistant gave me the mirror afterwards. Mine was done at the beginning of May so I'm happy to answer any questions if you come across any. I'm sure the oral surgeon will tell you but if you use a Waterpik, which a lot of us do, do not use at all for 3 days. After that, they told me to be careful to stay away from that area for 10-14 days. You don't want to dislodge the clot with the Waterpik and get a dry socket. In terms of food choices, I did pasta, eggs and pudding the day of the extraction (okay, maybe ice cream too!) and the next. Honestly, I was surprised how quickly I could eat normal food again. I think it's because it was a front tooth that it got easier quicker.
Hi Kezza!
I don't want to alarm you....but I had extremely crowded lowers and the orthodontist suggested extraction of the left lateral incisor. 5 months into treatment there wasn't enough space and he extracted the right premolar. The result is that I have a canine instead of the extracted incisor and it looked very strange. My lower brace got off two days ago and I had to do some cosmetic contouring and tooth building to make the teeth look symmetrical.
In adults incisor extraction does give most permanent results however make sure you'll have enough space. Maybe it would be advisable to get a second opinion, unless your crowding is minimal.
Good luck!!
Hi I got my lower incisor removed 1.5 months ago. Braced within 3 days after the extaction. By the 4th week they put the chains on my lower front teeth to start closing the gap. I believed it will be completely closed in another month or so. Best of luck!!
As for the extraction after 1 day everything was quite normal.
Thanks for all your messages of support everyone!'s done! It wasn't anywhere near as awful as i'd imagined it to be. I couldn't believe how fast he removed it....I had visions of him tugging at it for hours ...My appointment was at 10am and I was walking out of there by 20 past! Gosh it looks ugly!! I'm feeling a little depressed about it but I just have to keep reminding myself of the bigger picture! Luckily you can't see my bottom teeth too much...maybe a little when I'm talking so I'm feeling a bit self conscious right now.....Oh well....No turning back now...roll on the 9th september for bottom brace day!
39 year old woman.
Upper Ceramic Braces Put On 16/4/2013.
Lower Metal Braces put on 9/9/2013.