November 2013 Surgery Buddies

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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Re: November 2013 Surgery Buddies

#46 Post by survenant »

My surgeon told me that it was the tongue's job to clean the inside of your teeth. You should ask him.

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Re: November 2013 Surgery Buddies

#47 Post by survenant »

Alicia, have you tried eating with a spoon? I have tried eating yogurt, it's a bit messy, but it's feasible.

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Re: November 2013 Surgery Buddies

#48 Post by Alicia110613 »

Hi survenant,

I have tried - sometimes use a spoon when I drink soup. I cant fit the entire spoon into my mouth, just part of it. Tomorrow I think I'll try to use a baby spoon to eat yogurt. =)

I met with my surgeon today and he said I can probably open wide enough to fit a baby toothbrush inside my mouth by the two-week mark. Can't wait to get to that point!

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Re: November 2013 Surgery Buddies

#49 Post by survenant »

I have 3 rubber bands on the left side and 3 on the right-hand side. The first one on the left side broke this morning. My mom called the surgeon and he told her that I should cut the mirror rubber band on the right-hand side in order to have an even strength on each side

Do you think that's weird? It's been six days since the operation and I don't understand why he doesn't want to replace them.

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Re: November 2013 Surgery Buddies

#50 Post by Alicia110613 »

I had 4 rubber bands initially - 2 in front and 2 near the molars. One of the front rubber band on the front broke on DAY 2 (!!!). I called my Surgeon and he also told me to take off the other front rubber band because he doesn't want things to be "uneven". I went in for an appt the next day, and he said my bite looks good so there was no need to replace the front rubber bands - as they will likely just restrict my jaw movement. Hence I've been living with only 2 rubber bands in the back molars since Day 2.

Based on my experience, what your surgeon said doesn't surprise me at all. I think he just wants to make sure things are "even" and the remaining bands are probably enough to keep things in place. I would just watch out for any shift in your bite and raise your concern at your next weekly checkup.

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Re: November 2013 Surgery Buddies

#51 Post by Alicia110613 »

Btw, are you using heat treatment now (instead of ice) to reduce swelling at this point? And does it help? I'm still quite swollen so just trying to do my best to reduce it before I have to go back to work!

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Re: November 2013 Surgery Buddies

#52 Post by survenant »

I haven't used ice in 2 days. The swelling has gone down a lot, there is still a lot of swelling but about 60% less since the peak on day 2 or 3.

I hadn't heard of heat treatment to reduce swelling prior to your comment. My surgeon has never brought it up.

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Re: November 2013 Surgery Buddies

#53 Post by riley3245 »

Glad to hear everyone is doing well. I have to go in Friday for my x-rays and pre-op stuff. I'm a little ticked off because my center line was fine until one of the brackets fell of my lower tooth and everything moved. Now my bottom midline is off my 2-3 mm. The surgeon said he will move the upper jaw to match it, but I would rather just move the lower teeth over. I'm in the process of doing it now. I have a small gap in the bottom midline now and hope to move it over a little before surgery. I just hope that this space in the bottom is not a problem for the surgery.

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Re: November 2013 Surgery Buddies

#54 Post by Alicia110613 »

Hi Riley,

It sounds like as long as both your ortho and your surgeon are on the same page, it should be fine. Just communicate your concerns. Are you getting excited/anxious?

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Re: November 2013 Surgery Buddies

#55 Post by survenant »

Quick update

Day 7 : I'm able to eat really soft food using a spoon, which is great. Swelling is still goind down albeit more slowly than the previous.

Do you guys feel dizzy sometimes? When I get up from a chair, I fell kind of dizzy. I don't take any medication save for some tylenols so I don't think it has to do with the medication.

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Re: November 2013 Surgery Buddies

#56 Post by scraggy »

Hi survenant.
I felt dizzy after my op when standing, the dizziness is due to low blood pressure, if you stand too quickly you get a drop in blood pressure that brings on the dizziness. It's all tied in to the blood loss from your operation. as the days go on your body is replacing the blood you lost and your blood pressure goes back to what's normal for you. That in turn will stop the dizziness from happening.

The key to it is to stand up slowly making sure if needed your able to sit back down. Don't stand and walk straight away. Just stand wait 10 seconds then walk. This should help. Try not to worry to much it does pass. Mine did around week two. Just make sure you take things easy for a while.

If it continues after post op 2 weeks, get worse or your really worried seek medical advice.

Hope this helps.

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Re: November 2013 Surgery Buddies

#57 Post by lattiee »

Alicia and survenant sound like your doing great . When I had jaw surgery in the mid to late 90's my surgeon said use a water pick to clean the inside of the like put it near edge of the teeth and spray .

Riley it's getting really close for countdown for you like a week from Monday right which means 11 days til your day of surgery .

I'm 14 days post op of the lower plates removal way better than the upper one but i'm still tender at the lower cheek part and it's so hard to not be able to try and rest your hands on that spot but still tender to the touch . I can't really yawn that well otherwise it makes my jaw crack .I can eat regular food now as last I couldn't a week due to the lip sores making it so hard for me to even open up my mouth they were so painful but after I put toothpaste on them thru out the day they healed really quick. I got that idea from a natural remedy site .

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Re: November 2013 Surgery Buddies

#58 Post by survenant »

@Lattie :

It makes sense, I have lost about 1 Liter of blood during the operation.

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Re: November 2013 Surgery Buddies

#59 Post by riley3245 »


That is the thing that is worrying me. My ortho said I need double jaw surgery. My surgeon said he can only do upper, because If he moves the lower back it looks like I might have a problem with sleep apnea. I'm just concerned about the midline. I have an appointment tomorrow with the surgeon so I'll find out then.


Yeap its coming up fast. I'm not thinking about it too much. I know that morning I go in i'll be worried and happy after I wake up. Just like with the sarpe. I just want to get it over with.

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Re: November 2013 Surgery Buddies

#60 Post by survenant »

Another update :

The last elastic on the left side broke while I was talking. To even things out, I cut the same elastic on the right side. Basically, I have no elastics anymore since the first one broke yesteray. I'm worried now, Could it negatively affect the results of the surgery?

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