samoorelaw wrote:Wow, this is amazing! Science never ceases to amaze me. I have to be honest, I kind of want these screws and plates out of me because the thought of having them in my body indefinitely makes me a bit wary. I just hope my plates/screws haven't shifted: won't know until I have my x-rays done on Friday. I always thought the surgeon did x-rays right after the surgery and then at the 6-week mark but apparently my surgeon didn't think that was necessary.SoCalUniveristyLed wrote:The next development in surgery?
Hey guys, I know this is too late for us, but the future of jaw surgery may!
Here's an article about silk screws being used in lab tests, with pretty good results so far. Minimizes swelling, the body absorbs them, and no need for surgery to have the screws removed. Wild and amazing! ... ilk-screws
What do you think? I would have asked for tie die screws
Yeah, I'd like my metal removed, but I don't want to go under the knife again. I read some people can suffer nerve damage from that process, so no thank you. I did have my xray done like as soon as I woke up from surgery lol. It was crazy. My OS didn't do another one yet, but my ortho actually did a side view when i went in at the 1 month mark. I have enough xrays to cover all four walls of my room- at least it feels that way.