I wanted to use this forum to share my story and record my journey as I dive into the world of braces at the ripe age of 26, yikes!
A little background on me: Ever since my adult teeth came in I have hated my smile. My two front teeth are massive and my bottom teeth are crowded. I have always felt very insecure about my smile, I NEVER show my teeth.
The First Steps
At 24, I decided to go to a university's dental school for a free consultation - I wasn't prepared to pay thousands for braces just yet but wanted to go through with a consultation nonetheless. I was told I would first need to pay $350 for records and an x amount before beginning treatment, the rest in payments over 24 months. Not having the down payment money, I decided to start saving.
Fast forward to November 2013, I finally made the leap to get x-rays taken - then came the consultation in which I was told that I would need to get all 4 of my impacted wisdom teeth, 4 bicuspids and my baby canine teeth extracted as well as my impacted canine tooth exposed and bonded - 9 extractions total! This was very discouraging, but nonetheless I made an appointment with the dental surgeons at the dental school for a consultation regarding all of the extractions. They quoted me $3,150 for the entire procedure which was even more discouraging since I did not have that kind of money plus the down payment money required to begin treatment

Then in February 2014 I was finally eligible for dental insurance from my employer

I then scheduled an appointment with an in-network oral surgeon who is highly recommended in the area.
She suggested doing all extractions except for the expose & bond of the canine because she thought 9 extractions would already be too much for me to undergo in one day. I was given a quote for $2200 to pay out of pocket (after insurance) which at this point I could afford and figured if I'm going to get 9 teeth extracted, I'd rather be at the hands of a professional than at a dental school.
The day of surgery was May 9th. That morning the surgeon decided that she wouldn't touch the bicuspid next to my canine for fear that the future expose and bond method wouldn't work. She thought a good plan b would be to extract the impacted canine and use this bicuspid in place of it. I figured it was a good idea in her part so we went ahead with only 8 extractions that day.
All About the Money
Today I went for a 2nd follow up to check on my extraction sites (looking good!) and talk briefly about what we plan on doing about this darn impacted canine. Again she reiterated that the canine is mature now and somewhat likely not to move or take a very long time to bring down if we go with the expose/bond option

I am scheduled to have braces put on this coming Thursday (May 22) but I am waiting to hear back from the orthodontist regarding what might be the best option for the impacted canine. I don't have $2000 at the moment and need to know how soon I need to get either of these done - I have 4 holes in my mouth that I desperately want to start closing. And so I wait for a response....

I hope to be back soon with an update as well as some pictures of what my horrible teeth currently look like.
Thanks for reading!